King's Business - 1954-11

R e c u le r Î^ e a c t i on BROTHER LAWRENCE Sirs: Would it be possible to get these precious “ Brother Lawrence Letters” in book form? They are ideal devo­ tional material. Please advise cost and send one if available. Presidio Capt. Shirley Vergeer San Francisco, Calif. W e are happy to send Capt. Ver­ geer a copy of the “Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Law­ rence. Other readers desiring a copy may secure one by sending 10 cents to cover cost and handling. Address: The Editors, King’s Business, 55 8 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17. (T h e last installment of our series by Brother Lawrence appears this month on page 18.) — Ed. EVOLUTION Sirs: I feel Dr. Robertson uses thé word proof loosely. (See Out of the Lab, page 21.) No, neither creation nor evolution can be proven in any ab­ solute sense. I believe the probability of the creation interpretation of a natural phenomena is greater than the evolutionary interpretation. This, however, is not the real issue. A cre­ ationist interpretation is not accept­ able to the average scientist for three reasons: 1) It is apparently incapable of experimental confirmation. 2) It seems to inhibit rather than inspire experimenting. 3) An explanation in terms of natural law is more satisfy­ ing. I think that evidence from sci­ ence can be used to disprove the prob­ ability of evolution. Los Angeles, Calif. John C. Sinclair Dept, of Physiological Chemistry UCLA Medical School MORE ON PRESBYTERIANS Sirs: Although many of the statements (that is, factual statements) are true (Modernism and the Los Angeles Presbytery, Sept. K.B.) they still do not warrant such a display of petty jealousy. It appears to me that the writer has been a very close ob­ server of the methods and manner of the junior senator from Wisconsin. Where in the Bible are we command­ ed to gloat over and display the mis­ takes and evils of others. Upland, Calif. Marvin J. Friesen Pastor, Bethany Union Church Sirs: You are to be congratulated for bringing out in the open a condition which obviously needs airing. It is very apparent that so many groups become so highly organized that they organize the Holy Spirit right out of their operations. Rosemead, Calif. Verne H. Pynn THE KING'S BUSINESS

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