King's Business - 1954-11

NOVEMBER 1954 25c

Jehovah ’ s W itn e s se s : Cults9 part 2 . See page 14 THE KING’S


F rom N ew Guinea , a colorful new m issions film . See page 45

f° 15 f o r CHRISTMAS C is for Christmas! And for the Christian, Christmas is a joyous remembrance of God invading human history. I t’s a time when we traditionally give gifts because God gave His greatest Gift. Because you are a reader of K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s we feel you are a friend and because you are a friend we believe you will not mind if we make a suggestion about Christmas gifts. (And by the way we have a gift for you—but more about that later.) Won’t you prayerfully give several K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s gift subscriptions this year? It will mean so much to us and we are confident that God can use your gift subscription to His glory. A subscription will be a 12-time reminder of your love and thoughtfulness. For your convenience you may use the handy order blank on the opposite page. Thank you. (If you’ll send in your orders now it will help eliminate delays caused by last-minute orders. Of course if there are gift cards to be sent we’ll hold them to go out just before Christ­ mas.) Our gift for you this year is a copy of that blessed little book, Christ and Sanctification, by H. C. G. Moule. It’s yours free and postpaid when you give one or more gift subscriptions.

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fromthe editor’s desk

A Secret o f V ictory r r h e world says, “ cheer up, the best is yet to come.” The W ord of God I proclaims the glorious truth, “ cheer up, the worst is yet to come.” W e are hearing of wars and rumors of wars, nations rising against nations, earthquakes in divers places, civilization is. reeling and rocking, the shadows are lengthening and our Lord gives us the glorious promise, that when these things come to pass, “ look up . . . for your redemption draw- eth nigh.” This is the season o f the year set apart for giving thanks in a very special way. Dr. H enry Frost, one of the great leaders of the China Inland Mission of the last generation, told of an experience which he had while on a tour o f the mission stations in China. As he visited station after station, the weight of the work became more and more depressive and he testified to the fact that, try as he might, he could not get out from under the tremendous burdens wh ich he faced. Each evening as he retired, the weight seemed heavier than before. He prayed for deliverance but to no avail. Everywhere he went the work seemed almost too heavy to bear. A fter days of this he almost despaired of even praying. But, one evening as he went into a certain mission station, the first thing that engaged his attention was a little plaque on the wall opposite the entrance door with the phrase on it: T ry Thanksgiving. W hen he went to his room that night his spirits were still low and his devotions were merely a perfunctory thing. As he was about to close his devotional time with no victory in sight, the phrase try thanksgiving came to his mind. As he considered the various phases of the work he could not think of very much for wh ich to be thankful. But the phrase kept com ing back to his mind. He learned the lesson that night, when you cannot thank the Lord for what He does, thank H im for what He is. He began to read the great thanksgiving Psalms and before he realized it, he was praising the Lord for who He is and he began to meditate upon the glory of the Lord: He soon found himself singing songs of the redeemed with a new spirit and a new sense of victory in his own heart. For the first time in weeks, he had rest in sleep that night. The next morning the burdens which had seemed so heavy no longer pressed him down. And, although the conditions remained the same, his attitude toward them had com­ pletely changed. The Lord had given him victory in his heart. W e have much for which to be thankful in what the Lord has done. But we have much more for which to be thankful in who the Lord is. It is because of the nature of K b person that His work is completely effective. A t this Thanksgiving season of the year, try thanksgiving. N ext M on th m w o Christian magazines have been given the privilege of doing special I issues on Billy Graham. M oody Month ly devoted much of their October number to Graham’s London meetings of last winter. K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s has been given the exclusive rights to devote a special issue to Graham’s newest film, “ Souls in Conflict” (see People, page 10). Our special Billy Graham issue w ill be next month and will feature the stories behind the people in the film, articles by B illy Graham, photo stories, interviews and other exclusive behind-the-scenes features. W e believe it w ill be one of the most interesting issues we’ve produced and one you ’ll want to keep as a souvenir.

throughout the west... the


9 Heart searching messages 9 Thrilling testimonies 9 Outstanding features 9 Inspiring music MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK FOR FREE STATION LOG WRITE TO BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR LOS ANGELES 17, CALIF.



