Biola Broadcaster - 1965-07

JUNE RADIO MESSAGE LESSON FROM ROCKS T here are some interesting things in the Word of God about rocks. We can gain some very practical in­ sight into the study of this subject, tracing back the word through vari­ ous Scriptures. For instance, Psalm 81:15 tells us, “With honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee.” This is God talking to the “haters” of the Lord (verse 15). In Numbers 20:8 we read of the miracle whereby the thirsty c h ild r e n of Israel were quenched by the rivers of water flow­ ing out of the rock. In Deuteronomy 8:15 we learn of the rock that is of flint. (That is probably the hardest rock there is.) Later, in Deuteronomy 32:30 we And oil coming out of the rock. Sometimes the rock is certain verses very definitely refers to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is, of course, the Rock of Ages. In other places, rock represents circumstances, conditions, and even people, nations and tongues. Reflecting back on some of these interesting pictures, we first must realize that ordinarily there is no wa­ ter in a rock. Sometimes we see the water from a spring trickling down between the cracks in the rock; how­ ever, it is not from the rock itself. The passage in Psalms now tells us about honey, not from a beehive, but out of a rock. God must have some valuable lesson for us to learn from this. The meaning is that even in the hardest of circumstances God has a sweet portion for us if we will only take the time to wait upon Him for the answer. I am thinking of a family who had very little money. They were ex­ tremely poor. We had to take them in and give them a place to live. We fed them because they had nothing what­ ever. They loved the Lord, however, and worshipped Him faithfully. You never heard them complain. We didn’t want to see them sent to the poor

b y D r . W a lt e r L . W ilso n

house so, since they had been a help to us in former days, we took them in. The woman had a sister who, with her husband, did nothing to help them. In fact, they treated them very meanly. They had money they would never miss, but, like rocks, they were as hard and cold as stone. One day a long-distance call came to my home for the woman. It was from her sister telling that the husband, her brother- in-law, had died suddenly. She, of course, was sorry, but she didn’t know fully what his death really meant. But even more strange was a later call placed by an attorney. He told her that while coming back from the graveside funeral service, his wife died suddenly of a heart attack. Everything the un­ concerned couple possessed was willed to this poor woman who, with her hus­ band, was staying at our house. It was all so totally unexpected. The Lord took care of the needs of this lovely couple by giving them honey out of the rock. A friend of mine went prospecting up in Alaska. Do you know what he found? It was a gold mine which had been overlooked by others. He brought some of the gold back and showed it to me. It, too, was honey out of the rock. It was a barren place, and oth­ ers had passed it by thinking the place was worthless. He came along, put a

Dr. James H. Christian (center), Biola College dean, looks over schedule with students Robert Thune of Murdo, South Dakota, and Janet Brown of Whittier, Calif.


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