King's Business - 1954-11

OBJECT LESSONS continued board. You would think, with such things under the tree at Christmas, that all hearts would be happy, but this is not so. Here is a black heart which shows the condition of many hearts at Christmas. Gifts under the tree will not satis­ fy and change the heart. The Gift which changes the heart is the One God gave on the first Christmas. We will put this red cross on the Christ­ mas tree to remind us of God’s Gift, His Son and our Saviour. We will remove these presents, as they can never fully satisfy the heart. Now let us bring the black heart to the cross and see what happens. It is changed and is now white. We will at this time place some real lasting gifts under the cross. Let’s open them and see what we find. One has “ PEACE.” The second has “ JOY,” and the third, “ HAPPINESS.” It is alright to give and to re­ ceive presents at Christmas, but we must never forget the Gift which God gave the world, if we are to have peace, joy and happiness. Dec. 26, 1954 I t P a y s t o R e m e m b e r OBJECTS: A straight stick, a crooked stick burned at both ends and a glass of ashes. LESSON: What is the matter with this stick? (Hold up the burned one.) Yes, it is burned at both ends. Have any of you been in danger of play­ ing with fire? Many have played with lire without knowing it. Can you guess what is in this glass? “ It looks like ashes.” Yes, these are ashes. Sin does to hoys and girls what fire does to wood. It destroys usefulness. Do you see anything wrong with this clean, straight stick? No, and you could easily make something useful out of it if you had the proper tools. But you would find it very difficult to make anything useful out of this burned and crooked stick. People are like sticks. Some peo­ ple become Christians early and give their lives to the Lord to be used by Him. Others wait until sin has so marred their lives that there is nothing left to give God but the ashes of a wasted life.

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