Official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home


Established 1910

Voi. 45, No. 11

chancellor LOUIS T. TALBOT editor S. H. SUTHERLAND managing editor LLOYD HAMILL copy editor ROSE HARDIE editorial assistant LUCY R. REDMOND advertising manager MILTON R. SUE circulation manager STELLA KINTER business .manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER editorial board Paul M. Aijian • Charles L. Feinberg Martha S. Hooker « Glenn F. O'Neal • Donald S. Robertson Gerald B. Stanton

ARTICLES REPORT ON FORMOSA — Dick Hillis .................................................... 12 THE INNER SPIRIT OF THE CROSS — G. D. Watson ........................ 13 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES — Cults, Part 2 — Louis T. Talbot ......... 14 BROTHER LAWRENCE — The Practice of the Presence of God ____ 18 OUR CHILDREN: FOR CHRIST OR THE WORLD _______ ____ _____ 19 THANKSGIVING POEM — A. D. Bradley .................... ........................ 38 A THANKSGIVING LETTER — Frank H. E. Wood .............. ............. 44 THE LAND TIME FORGOT— Photo story ............................................... 45 FEATURES FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ....................................................................... 4 READER REACTION ...................... .................................... .............. .... 6 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller .................... 8 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ............................. 10 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............ .............................. 20 OUT OF THE LAB — Donald S. Robertson ................................. ..... ... 21 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton .................... ..... 22 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ................ .......... 23 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore.. 25 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ................. 26 THE SCOPE OF MISSIONS — Oran H. Smith ........................................... 28 B00K REV|EWS— Donald G. Davis ....................... 30 .............. 34 IN CHRIST IS LIFE — What Separates Man From God? ................... 41 ADVERTISERS' INDEX .................................................................................... 50 -,.i* . / - LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED —^Margaret Jacobsen ......... 35 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS — Chester J. Padgett ...................... ........ 36 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS — Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood.. 39 OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. Wilder ........... ............. ............ 46 COVER When Dr. Louis T . Talb o t returned recently from a globe-circling m is­ sions tour he brought with him one of the most colorful m issionary film s yet produced. One of the more fascinating aspects of the new picture is that part of the background music and chants that was recorded on the spot by Talb ot's technicians. For the story see page 45. — Design & art : bAarvin Rubin BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ............................................. ............ CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ........... 24 ^

_ H I „ . Donald G. Davis • James O. Henry Margaret Jacobsen Chester J. Padgett • Oran H. Smith

Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

"The King's Business." Date of expira­ tion will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For information address the Advertising Manager, 558 - South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS—"The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed’ to us for consideration.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — " The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCE^“ — Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to

R e c u le r Î^ e a c t i on BROTHER LAWRENCE Sirs: Would it be possible to get these precious “ Brother Lawrence Letters” in book form? They are ideal devo­ tional material. Please advise cost and send one if available. Presidio Capt. Shirley Vergeer San Francisco, Calif. W e are happy to send Capt. Ver­ geer a copy of the “Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Law­ rence. Other readers desiring a copy may secure one by sending 10 cents to cover cost and handling. Address: The Editors, King’s Business, 55 8 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17. (T h e last installment of our series by Brother Lawrence appears this month on page 18.) — Ed. EVOLUTION Sirs: I feel Dr. Robertson uses thé word proof loosely. (See Out of the Lab, page 21.) No, neither creation nor evolution can be proven in any ab­ solute sense. I believe the probability of the creation interpretation of a natural phenomena is greater than the evolutionary interpretation. This, however, is not the real issue. A cre­ ationist interpretation is not accept­ able to the average scientist for three reasons: 1) It is apparently incapable of experimental confirmation. 2) It seems to inhibit rather than inspire experimenting. 3) An explanation in terms of natural law is more satisfy­ ing. I think that evidence from sci­ ence can be used to disprove the prob­ ability of evolution. Los Angeles, Calif. John C. Sinclair Dept, of Physiological Chemistry UCLA Medical School MORE ON PRESBYTERIANS Sirs: Although many of the statements (that is, factual statements) are true (Modernism and the Los Angeles Presbytery, Sept. K.B.) they still do not warrant such a display of petty jealousy. It appears to me that the writer has been a very close ob­ server of the methods and manner of the junior senator from Wisconsin. Where in the Bible are we command­ ed to gloat over and display the mis­ takes and evils of others. Upland, Calif. Marvin J. Friesen Pastor, Bethany Union Church Sirs: You are to be congratulated for bringing out in the open a condition which obviously needs airing. It is very apparent that so many groups become so highly organized that they organize the Holy Spirit right out of their operations. Rosemead, Calif. Verne H. Pynn THE KING'S BUSINESS

MORE INCOME /or MORE BIBLES /or A l l ! That's what American Bible Society Annuities Mean

In the midst of political and eco­ nomic uncertainties, spreading ten­ sions and godlessness, the world grows hungry for unchanging, peace­ bringing, spiritual truths. There is great need for the Scriptures every­ where—in Korea, Japan, Formosa, Hong Kong, Africa, South America, here at home, and for our own armed forces wherever they are. You can grasp this golden oppor­ tunity—and help yourself at the same time—by purchasing an American Bible Society Annuity Agreement. Under this great Christian Plan you

