ment which seeks to bind these various groups together. Biola is in no way affiliated with the National Council or the World Council, nor do we have anything to do with the “ecumenical movement.” We do not believe such groups or such goals are in accord with the Word of God. Q . Colfax, Wash. — "Is there a Bible reference to the effect that when the Lord Jesus was raised from the dead, He took the Old Testament saints with Him to heaven from paradise?’’ A. This is found in Ephesians 4:8 and 11. Hades had been composed of two parts: the abode of the wicked dead, and the abode of the righteous dead (“paradise” or “Abraham’s bosom” ). We believe these verses teach that the Lord literally emptied the latter com partment and took those spirits to be with Himself in glory. So, today, when a saved person dies, his soul goes to be with Christ (“absent from the body, present with the Lord”). These Old Testament saints were lead as our Saviour’s glorious captives. "Does Matthew 5:23 and 2U forbid the taking of the Lord’s supper until we are reconciled with our brother? What i f the brother refuses to be reconciled to us? What is the gift we are to leave at the altar until we are reconciled?” A. This portion is taken from what is known as the Sermon on the Mount. There are many principles here which we can apply to our own day. In this portion our Saviour points out that it is not enough to merely declare one is worshipping God. He must have a concern for how he gets along with his brother. The first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God. The second is like unto it. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is not talking about the Lord’s supper but refers to a definite princi ple. (I Corinthians 11:31 a n d 32 shows us the marks of self-judgment during this time of worship.) If your brother refuses to be reconciled to Q . Newton, Kans. —
you, at least you will know that your own heart is right. You are not held responsible for the other’s action, as long as you have done your sincere best to reconcile problems. Our gift to the Lord is a broken and a contrite heart. He will not turn anyone away who is truly seeking repentance. Q , Tucson, Arix. — “I have a personal problem. It is a weakness of speak ing unkindly at times. I don’t mean to do this, however, it is a fault I ’ve had all my life. I want to be deliv ered from it for I know it isn’t right. Can you suggest to me some ways to overcome it?" A. This is a fault many of us have. A good phrase to remember is, “Think twice before you speak once, and then talk to yourself.” Pray about this problem, for while no man is individu ally able to control his tongue, the Lord can, if we will allow Him. (Read the entire third chapter of James on this.) Being a Christian is a full-time job. If we are really interested in making a success of it, we won’t find time to be critical of others. Our busi ness is to serve the Lord. Someone has given a very good word of admoni tion in the sentence sermon, “Be silent and be thought a fool; speak and re move all doubt.” Q . Spokane, W ash . — “What does Psalm 148:4 mean?” A. It reads, “Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.” The writer of in spired Scripture is asking all crea tion to praise the Lord. The three heavens in God’s universe are to join in the jubilation. The three Psalms from 148 to 150 are known as “halle lujah songs.” “Is the gene- ology of Mary in the Bible? I f so, can you tell me where it is found?" A. There are two very important geneologies in the New Testament. In the first chapter of Matthew the list- 24 Q . Spanaway, Wash. —
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