on God’s left. The Bible does not give any indication of this at all. Actually, the right hand is the position of dig nity and honor. This fact is repeated throughout Scripture. Q . Boise, Idaho — “Jesus said He came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it. That being the case, why have we changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday? How can we know for sure that Saturday has always been the seventh day of the week?" A. These words are taken from Mat- them 5:17. Our Lord did not come on a destructive ministry. He told the people to heed the law, and to give attention to the exhortations of the prophets. Christ fulfilled every single iota of what the law declared. Too many people today legalistically be lieve they are fulfilling the law. The question is, how can this be done? F irst of all, any law in the world is fulfilled by strict adherence and obedience to its precepts. Secondly, if obedience be lacking, any law may be fulfilled by the enduring of punish ment which the specific law imposes. In this double sense, our Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the law, as no one else ever could. The law could not find our peerless, impeccable Saviour disobedi ent in any particular whatsoever. De spite that He fulfilled the other re quirement of the law by bearing the penalty of all men’s sin. This was not because He had failed, but because He knew we all were disobedient and would never have the opportunity for salvation without His death for us. He died because of our repeated in fractions of the law. As far as the day of worship, the Sabbath was a sign between Israel and God. Since they had broken their part of the contract, it was no longer in force. Out of the gospels, into Acts, it is always, “On the first day of the week.” God Himself changed the day for our spiritual rest. This was be cause the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the law. He is our rest or Sabbath. Saturday is part of the legal system. 25
Dr. Arnold Ehlert, Biola College head librarian, leaves this month for a six month sabalical in Palestine. He will bring a special report upon his return. ing goes from father to son, until it comes to Joseph, rightly calling him, “the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ.” Our Saviour had no earthly father. This portion is the family tree of Joseph, the legal father of the Lord. This gives Him the legal right to the throne. In Luke 3, instead of going from father to son, we are taken all the way back to Adam (who was the created son of God), in the reverse order. This is the geneology of Mary giving our Lord Jesus His natural right to the Davidic throne. Q . Salem, Ore. — “Did Jesus go to the temple every year, even before he was twelve? I f not, why not?" A. No record is given in the Word of God giving us specific information on this point. We may assume that He did go since His parents no doubt did. (Note we say “His parents,” for He was born of the Virgin Mary.) It was when the Lord was twelve years of age that His parents fulfilled the Jew ish ceremonial laws in the presenta tion of their Child. Q . Redding, Calif. — “Why did Christ sit on the right hand of the Father instead of on the left?" A. Some Jewish leaders have felt it is because they believe Abraham is
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