JUNE RADIO MESSAGE FATHERS' DAY MESSAGE O ne thing MOST fathers receive throughout the year is plentiful advice. It is too bad the world has com mercialized so many of the wonderful things God has given to us, such as the subject and importance of fathers. The Lord presents us ample informa tion and guidance in His Word con cerning the importance of fathers in the home. The first and foremost point is that every husband might know the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. This is paramount. In Ephesians 5:22 and 23 we have the exhortation, “Wives, submit your selves unto your own husands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.” The idea of submission here does not mean that the husband is to be a boss and his wife a slave. This portion of Scripture rather shows a real companionship where God, in His marvelous grace, gives the wife opportunity to show the highest form of human love to her husband. The word “submit” comes from the idea of one yielding to another in order to strengthen and encourage. What more could any husband want than a wife vitally concerned with his welfare. It is a very competitive world and a man needs to renew his strength both physically and spiritually. As a Christian wife, a woman has a high privilege of not only honoring father one special day of the year but also, through her attitude and respect, he can feel that he is truly “king of the home,” 365 days of the year. As a man, I would have to admit that we are all a little vain. We like to be honored. As a wife, have you ever told your husband that you are proud of him? Too many have the sad habit of running their spouse down into the ground, even making fun of him. This is a foolish thing to do, for
b y MPr. R a lp h K e i p e r
thereby you are only testifying that you made a very poor choice and that your judgment isn’t very good. Notice the 24th verse of Ephesians 5, “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.” The word “subject” comes from the idea of arranging under. When God established the Christian home, He set it up for a place of companionship, fellowship and blessing. One of the greatest roles any wife can play in the life of her husband is to let him know that she is for him. Sometimes it is even possible to allow one’s children to come between the husband-wife rela tionship. Some of you may be asking, “What should I do if my husband doesn’t know the Lord Jesus Christ? How can I have C h r is tia n fellowship with him?” Again, there are some very practical verses to suggest. In I Peter 3:1 and 2, we read, “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation (conduct) of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation (conduct) coupled with fear (respect).” Although your husband may be un saved, do you respect him? Unfor tunately, there are all too many who rather nag and complain. So, the hus band ta k e s the attitude, “If she doesn’t care for me, why should I care for her or for her religion ?” The hus band knows his wife. He wants her to love him. Here is the “silent ser mon.” It may be that by our lives, if not our lips, we can win our mates to the Lord. When your husband sees that you really respect him, and when you take the time to study the things he likes, you will find some vastly changed attitudes. It may be that you should pray to day, “Lord 1 haven’t treated my hus- 18
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