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CRISIS IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL An Open Letter to the Readers of King's Business Magazine Dear Friend: A recent letter to me from the land of Israel tells of eight Jewish men in a small meeting who testified of their new-found faith in Christ and their willingness to con­ fess Him and to suffer for His sake. Multitudes of Jews in Israel are eager to read the New Testament. Large numbers of Jews there are secret believers. But suddenly in the midst of spiritual blessing a real crisis has arisen. Persecu­ tion of Jewish Christians is increasing. If a Jew openly confesses Christ he is likely to lose his means of livelihood. Orthodox Jews are sending 200 young Rabbis through­ out the settlements in Israel "to check the religious situation." There are two ways to turn this crisis into victory for Christ. The first is inter­ cessory prayer for Israel on the part of the multitudes of God's children in America and other lands. The second is to spread the Word of God more widely than ever before in the land of Israel. The Million Testaments Campaign has already distributed tens of thousands of New Testaments in various languages in Israel and 12,500 complete Hebrew Bibles. But the surface has only been scratched! There are vast multitudes of Jews in Israel still to be reached! This autumn the Million Testaments Campaign is launching a Crusade to spread God's Word more widely than ever before among the Jews in Israel. Will you help to turn the tide in Israel by your prayers and your gifts? We have just prepared a special Prayer Card with definite suggestions for prayer for the Jews in Israel. It will be sent free of cost. Please send for twenty-five or fifty or more of these cards and give them to praying people in your church or community. We shall also gladly send you our Israel News Bulletin. For a limited time we are sending each donor to our Campaign an attractive and in­ spiring Scripture booklet of 32 pages. The cover of the booklet is a picture, in full color, of the partially-restored synagogue of Capernaum where our Lord likely taught. The booklet has a most helpful message on the Bible by Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison who was the chief United Nations negotiator with the Communists in the talks that ended the Korean War. The booklet also contains an inspiring Scripture verse for each day of the coming year. Large funds are needed by our Campaign for providing New Testaments for Jews in Israel, North and South America, and other lands ; and for Gentiles in Europe. Send your gift quickly, and receive your Scripture booklet before the first edition is ex­ hausted. Send all gifts for the work, and requests for Prayer Cards and News Bulle­ tins to: Million Testaments Campaign, Inc., 1505 Race Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa. Yours cordially in Him, ------------------------------------ CUT ALONG THIS LINE ____ _____ __________________________ __ I DESIRE TO HELP kb IN THIS HOUR OF CRISIS IN ISRAEL

Million Testaments Campaigns, Inc. 1505 Race St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. Enclosed find $.............................. for providing God’s Word for Jews in Israel and other lands, and Gentiles in Europe. Please send me the Scripture booklet as promised; a n d ............... Prayer Cards and News Bulletins to give to Christian people to enlist prayer for Israel in this hour of crisis. N a m e ................................................................................................................................................................. | S t r e e t ........................................................................................................................................................

Executive Secretary Million Testaments Campaigns I

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NOV EM B E R , 1954

Father’ s Footsteps I now baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son— just one more time down, Althea; don’t wiggle-— and of the Holy Spirit.” With ch u b b y hand placed firmly on Althea’s head, Kent now prayed: “ Dear Father, bless this little life now that she has ’cepted Jesus and is baptized.” The prayer was interrupted as the lad stooped down to ask his 5-year-old sister: “ Do you prom­ ise to be a good girl from now on, Althea?” “Yes, let me go,” the little miss answered. “ Do me, Pawl Kent, do me,” 2-year-old Ardyth begged. By this time Mother had re­ covered a measure of her equilib­ rium and found her tongue. “ It’s time to come in and dress, chil­ dren.” With protesting groans they trooped into the house to be soaped in the bathtub and dressed for dinner. Mother had come upon this “ baptismal” scene quite unexpectedly and stood trans­ fixed as she looked through the Venetian blinds to her offspring in the wading pool on the lawn. The noise had been deafening as the small fry cavorted in cool water that hot afternoon. Dur­ ing a lull Kent suddenly decided to “ be Daddy” and have a bap­ tismal service. Mother was not a little amazed at her son’s appar­ ent observation of such services when Daddy presided at church. Kent’s “ baptism” of his sister had been done with all the serious­ ness a 6-year-old could assume. After all, he wants to “ preach like Daddy” when he is a man. Kent had imitated Daddy quite well. How much children “ ab­ sorb” from their parents without either being fully aware of the transaction! Dear Lord, let this parent “ so number (her) days . . . apply (her) heart to wis­ dom” and her “ light so shine” that her children shall “ glorify the Father.”

