King's Business - 1954-11

SUNDAY SCHOOL continued made us for thyself, and our souls are restless until they rest in thee.” How true this is! The heart of man is incom­ plete until God occupies His rightful place therein. It is peculiarly true of the child of God who has experienced what it is to have fellowship with God that he can never he satisfied with any substitute. Thirsting After God 42:1-8 This is the song of one who is sep­ arated from the regular place of worship. He is in the land of captivity. He looks back toward Jerusalem and longs for wor­ ship in the good old way. Often w e do not appreciate many of the good things of life until we are deprived of them. W e need to beware of the danger of taking our spiritual blessings too much for grant­ ed. The psalmist wonders when he w ill be restored to the place of the sanctuary in Jerusalem (v. 2 ). Tears have coursed down his cheeks day and night as he is ridiculed b y his enemies who intimate that God does not really care for him (v. 3 ). This is one of Satan’s most com­ mon temptations, to get his children to question the goodness of God. He remem­ bers the days of yore when he went with the multitude to the temple. Those were glad days (v. 4 ). It is always a joyous privilege to go with God’s people to His house. But then the psalmist recollects that he does not have to he in a partic­ ular place to worship God (v. 5 ). Image­ ry is employed to set forth the waves of sorrow which have gone over him (w . 6 ,7 ). But he w ill continue to find the loving-kindness of God sufficient for his need. Dwelling in God's House 84:4, 5 Happy is the man who makes much of God’s house. He w ill hear the Word of God and w ill experience the fellow ­ ship of the saints. God’s children always miss something when they absent them­ selves from God’s house. Remember what Thomas missed when he was not with the other disciples that first Sunday eve­ ning after the Resurrection. The person who is faithful to God’s house w ill learn where the source of his strength lies and thus w ill experience the blessing the psalmist speaks about here. Trusting in the Changeless One 102:25-27 It is satisfying to place trust in such a One as the Lord. He is one who does not change His mind. He can be de­ pended upon absolutely. Things and other persons change, but He never changes. No wonder the psalmist is anxious to be close to such a God. Helps for the Children The Doorkeeper's Song Psalm 84 MEMORY VERSE: "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee" Psa. 84:4. The Korahites, the sons of Korah, were a group of Jews who did the work in connection with keeping the tabernacle clean and ready for worship. Th ey learned to sing of their joy over being doorkeep­ ers in the house of their God. These

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