Muoviplast 4/2024

Closing the loop: composite circularity from design to disposal

Text and picture: Jason Govilas, Jesse Savolainen, Essi Sarlin, Research Group of Plastics and Elastomer Technology, Tampere University

V arious sustainability aspects of composite structures are a timely topic and under active discussion. While the composites promote sustainability through lightweight structures as well as durable and long-lasting components, integration of other circular solutions are needed to close the loop. When designing composites, following the waste hierarchy principles to promote sustainability is essential. The relatively high cost of composite structures also encourages preventive measures, such as repair. However, eventually all structures face the point

when their repair and reuse are not possible anymore. While the coprocessing of composite waste in cement clinker production has proven economical and environmental advantages, other possibilities should not be excluded. One of the major challenges in composite circularity is the collection of composite waste which has already been solved in Finland with the logistical route. Now we should stay open-minded towards other technical solutions and explore means to generate business for recycled composite waste in the composite industry.

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