drill down and found the treasure. That is what this verse is talking about. It is a place which seems im possible to bring you any blessings. Then suddenly it becomes a source of rich possession. A church burned down and the pas tor said, “I’m glad of it. I just got a blessing out of that because we’ve been wanting to build a new one for a long time. We couldn’t get the entire congregation to agree, and now the Lord has solved our problem for us.” Have you ever gotten sweet and good things out of a place from which you didn’t expect them? Thank the Lord for it, because it is His provision for us! In thinking about water coming out of a rock, we have to realize that a person could drill all day in stone and still never find water. But in the mira cle of God’s grace, He came in and touched the rock so that when it was struck it brought forth the liquid refreshment. I have always enjoyed reading the story of Charles H. Spur geon. One day, when only 21 people were in church, a blacksmith preached a simple sermon. Spurgeon was saved on that bitter cold day. Whoever would have thought that such a transforma tion could take place and touch such a personality of God. Since then the written sermons and works of this man have influenced the entire world. Rivers of water came forth as the Word was faithfully given. He was just a farmer’s boy. What did he know? Very little, but God touched him. The Lord touched D. L. Moody when he was a shoe salesman. A Sun day school teacher came along and led him to the Saviour. Nobody thought Moody had anything the world would remember. He must have resembled a rock. But think of the rivers of living water God poured forth through his life and ministry empowered by the Holy Spirit. As another example we can point to R. A. Torrey, who was used so mightily of the Lord in the early days of ministry during Biola’s young years. He was ready to commit sui
cide, so bitter and despondent had he become. God spoke to his heart and the fervent prayers of an anxious mother were rewarded as his wife was entirely dedicated to the Saviour. He was like this rock out of whom came the water of life. We don’t want to overlook the oil out of the rock. As with* honey and water, we know that naturally one doesn’t get oil out of a rock. This again speaks of an impossible situa tion. Oil, of course, had been used for such things as food, lubrication, illu mination, and so forth. It was a mira cle of the Lord as He provided the precious life-giving substance. How often our lives need the Holy Spirit, as the oil of the Lord, to keep us lubri cated and moving properly. Oil is also fuel, and certainly we need that which will guide and propel us properly into the areas of service where our testi mony may be a blessing to others. As the world thinks of the Lord Jesus Christ; they may cast Him aside as a worthless rock which will not “fit in” the building program of modern life. Hovy wonderful for the believer to find his every need satisfied in Christ. He gives us His living water for the days, duties, opportunities, and disappointments. When you walk with the Saviour, and when you are drinking from His fountain, you will find it easy to get along with other people. The smoothness of living, the smoothness of operation, the smooth ness of co-operation in the church, the home, the business, the social con tacts, will all be lubricated by His Spirit. When you come to Him for that which you need in your own heart, the Lord will, fill you with the oil of glad ness, the oil of sustenance, and the oil that feeds and smooths out the rough places. This is what will make you shine for Him. He will give it to you abundantly and without measure. Let us learn to know the Saviour and to take all our circumstances and impos sible situations to Him. Out of them all He will bring glory and blessing. He is our wonderful Rock of salva tion! 6
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