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NOV EM B E R , 1954

A monthly column of names in the news. In Pasadena, Calif, on-again-off- again president of Fuller Theological Seminary, Dr. Harold John Ockenga (rhymes with gay) has announced his resignation. Ockenga, one of the nation’s leading theologians, will re­ turn to the historic Park Street Con­ gregational Church in Boston. The new line-up at Fuller finds Edward John Cornell as president with Ocken­ ga as president of the Board of Di­ rectors replacing Charles E. Fuller. Car- nell, at 35, is one of the nation’s youngest Seminary presidents. Edu­ cated at Wheaton, Harvard Divinity School and Boston University, Carnell has a brilliant record in the field of Christian Apologetics. In Kenya Colony, Africa the head of the Mau Mau camp has ordered 1,000 copies of the African Challenge, top Christian newspaper of the Afri­ can continent, to be sent to 50 camps every month. The Sudan Interior Mis­ sion, publishers of the English lan­ guage Challenge, has also announced the publication of an African lan­ guage edition in native Yoruba. Across the nation this month Billy Graham's newest full-length film, “ Souls in Conflict,” is being pre­ miered. Filmed entirely in Great Britain the new film is considered to be even better than his two earlier pictures, “Mr. Texas,” and “ Oil-Town USA.” Graham’s film office has an­ nounced that at showings of the first two films some 200 thousand first­ time decisions have been recorded. A Christian trio recently tied for top honors on Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scout Program. The Chandler Trio (22-year-old twins, Marvin and Mar- celle and 17-year-old Marlene) sang the spiritual “ Did It Rain.” The trio has a weekly TV program in Bloom­ ington, Ind. and records for Van Kampen Press’ Singtime label. Gospel Recordings’ globe-trotting director, Joy Ridderhof, has returned to her Los Angeles headquarters after spending two years in Australia, New Guinea, Burma and India. In Lake Charles, La. the Trinity Baptist Church is $1,000 richer be­ cause the New York Giants won the World Series. Alvin Dark, field captain of the Giants, gave his home church 10 per cent of his World Series share of about $10,000. He told newsmen that he has been a tither ever since he earned $2.50 weekly as a newsboy.


i f t


The crushing problems of a continent awak­ ened out of centuries of darkness are creating tensions which may explode at any moment. To these problems may soon be added Communism — the monstrous conspiracy that feeds on confusion and unrest — exploiting and enslaving people. Only a miracle of God can save Africa and make it safe for both the black man and the white man. If the crisis in Africa is not resolved quickly the doors of unlimited mis­ sionary opportunity may soon be closed. The only answer for Africa is Christ. But we must hurry. A mighty campaign to evangelize Africa is of paramount importance. Missionary leaders have urged The Pocket Testa­ ment League to undertake such a campaign now.

PTL launches greatest campaign in its history

OUR EXPERIENCE IN ASIA 1 MillionGospels in China 11 MillionGospels InJapan 2 Million Gospels inKorea 1 MillionGospels InFormosa Vi Million Complete NewTestaments Write for a free copy of our Africa survey.

PTL has the experience and the technique to do this job. Depending upon God’s help we will begin in January 1955 a massive program of evangelism and Scripture distribution in Africa. This tremendous under­ taking will require the prayer support and financial backing of Christians and churches of all denomina­ tions. Help save Africa while there is yet time! ALFRED A. KUNZ, Executive Director

ThePocketTestament/ League i 1 5 6 F I F T H A V E N U E , , N E W Y O R K 1 0 , N . Y .



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Why not check over the material you are using and make sure you are reaching your Junior High pupils today? You can be sure you are using the best possible tools with Scripture Press ALL-BIBLE lessons. The handy pocket-size pupil’s book is designed especially for this critical, hard-to-please age. The teacher’s manual pro­ vides the correct approach, based squarely on the Word of God, to reach the sensitive hearts of these pupils that must be won to Christ now. Topping off these is the colorful Sunday School paper, POWER. Its real-life stories of heroism and adventure speak right to the hearts of Junior High boys and girls. Why wait longer? Write today for your free book describing these teaching materials. hold your Junior Highs now Before more Junior High pupils slip out of your Sunday School, learn how the famous ALL-BIBLE lessons can reach them for Christ. And the same fine material is available for all age groups. Your free book, “How Firm A Foundation,” gives you full details. You are under no obligation. Simply check the blanks below, indicating your special interest:


