Biola Broadcaster - 1965-07

tion, however, that in the last chap­ ters of the book of Ezekiel, when the land is divided for the millennial set­ tlement and occupation, Dan again has his portion, just as during the time of entering the land during the leader­ ship of Joshua. Q . Sacramento, Calif. — “Did Mary, the mother of Jesus, have other children by Joseph? Someone told me that those spoken of as Jesus’ brothers and sisters were really his cousins.” A. There is nothing in Scripture to indicate such to be the case. Verses such as Matthew 13:55, clearly re­ veal that these were children bom to Mary and Joseph, following the mi­ raculous birth of Jesus Christ. There is no reason to “stretch the truth” en­ deavoring to make these cousins. Q . Phoenix, Arix. — “Once a soul is ad­ mitted to heaven is it forever? Also Satan or Lucifer was one of God’s high angels. He certainly isn’t in heav­ en now. Doesn’t this indicate that a soul can be in heaven and later dis­ missed?" A. Once a soul is admitted to heaven it is forever. Satan, on the other hand, was one of God’s high angels. He is not, however, considered a human soul. This comparison is not possible. God never provided salvation for angels. That is why in Luke 2:10 the angels corectly said, “Unto you (sinful hell­ deserving sinners) is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Satan is a creature of God, but he is not to be equated with a human soul. He is not omni­ present as is God. Q . San Francisco, Calif. — “What is the difference between the National Coun­ cil of Churches and the current ecu­ menical activities?" A. Ecumenical has to do with the Greek term “inhabited earth.” There­ fore, in the concept of religious mat­ ters, this deals with that which is worldwide, all inclusive, or all com­ prehensive. The National Council of Churches is basically behind the move

Biola School of Missionary Medicine students prepare for service. From left to right are Donna Hughes, Japan, Carolyn Sanders, Atlanta, and Kathy Binder, Los Angelos. changed His method of dealing with man. There are two meanings to the word translated “repent.” One is that which we think of in connection with man as he turns around and goes the other way, or changes his mind. When used in connection with God, however, it means He changes His method. God does not have to change His mind. He already knows the end from the begin­ ning for the Lord understands all things. This opens up the important study of dispensations in Bible study. Q . Eureka Springs, Ark. — “/ know we must pray to God the Father through the Spirit, hut isn’t it all right, dur­ ing the course of prayer, to speak to Jesus? Some have told, me we shouldn’t pray to Him." A. We are to pray to the Father, in the name of Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. There is absolutely no jealousy among the members of the Godhead. It is the heart condition, the attitude of mind which is really vital. Q . Yuba City, Calif. — “ Why isn’t the tribe of Dan included in the 12 tribes of Revelation?” A. The only reason we can give would be by way of inference which is the concensus of most Bible students. In the 18th chapter of Judges we read of the fact that Dan was the first tribe to go totally into idolatry. Per­ haps the Lord excluded Dan for their idolatry. It would also be well to men­

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