King's Business - 1927-08

August 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

to embroider the garment of a comely and attractive life. Only by persevering industry can the silken and silver threads be made to produce the perfect pattern which shall be pleasant and alluring in the eyes of men. Heaven will provide the “fine linen, clean and white,” the purple, the scarlet, and the gold, but we must adorn the one with the other, stitch by stitch; never ceasing in our efforts until that day when, in our glorious apparel, we enter the palace of the King. m A ugust 29. “Martha serve¿Mr -John 12:2. IT is fashionable to depreciate Martha and to talk of her as unspiritual. There is, really no foundation for this criticism. Would God there were more Marthas in the world! We sorely need Christians who will translate their love for the Master into practical action. What Martha did was done from love of Him, and such labor cannot but be blessed. It is a mistake to suppose that Mary never served. If she had hot done so she would not have earned the commendation of her Lord. To neglect our active duties that we may sit at the feet of Christ is a snare of the Devil. There is ho divorce between labor and devotion. “Work shall be prayer, if all be wrought As H e would have it done,” Martha’s, mistake was that she was “cumbered” with much serv­ ing. “Careful and troubled about many things,” she had no time to sit at Jesus’ feet The work was lawful and right, but it was not lawful that it should be allowed to swallow up her whole thought and attention to the exclusion of other things. Christ does not exalt Mary at Martha’s expense; He does not even say that hers is the better part. The attitude which she had chosen was “good’’^—for the time being. Martha’s was good also, if it had not hindered her from communion with Him. We must strive to discover the happy medium between the cum­ bered, all-engrossing activity of Martha and the idleness of those who neglect their business that they may be always on the mount. We must serve the Lord with uncumbered hearts, and we must find-lpor make-—-time to be alone with Him. ■ m A ugust 30. “Thou God seest me.” —Gen. 16:13. TH IS text was not intended as a bogey to frighten naughty children, whether infants or of larger growth. Yet so, we fear, it has far too frequently been used. The sense of the All-seeing Eye should not appal u s; rather should if be a source of confi­ dence and j oy. It is a mistake to suppose that God is ever watching us with the purpose of finding fault. His look is one of pity and of love. True, He sees our misdeeds, and our recol­ lection of the fact should restrain us from evil, lest we grieve His tender, gracious heart. But He sees much more than these. He beholds every effort that we make after righteousness; He marks not only our defeats, but also the strife against evil ere we are overcome. He sees, with unforgetting approval, every good deed that we perform; He knows how much they some­ times cost us, and neither praise nor reward shall be lacking in the latter days. He observes all our difficulties, our sorrows, our disappointments and our pains; nor does He look upon them with a stoic eye—sympathy and help come of the Divine observ­ ance. He does not lose sight of us when we wander from the pathway (as Hagar had wandered) nor does He leave us to perish amid the desolation into which we have strayed. His eye is upon us when we strive to do some work for Him, and there is no master upon earth so free in his appreciation, or so tolerant of mistakes on the part of those who serve Him. His


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