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NOV EM B E R , 1954

Report on Formosa

A Prison Turned Into a Gospel Center

By Dick Hillis As Told to Dorothy C. Haskin T his September Red China start­ ed shelling Quemoy Island and the Nationalist Chinese Army under the leadership of General Chiang Kai-shek, retaliated by shell­ ing Amoy, on the coast of China. This flare of hostilities has focused world attention on Formosa. Christian mission work on Formo­ sa began about 1870. But prior to World War II only two boards worked there. Since then the mission­ ary population has increased a thou­ sand per cent. Thirty seven mission groups are represented. In 1950, there were 30 Protestant missionaries, to­ day there are over 300. In 1953, 109 churches were built and in 1954, it is estimated that there is an average of two new churches each week. Orient Crusades, with which I am connected, was invited to Formosa in 1950 by Madame Chiang Kai-shek. World Gospel Crusade furnished Ells­ worth Culver and myself with half a million Gospels of John. (Later, an­ other million were given.) Teams were formed of an American Chris­ tian, a Mandarin-speaking Chinese and an Amoy-speaking Chinese. We went into the camps, preaching the gospel. Soldiers listened and believed. When pressure came from the Budd­ hists and Catholics, we were no longer permitted to enter the camps but opened the only service center for Chinese soldiers in Kaohnsiung. Next came studen t work. We reached 218 of the 230 high schools before they (for the same reason as the camps) were closed to the gospel. Then Dec. 1, 1952,. Campus Cross Roads, a service center for students, was opened a block and a half from the main gate of the National Taiwan University. Among those reached was Lilly Lin, who in nine months won 20 to Christ and kept track of them, seeing them established in churches. Soldiers and students were not enough. The teams started going into the villages. There are 6 thousand villages and in two years time we reached 1,700 villages with the gos­ pel. To build up the believers in the faith a Bible correspondence course, headed by Roy Robertson of the Navi­ gators, was offered. There are now 132,000 in this course. These people are hungry for the gospel. And they must be reached now. END.

B efore you read this, please read Acts 16:22-40. This incident as well as that described in the Acts took place in Greece. For a year now the Greek Government has been trying arbitrarily to seize from the Evangelical Community in Katerini, Mace­ donia, a park located between the Evangel­ ical Church and its Orphanage building. This park has been used by the Evangeli­ cals for over 30 years. The seizure was ordered by the central Government, which sent its officers to occupy it. Immediately Luther’s famed hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” filled the air from the tower of the Evangelical Church. That was the signal for all the women to assemble in the park, where they challenged the police to kill them if they wanted to take over the church property. There was not much the police could do but go away. How­ ever, they issued summonses against six of the women as disturbing public order. Finally these women were arraigned be­ fore a criminal court and sentenced to ten days imprisonment. They could have gone free by paying a fine if they wanted to, but they unanimously decided to go to prison for the sake of Jesus Christ. Each one carried a Bible and a hymnbook with her, much to the surprise of the guards. These were indeed strange prisoners! How­ ever, they were not permitted to bring the books in. The women then turned to the guards and said, “Don’t worry, we know whole chapters of the Bible by heart, and many hymns. You can take our books away, but you cannot sew up our lips.” In prison they continually sang praises to God. That prison was turned into a Gospel Center. A woman who had at­ tempted to commit suicide heard the Gos­ pel and the claim of Christ on the life she had tried to do away with. Greek Orthodox restaurant owners sent them ex­ cellent meals as a token of sympathy. The very guards who would not permit the Bibles to be brought in now want to read the Word of God! Everybody wants to find out about the Christ for whom these women considered it a joy to be impris­ oned. One hundred Bibles are needed for those whose lives were influenced by the wonderful testimony of these women. What a great joy American Christians can experience by helping to complete the testimony of these gallant sisters in the Lord by providing these Bibles at $2 each, through the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., P.O. Box 423, Dept. K, New York 36, N.Y., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, Gen. Secretary (in Canada, 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.). There are many such suffering, persecuted Greek believers whom we must stand by. One of the needs of our Evangelical Orphanage is for blan­ kets, at a cost of $5 each. It is heart­ breaking for the house parents of the Orphanage to hear the little ones cry, “I’m cold,” as they try to sleep at night. You may have one of these children as your very own to pray for and care for if you wish. When you write us, we can give you all the information required.

