Policy News Journal - 2015-16

 The first reason is to improve security by resolving issues arising from vulnerabilities known to affect most username and password-based websites.  The second reason is to improve stability and performance of the Government Gateway login service by significantly reducing the authentication load on Government Gateway. What is the potential impact to software developers or software applications based on feedback we have received?  It is apparent that some software applications include 'silent login' or background login mechanisms to log into the HMRC website (with Government Gateway Usernames and Passwords).  If your software application uses the existing HMRC Government Gateway login page in this way , you will need to update your mechanism to point to and work with the new login page.  Please note, existing submissions to the Government Gateway API (Submission Protocol) will not be affected by this change. We have already created the new login page in live and it can be found here .  Based on the feedback we have received, we believe a 3 month window will allow software developers to update their applications to point to and work with the new login page.  Until 31 May 2016 we will continue to run the existing HMRC Government Gateway login page so that your application is not disrupted.  After 31 May 2016 we will be removing access to the existing HMRC Government Gateway login page, so any changes needed to your applications will need to be implemented by this date if you want them to continue running normally. When will this change happen? 

If you have further questions or are unsure whether this affects you, please get in touch with us and we'll endeavour to help you - SDSTeam@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk .

Tell ABAB report 2015-16 14 March 2016

Administrative Burdens Advisory Board (ABAB) report shows how they have challenged HMRC on the issues currently causing small businesses problems.

ABAB’s goal is to make a noticeable difference for small business by supporting HM Revenue and Customs to help make tax easier, quicker and simpler.

The review of the Tell ABAB report – 2015 to 2016 many common themes, consistent with last year’s feedback.

Personalisation You want your tax affairs to be all in one place and for HMRC ‘departments’ to be much more joined-up. There is also a need to only receive what is relevant to you targeted to your specific business/circumstances.

Digital Those of you who are online want to do more online and have suggested ways to make specific tasks easier.

Communication & Contacting HMRC You want improvements to HMRC’s channels of communication. You are particularly dissatisfied with the telephone service provided. Response times are far too slow and when finally speaking to an advisor you often felt frustrated at the lack of understanding of your previous contacts or felt that your time was being wasted by being transferred around between departments. HMRC Attitude and Approach to Small Businesses You want HMRC to better understand the day to day pressures you face running your small business and to have more empathy when dealing with you. Policy & Legislation You want Government policies and legislation to be modernised and simplified, recognising the needs of small business so to encourage innovation and growth.

Processes & Systems You want clearer guidance and greater consistency across specific services such as VAT, CIS.

Payments & Refunds You want the mechanisms and policies for payments and refunds to work better for you and your business.

CIPP Policy News Journal

25/04/2016, Page 220 of 453

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