FYZICALPBC: Nip Pain In The Bud This Spring

Healthy Living Newsletter by FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers





INSIDE OUR NEWSLETTER: • 3 Ways To Prevent Back Pain

• Patient Success Spotlight • 5 Benefits Of Spring Cleaning

While Gardening • Healthy Recipe





Is the risk of injury holding you back from participating in your favorite springtime activities like gardening? At FYZICAL, our therapists are movement experts who can help you recover from an injury and even show you how to avoid one in the first place. Springtime is finally here, and with it comes a renewed sense of energy and drive to reach your fitness goals! After a long winter of being stuck inside, it’s more important than ever to stay on

If you need an extra push to get ready to engage in your favorite springtime activity, physical therapy can help. Request an appointment with FYZICAL today to learn more about how we can help with injury prevention and recovery this spring! How gardening may cause back pain. Back pain typically develops due to an injury, poor postural habits, or repetitive movements like bending. This is why back pain is so common with spring gardening. The repetitive bending, digging, and reaching needed for gardening will often lead to lower back pain. Gardening is a great way to get physical activity, and for a lot of people, the mental/emotional benefits are as important as the physical. Although it is not often viewed this way, gardening is similar to a sports season. Just like athletes need to train in the offseason to have a productive, competitive season, gardeners need to learn how to prepare for their season. Fortunately, our physical therapists can teach you the strategies to resolve injuries, old and new, and how to get into “gardening shape.”


top of your health and make sure you’re engaging in physical activities. Gardening is an enjoyable way to get active, especially in the spring! Nothing beats the smell of blooming flowers, fresh air, and warm sunshine. However, at FYZICAL, we understand that the fear of injury can prevent you from initiating the steps needed for a healthy and active lifestyle, especially if you’ve been injured in the past.

Our mission is to prevent needless suffering & to do all in our power to help people flourish.



Gardening offers the opportunity to experience the outdoors while working on your green thumb. However, it is essential to take the necessary steps to protect your back from injury while gardening. Below are three tips for pain-free gardening: 1. Warm-up first. Like any other physical activity, it is crucial to warm up before gardening. Morning gardeners need to make sure to walk around, or at least be up and moving, for about 45 minutes before starting any bending or lifting. 2. When in doubt, stick your butt out! One of themost commonmistakes gardeners make is with their technique. Your back is incredibly strong and resilient when you maintain its natural curves. In the lower back, the curve you need to maintain is called lordosis. When you stick your butt out, you will naturally increase the curve, a.k.a lordosis, and protect your back from injuries. Whether you are working with a shovel, rake, or spade, it is vital to keep your curves intact. Also, when bending to pull weeds, it is better to kneel or squat so you can maintain the straight spine position and protect your back. 3. Prioritize your safety. You can take simple steps to ensure you are safe while gardening. The most important include: •Take frequent breaks or alternate tasks such as digging, lifting, and walking. Adding in some simple backbends before starting can also help decrease your risk of pain or injury. •Choose the right gardening tools to limit the stress on your body •Use your hips and knees to lift, rather than your back. With our teamof talentedmovement experts, preparing for the gardening season this spring can be enjoyable. Our therapists are here to help make sure you can do what you love! What to expect in physical therapy. Fortunately, physical therapy can effectively treat and/or prevent back pain. Our licensed physical therapists

will determine the source of your pain and then create a plan to resolve it once and for all. Your treatment plan will focus on pain relief, which may include any combination of light exercises, manual therapy, ice and heat therapies, posture improvement, or any other treatment that your physical therapist deems fit. As you progress and improve, your physical therapist will expand on your exercises and stretches by making themmore intensive over time. We will spend one-on-one time with you on each visit, using hands-on techniques that get the joints, muscles, and nerves moving again. We will also design a comprehensive exercise and education program to get you back to comfortably completing your physical goals! Contact FYZICAL today to get started! Are you excited to participate in this year’s spring gardening season? At FYZICAL, our therapists want to empower you to prepare for this activity with a program tailored to your individual needs! Whether you need tips on how to prevent injury, or need help healing from old aches and pains, we are here to help. Contact us today to set up an appointment with one of our therapists! Sources: https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006555.pub2/full?h ighlightAbstract=back%7Cexercise%7Cpain%7Cexercis https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/9/468 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0140673618304896



INGREDIENTS • 1 15 oz can chickpeas drained and rinsed • ½ cup white onion finely diced • 1 cup fresh parsley lightly packed • 1 cup fresh cilantro • ½-1 tsp sea salt (to taste)

• ¼ tsp ground black pepper • 1 tsp garlic powder • 1 tsp coriander • 2 tsp cumin • 2 tsp baking powder • 2 TBS ground flaxseed • 1 TBS olive oil

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Add chickpeas, onions, parsley and cilantro to your food processor fitted with an “S” blade. Process until well combined. Add salt, pepper, garlic powder, coriander, cumin, baking powder and flaxseed. Process until well mixed and fine. Grease a large baking sheet with oil. Roll about 2 TBS of falafel mixture into balls and then flatten into discs and place on baking sheet evenly spaced. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes, flip and bake on second side for 10- 15 minutes. Remove from oven and serve with tzatziki sauce, in a pita, or on a salad! Source: https://joyfoodsunshine.com/baked-falafel/#recipe

www.fyzicalpbc.com | (561) 331-5508

Patient Success Spotlight


“You will find relief!” “This clinic is the answer to your back pain. The PTs and PTAs are all worth the time and money you pay for the relief you seek. I didn’t believe I would have received the cure for my chronic lower back pain but the therapists here really know what they are doing. It’s up to you to put in the work. Take their knowledge and burn it into your brain, then apply it every day and you will find relief. I’m very grateful for them and will recommend them to anyone who is looking for help with a lack of mobility and pain relief.” - Larry D. TELL US HOW WE DID! Help us help more people in our communities by leaving us a Google review! 1. Visit us at www.fyzicalpbc.com 2. Choose a location at the “Locations” tab (this is where you will find a map linked to our Google Reviews) 3. Tell us how we did!

Have you been putting off spring cleaning? If so, you certainly aren’t alone. With your hectic schedule, it can be easy to overlook this essential activity. However, there are many reasons why you should include spring cleaning into your routine. Here’s 5 good reasons to make time for spring cleaning this season. 1. A clean home is better for your immune system. Mold, dust, and pet dander can accumulate in your home during the colder months when there is less opportunity for air circulation. A deep dive into spring cleaning helps to air out your home, preventing respiratory issues. 2. It’s an easy way to get active. Cleaning can be a real workout! From sweeping the floors, to scrubbing tile, tomoving around furniture, spring cleaning can help you get active. Exercise has numerous benefits, including stress reduction and better heart health. 3. It lessens the possibility of injury. A cluttered home puts you, your children, or an elderly family member at risk of injury. Clearing out high traffic areas and walkways can help to prevent falls, which can be especially dangerous for older individuals. 4. It improves concentration and mood. Studies show that a clean home has a positive effect on your daily mood and ability to focus/complete tasks. Now that so many of us are working from home, this has never been more important! 5. You can donate unused items to others. Part of cleaning is going through old and unused items to see what can find a new home. Not only is donating to charity emotionally rewarding, it helps free up space in your home and can encourage you to become more organized.


INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Open your smartphone to the camera app 2. Center the desired QR

code in the frame (this will take you directly to schedule an appointment) 3. Find a time that works for you!

With so many benefits to spring cleaning, what are you waiting for? Get started today!


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