Department of Missions V % P American Sunday-School Union 1816 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. "THE PIONEER SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZATION OF THE U.S.A."



spirit of the

T he act of crucifixion is one thing, but the spirit in which the crucifixion is to be borne is another. In some respects the act may be brief and finished, but the inward heart dispo­ sition that should pervade crucifixion is a con­ tinuous principle extending through life, ever widening its range over a multiplicity of appli­ cations, and growing in intensity to the end. This divinely beautiful spirit of self-immolation can­ not be defined. It can only be faintly described. It is a heart quality, a soul essence too fluid to be held by words. If we could get a vision of the soul of Jesus from the Last Supper to His death on the cross, and have a clear spiritual discernment of all the thoughts and feelings, and affections, and sym­ pathies and every quality of disposition that was in His nature during those long hours, we would see the full-sized mind appropriate to crucifixion. Thousands have had in greater or lesser degree a spiritual revelation into this history of the soul of Jesus. Such an insight can only be given by the Holy Ghost, for it is infinitely beyond the natural reason and imagination. In the same proportion that we discern the inward spirit Christ had during those hours, in that proportion we can drink of that spirit, until we can suffer, bleed and die in our measure with the very same disposition He had. It is a silent spirit. It suffers without advertis­ ing the depths of its suffering, it can be subdued, scolded, criticized, misunderstood, misrepresented and checked and hindered in a thousand ways without a groan, or a kick or a trace of threaten­ ing or imprudence (1 Pet. 2:23). It has calmly signed the death warrant of self. It can have a thousand little gifts and treasures, and harmless earthly pleasures and pleasant hopes and friendly ties snatched out of its hand, without clutching the fingers to hold on to them. It can obey God and be rushing at full speed on lines of service and duty for Him, and then at the touch of God’s providential air­ brake, it can be brought to an instantaneous standstill without shaking the train to pieces by a single jar or the least jostling of the will from its perfect repose in Jesus. It is a flexible spirit with no plans of its own. It can be turned by the finger of God in any direction without a moment’s warning. It can walk into a dungeon, or a throne, into a hut or a palace with equal ease or freedom. It partakes of the movement of the Divine mind, as a floating cloud partakes of the movement of the air which encircles it. It can wear old, threadbare clothes and live on plain food with a thankful and sweet disposition,

without even a thought of envy or coveting the nice things of others. It looks with a quiet, secret, joyful contempt on all the honors and pleasures, learning and culture and the honorable splendors of earth. It inwardly despises what other people are longing to get hold of. This is because it sees into heaven, and is so fascinated with the magnitude of coming glories that even the pretty and honorable things of the world look ugly to it. The rugged cross which frightens so many Christians is embraced by this spirit with a secret, subtle joy, because it knows that all suffering will enlarge and sweeten its love. What other Chris­ tians shun as hardship, it will gladly accept as an opportunity of sweeter union with God. It loves its enemies with a sweet, gentle, yearning affection utterly beyond what they would be will­ ing to believe. It can be bruised and trampled on and turn with a quivering, speechless lip and a tear-dimmed eye and kiss and pray for the foot that under the pretense of religious duty is tram­ pling it in the dust. It will not receive human honors upon itself. If it is praised or honored by its fellows, instead of eating it as a sweet morsel, it offers it up in­ stantly to the Lord as the angel did with the good dinner which was presented to him by Manoah. Its highest delight is in sinking into God and being little. It loves to humble itself before God and man. It shuns debate and strife and theologi­ cal argument. It is modest and retiring and loves to get out of God’s way and see Him work. It does not make others wear its sackcloth. It would rather take other people’s sufferings on itself than to take their joys. When the soul enters sanctification it is just the beginning of the spirit which is to spread, intensify and brighten, until the crucifixion-life becomes a beautiful flame of self-abnegation, which takes hold of all sorts of woes and troubles, and mortifications and pains and poverties and hardships, as a very hot fire takes hold of wet logs and makes out of them fresh fuel for more self-sacrificing love. It opens the gate of heaven without touching it. This is the spirit that wears out the patience of persecutors, that softens the hearts of stone, that in the long run converts enemies into friends, that touches the hearts of sinners, that wins its way through a thousand obstacles, that outwits the genius of the devil, and that makes the soul that has it as precious to God as the apple of His eye. — By G. D. Watson. ( Reprints of this article may be secured from Pilgrim Tract Society, Randleman, N .C .) END.

CULTS : Part 2

Jehovah’s Witnesses A s fa r as the Christian is concerned the h e y to any reliyion is what that reliyion thinks o f Jesus Christ . I s Christ God or m e r e ly another crea ted beiny? T o this question Jehovah9s W itn es se s have a clear -cut answ er . And it9s an answ er that u tter ly condemns this oryanization .

