the end of their lives? Balaam said, “0 that I might die the death of the righteous, and my last end be like his.” He knew the other kind of death was terrible. He died, however, on the battlefield fighting against the people of God. Very few people, comparative ly speaking, accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. They seem rather to follow the path of disobedience and sin. I see man deliberately going into wicked things in order to make money. They can’t take it with them; they can only meet the need of today. One time a woman in Kansas City left a house to us. Some relative sent for me because before she died she changed her will revoking all previous testaments. We never received it. An other man left $15,000 to our Bible school. The relatives went to court and tried to prove that he was out of his mind when he made the will. He was just as sane as I am, but they were able to persuade the court to the con trary, and the school never saw a penny of that money. The Lord wants us to live both here and hereafter. Some will sell their soul to the devil for a few dirty coins. They forfeit heaven and the favor of God, choosing the path of punishment. Can you think of a reason why a person would go on knowing that he will, be lost forever with no sign of God or Christ? He uses profanity and practices wicked ness. He thinks nothing of defrauding others. There was a very wealthy man I knew. For about two years, I had tried to win him for the Saviour. I gave him my Gospel tracts, but he would say, “That’s fine for some people, how ever, I’ve got all I want.” Then one day he lost his wealth. It amounted to several million dollars all in one un fortunate deal. It so stunned him, he had nothing else to which he could turn, for what he had been leaning on was knocked out from under him. He committed suicide and went to a Christless grave. There was a good friend of mine whom I knew for some years. He had a fine position with one of the large companies and made lots of money.
Donna Green, Biola College senior, gives a special recital on the beautiful new Biola memorial pipe organ. One day he walked out to my home to talk. I pleade'd with him to trust the Saviour. I said, “Why don’t you come to the Lord Jesus Christ? Someday you’re going to leave all this behind, along with your money and your friends. Why would you want to die without a Saviour?” “Well,” he said, “I don’t believe in a thing. I don’t be lieve in hell. I don’t believe in any church. I would rather you wouldn’t say anything to me about this mat ter.” Just a short time later, I got on a train and picked up the newspaper to read. Right on the front page was thé picture of my friend. He had driven his car into the garage, at tached a hose from the exhaust to the inside of his closed car. What a shock this was. Although this man had everything, yet he had nothing. He preferred to die without the Saviour. If you do not know the Saviour per sonally, I plead with you to come to Christ while there is yet time, “for why will ye die?” The sickness which conies only on Sunday must be cured by the Great Physician. * *• * The most untamable thing in the world has its den just back of the teeth. * * * Some Christians who should be wielding the Sword of the Spirit are still tugging at the nursery bottle. 10
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