JUNE RADIO MESSAGE WE ARE HIS SHEEP M usic is one of G od ’ s gifts to mankind. In Psalm 95:1, we read, “0 come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.” I am so glad that he put it both ways. Some people can sing like nightingales while others sound like sick bullfrogs. The Lord wants both, however, for, after all, He made them both. He never expected a bullfrog to sing like a canary. All He asks us to do is whichever one we can. In verse 4 we read, “In his hand are the deep places of the earth.” When you get “down in the dumps,” remember that you are close to His hand. When you are in despair, hover ing in the shadows, you are nigh to the Lord. When you feel as if you will never see daylight again, remember that then you are in the very center of His love. He is that precious Person Who cares, keeps, protects and pro vides. That is His name, the Lord our Provider. Then in verse 7 there is an interest ing thought. It says, “For he is our God; and we are the people of his pas ture, and the sheep of his hand.” That is fascinating to me. Some sheep are left in the pasture while others are kept in the pen. The people of His pasture are those who have lots of things. They needn’t worry about the pennies. No bill collector is coming to their door. No one is threatening a lawsuit because they haven’t paid their debts. They don’t have to sub sist on cheap commodities. To some our Lord gives plenty. They may have such things as nice carpets, a grand piano, a new automobile, and every possession one could desire. They have everything they want. But then they are the sheep of his hand. Have you ever been like this? One day a woman was giving out tracts. She saw an elderly woman sit ting up on the front porch so she
b y D r . W a lt e r L . W ilso n
climbed the terrace and gave her Gos pel tract. In doing so she said, “This tells you about the Lord Jesus Christ,” The woman responded, “I’m glad to hear about Him, because I’m one of His hand lambs.” This was a peculiar statement, so the woman explained it by saying, “Well, you know some of God’s people have plenty. They’re the lamb of His pasture. But I have so little I have to come to His hand every day to get something to eat. When I need to pay my bills I just have to live out of His hand to my mouth. You see, He loves the “hand lambs” best, because we come the oftenest to Him. Those in the pasture may never come for a long time, but I have to come to Him every day. He wants me to be close to Him.” What a sweet thought that is. The Psalmist says, “the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” When we get to thinking that we can get along without Him and that we don’t need to go to Him very much, we don’t pray as we should, we don’t read the Bible as we should, and we don’t go to church as we should. Then the pasture dries up until there is a spiritual drought. The soil, where the tree had been planted by the river, begins to show signs of thirst. Do you know Him as the Pro-
Biola student trie from left to right: Kathy McKinney, Susie Brenneman and lois Amundson.
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