By Louis T . Talbot

R ussell began by declaring that Jesus Christ was cre­ ated by God a Spirit Being as the- angels were (p. 188, Series I, Studies in the Scriptures). On page 84 of the same volume he also states: “ As he was the highest of all Jehovah’s creation, so also he was the first, the direct creation of God.” Then Russell claimed that Jesus Christ was not both human and di­ vine when He was upon earth. “ Nei­ ther was Jesus a combination of two natures, human and spiritual. The blending of two natures produces neither the one nor the other, but an imperfect hybrid thing, which is obnoxious to the divine arrangement. When Jesus was in the flesh, he was a perfect human being; previous to that time, he was a perfect spiritual being; and since his resurrection he is a perfect spiritual being” (p. 179, Series I, Studies in the Scriptures. Then he goes a step farther and tells us that Jesus Christ was none other than the archangel Michael. Many people do not believe that Je­ hovah’s Witnesses really teach this, but here is the exact quotation from page 84, Series I, of Studies in the Scriptures, in the very words of Pas­ tor Russell: “ (1) Our Redeemer existed as a spirit being before He was made flesh and dwelt amongst .men. “ (2) At that time, as well as sub­ sequently, he was properly known as ‘a god’—a mighty one. As chief of the angels, and next to the Father, he was known as the Archangel (highest angel or messenger) whose name Michael, signifies, ‘Who as God,’ or God’s representative.” This should surely turn any open- minded person away from Jehovah’s

Witnesses. Not only does the Word of God contain hundreds of passages proving that Christ was the Divine Son, very God of very God, who asked and received the same worship as the Father, but also that far from being an archangel Himself, He was the Creator of the angels. (See Hebrews 1.) If, as Jehovah’s Witnesses believe, Jesus Christ was only a re-created archangel, all Christians would be idolaters because the Word of God plainly states, “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” Jesus Christ would be the greatest enemy the Father ever had, since He has turned the worship of millions to Himself. Jesus said, “ I and my Father are one” (John 10: 30), “ If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also” (John 14:7). Rutherford followed right along in the footsteps of Russell in his teach­ ings that Jesus was only a re-created archangel. “ One of his titles is ‘M i­ chael’ which means ‘like God.’ The title, however, especially belongs to the great and beloved Son of God” (p. 15, The Harp of God). He also blatantly rejected the deity of Christ: “ Some have earnestly be­ lieved that Jesus was God Himself. But such a conclusion is not war­ ranted by Scripture” (p. 99, The Harp of G od). A ll tracts and booklets of present- day writers merely re-echo these here­ sies. Now let us see what Jehovah’s W it­ nesses believe about the death of Christ. First, however, we will need to understand what they believe about death itself. On page 329 of Series V, Studies in the Scriptures,

Russell made this statement: “ Death . . . is a period of absolute unconsciousness—more than that, it is a period of absolute non-existence.” This is not what the Word of God says about death at all. When the prodigal returned from the far coun­ try, the Father said, “ For this my son was dead, and is alive again” (Luke 15:24). Did he mean the boy ceased to exist when he was in the pig sty? In the Word of God, physi­ cal death simply means separation of the spirit from the body, and eternal death is the separation of both spirit and body from God, forever. F or the Christian, death means reunited. Paul said, “ But I am in a strait betwixt the two, having the desire to depart and be with Christ; for it is very far better” (Phil. 1:23, A.S.V.); “Whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord . . . We . . . are willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:6, 8, A.S.V.). There is no state of unconsciousness after death. For the Christian it is a condition of conscious bliss, and for the unsaved a state of torment awaiting eternal judgment: “And inasmuch as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this cometh judgment” (Heb. 9:27, A.S.V.). Russell stated categorically: “The dead are dead, utterly destroyed” (p. 347, Series V, Studies in the Scrip­ tures). To Jehovah’s Witnesses death has but one meaning, the absolute sense, without qualification, without

that his spirit goes to be with Christ, and his body is laid in the grave until the resurrec­ tion when spirit and body will be



