Biola Broadcaster - 1965-07

Their use, however, suggests another way for me to find the mind of the Lord. I just change two letters. My method of study in this blessed Book is by ‘usin’ and ‘thumbin.’ ’’ * * * A friend is one who comes in when the whole world goes out. * * * THE FIFTH POINT A teacher asked her class of children, “Can any one tell me the four chief points of the compass?” Things were silent for a moment; no one ventured a response. Then one young boy became brave enough to answer, “I think there are five, teacher." When she asked him to name them he began thoughtfully, “North, East, South, West, and then the place where you are right now.” The teacher smiled, for actually he was right. For the Christian, this is the most im­ portant place; right where we are. Take hold with God and move forward. Maybe there is some problem perplexing you. Perhaps it has bothered you for some­ time and you don’t know what to do about it. The Lord wants to be with you in all of your circumstances. Move for­ ward together with Him. I f our blessed Saviour had waited for more favorable conditions, we would never have received salvation and everlasting life as our eter­ nal destiny. The opportunity is given ns today, not tomorrow. * * * A father's heart must be tender, although a man's may be made of stone. * * * FALSE MODERATION All about us there is a letting down of standards and a casting aside of firm principles of truth and righteousness. For the Christian, moderation can be as deadly as the foolish person who proud­ ly boasts, “I practice temperance in all things. For instance, I drink just a lit­ tle.”Yet, beforehe knows it, and unable to help himself, hewinds up an al­ coholic. How cleverly insidious is Satan. Moderation is never to be trusted. Every derelict on “skid row" began by saying, “I’m just a moderate social drinker." Such is like having a little cancer, and doing nothing about it. Spiritually, too, it can happen by allowing a moderate amount of hatred, jealousy, envy, or covetousness. Too many are content to be moderately kind, moderately loving, mod­ erately generous with the Lord, moder­ ately interested in the study of God’s 32

EASIEST TO DO Do you know anyone who seems to be expert at sitting back and letting some­ body else do all the work? There was a young boy who had devised a way to have his dog help him with the lawn chores. He hitched the dog up to the mower through a series of ropes. The idea seemed to work fine, however, every time someone passed by, the dog stopped pulling to bark. To one passerby the lad explained, “Don’t mind the dog Mis­ ter, he’s just barking so he won’t have to work.” That dog is very much like certain people. They can always bark, finding fault with others, however, when it comes to work, calling, teaching, or some other need, they are too busy. Com­ plaining about others requires no talent, no brains, no character and certainly no self-denial. There was a man who would never attend church, always criticizing Chris­ tians. One day a friend came to him and asked, “Have you ever heard the story in the Bible about the rich man and Lazarus?” He responded quickly, “Of course I have.” (As is true with many so- called agnostics, he prided himself in knowing more of the Bible than most Christians.) The friend continued, “Then you remember how that there were dogs ivhich stood at the gate licking the sores of the poor beggar, Lazarus.” “Sure, I know that. What’s your point?" the critic said impatiently. The believer pointed out, “You remind me of those dogs. All your time is spent licking the sores in other people’s lives. You can only see their faults." Do you know anyone like this? What a sad and tragic existence to live. In I Corinthians 13, often re­ ferred to as the “love chapter of the Bible," the Apostle Paul, under the in­ spiration of the Holy Spirit, penned, “Love thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth." The futility of riches is stated very plain­ ly in two places: the income tax form and more specifically, the Bible. * * * GOOD USE A faithful elderly minister was asked to explain what Urim and Thummin are in Scripture. He thought for a moment and then replied, “Well, I guess I can’t give you the exact definition, although I understand they were on the breastplate of the high priest. Through them he was able to observe the mind of the Lord.

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