Policy News Journal - 2015-16

The announcement at the summer budget that a new mandatory rate for all workers aged 25, named the National Living Wage (NLW), which will apply from April 2016, has caused concern for respondents who currently pay at or slightly above rate for National Minimum Wage (NMW), the main concerns being:

 Complexity – two titles, potentially could result in slight differences in administration and certainly add another layer of complexity to the operation of the National Minimum Wage.

 Guidance, which is largely considered to be good, needs to continue to provide clear and concise guidance in a timely manner so as to ensure that all employers become aware, before April 2016 of this new pay element.  Implementation dates should be aligned, as having two does nothing to simplify the processing of pay and therefore we would urge that the two are aligned at the earliest available opportunity. October would be considered the most consistent month to apply but April would align with the month where the majority of payroll changes are currently made.  The suddenness of this announcement and its subsequent implementation has not allowed a significant amount of lead in time, sufficient but not significant time. Setting aside the short, medium and long term budget needs of employers, what was clear from our survey was that payroll software is critical to the success of National Minimum Wage operation, lead in times for new policies and rates need to take into account the requirements of payroll software developers.  The limitations that this has on an employer’s ability to set their own pay and reward structure. We are assuming that the National Living Wage rate will equally restrict employers from offering a pay package that includes an element of salary sacrifice where the worker is paid no more than NMW and NLW rates?  As the rates of NMW and NLW continue to rise, so it becomes more of a challenge to maintain the differential where higher rates are paid as a result of promotion or qualifications. Comment was made within the survey response at how there is a risk, however small, that where statutory rates become so high, the incentive to develop skills and advancement is lost.

Thank you once again to members who took the time out of their busy schedules to complete our survey and thus contribute to the future delivery of the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage.

The full response is available to read through the link below.

CIPP response to NMW consultation 2015

National Minimum Wage calculations - Statutory guidance has been updated 5 October 2015

The Department for Business Innovation and Skills has updated the guidance for National Minimum Wage.

The examples provided in Calculating the National Minimum Wage have been updated.

National Minimum Wage: Time when sleeping 7 October 2015

Is an on-call night worker who lives at his place of work entitled to National Minimum Wage (NMW) for all hours of the night?

No, held the EAT in Shannon v Clifton House Residential , he is only entitled to NMW for the hours during which he is awake and working.

With thanks to Daniel Barnett’s employment law bulletin which summarises the case:

The Claimant fell within the exception under Regulation 16(1A) of the National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999 because he lived in the residential home where he was employed, and the time in question was time he was entitled to spend at home.

CIPP Policy News Journal

25/04/2016, Page 244 of 453

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