was drilled into us from earliest in­ fancy . . . nobody would give it a moment’s serious consideration . . . How the great adversary ever suc­ ceeded in fostering it upon the Lord’s people . . . is a mystery” (p. 166, Series V, Studies in the Scriptures). Rutherford, with his “me-tooism” echoes: “ The doctrine of the ‘trinity’ finds no support whatsoever in the Bible” (p. 88, Riches). But do not make the mistake of supposing, my friends, that this ter­ rible heresy passed out of the teach­ ings of Jehovah’s Witnesses with Rus­ sell and Rutherford. On page 31 of the book The Truth Shall Make You Free published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in 1943, I quote: “ There are no three persons Jehovah; only one” ; and from Theocratic Aids to Kingdom Publishers published by the same company in 1945, referring to the Unitarians, it is stated: “ rightly re­ jecting the ‘Trinity’ fable” (p. 354); and on page 206 of the same volume we read: “ One might show that the doctrines of the ‘trinity,’ ‘immortality of the soul,’ etc. are the devil’s lies; that these doctrines are the snare of the devil, and since religion teaches them, it is a snare. Thus by induc­ tive reasoning it is proved that ‘re­ ligion is a snare.’ ” On the street corners of almost any city you can get their tract The Trinity — Divine M ystery or Pagan M yth?” which states clearly the re­ jection of the Trinity by Jehovah’s Witnesses of this day. I need only quote two of the hun­ dreds of verses in the Word of God to prove, the clear, unmis­ takable teaching of a Holy Trin­ ity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit— Three Persons in one God— co-equal, co-eternal: “ And I [Jesus] will pray the Fath­ er, and he [the Father] shall give you another Comforter [the Holy Spirit], that he [the Holy Spirit] may abide with you forever” (John 14:16). “ Arid straightway coming up out of the water, he [Jesus] saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit, like a dove, descendirig upon h im : [Jesus]: And there .came a voice from heaven [the Father’s], saying, Thou art my be­ loved- Son, .in whom I am well pleased” .(Mark 1:10,11). Jehovah's Witnesses and Hell Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that an everlasting place of torment is the invention of the clergy. Thus they utterly reject the very words of Jesus Himself in Matthew 25:41, 46: “Then shall he say also . ^ unto them on the A A O R E W

Whether it was dissolved into gases or whether it is still preserved some­ where as the grand memorial of God’s love . . . no one knows ” [ital. are mine] (p. 129, Series IV, Studies in the Scriptures ). By this time you have come to the conclusion that there were a great many things he did not know. He repeated this on page 131 of the same volume: “ Our Lord Jesus . . . is no longer a man but a spirit being, whom no man hath seen or can see.” This is one of his most outrageous lies, for we know from the Scrip­ tures exactly what became of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. We know that it is not preserved in some heavenly museum. It was resurrected, clothed with immortality and was completely recognizable to the dis­ ciples after His resurrection. For one of the most blessed and reassuring events ever recorded in the Scrip­ tures we have but to turn to Luke 24:36-43. They saw Him. They han­ dled Him. He ate in their presence. Could anyone’s body be more real than that? Jehovah's Witnesses and the Trinity The teachings of Jehovah’s Wit­ nesses in regard to the Trinity logic­ ally follow their utter rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, co-equal with the Father. Russell blamed the trinitarian teaching on the Catholics: “This doc­ trine of three Gods in one God . . . is a strongly entrenched doctrine among Christians . . . Why is this? . . . It is one of the dark mysteries by which Satan, through the Papacy, has beclouded the Word and char­ acter and plan of God” (p. 60, Series V, Studies in the Scriptures). “ This view suited well the Dark Ages it helped to produce . . . This theory is as unscriptural as it is un­ reasonable . . . If it were not for the fact that this trinitarian nonsense Your Prayer Requests Each morning at nine the editor­ ial staff of King's Business maga­ zine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heart- cry of thousands. Should you have a request we would count it a privi­ lege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

modification, or mental reservation: complete destruction and annihila­ tion. Rutherford stated in The Harp of God: “Another of Satan’s decep­ tions by which he has blinded the people is the teaching that the dead are still conscious after death . . . Those who die are never conscious again . . . Man was made out of dust. He was sentenced to return to the dust.” We turn to John 5:28, 29 to refute this terrible lie: “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resur­ rection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” N aturally, with such a view how it could be that Jesus would say in His dying moments: “ Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” Rutherford comes up with this ex­ planation: “The thief will never be in heaven, because of the promise to him that if he is on the side of Christ he will be in paradise. It is certain that the thief did not go to heaven or paradise that day that he died. If he did, then he got there long be­ fore Jesus did . . . The thief died and was put in the grave and is still in the grave . . . the words of Jesus to the thief were these: ‘Today I say unto thee (that is, I am saying it now, this day), Shalt thou be with me in paradise’ ?” (p. 183, Riches ). Of course, this is a completely dis­ honest double-dealing with the Greek language. But Russell and Ruther­ ford did not hesitate to stoop to these methods to prove a point. For their “ translations” they rely upon a pri­ vate translation, an interlinear Greek publication called The Emphatic Di- aglott, which does not enjoy the re­ spect of masters of the Greek lan­ guage. Now we come to the important matter of how Jehovah’s Witnesses deal with the matter of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. What happened to the body of our Lord which was laid in the new tomb of Joseph of Arimathea after His crucifixion? Well, Russell has that all figured out. “Our Lord’s human body was, h ow eve r, supematurally removed from the tomb; because had it re­ mained there it would have been an insurmountable obstacle to the faith of the disciples . . . We know noth­ ing about what became of it . . .

of death, their teaching in regard to the thief on the cross is utterly fantastic. They have labored hard to explain


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