King's Business - 1954-11

OBJECT LESSONS continued This is the reason that God tells us in Ecclesiastes 12:1, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” God wants boys and girls to accept Christ while they are young, and then He can take their whole lives and really use them. Samuel was only a small boy when he was brought to the house of God, and he became one of the greatest prophets. Daniel was still a youth when he chose to' serve God in a

heathen king’s court. The little maid who told Naaman’s wife about the prophet in Israel who could heal leprosy was but a young girl, but she knew God and trusted Him. To “ REMEMBER” God in one’s youth does not mean merely to ac­ knowledge Him as Creator. It means to accept His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as a personal Saviour, and to be forgiven and freed from sin. “ Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” END.


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