JUNE RADIO MESSAGE THE END OF LIFE T here are some very pertinent and helpful questions asked in the Word of God. In Ezekiel 18:31 the query is, “For why will ye die?” How we should ponder these five impres sive words. Although many centuries have passed since it was asked, there is still no answer in the things found around us. Seeing the wonderful joy, peace, and blessedness of the Chris tian life, we can well wonder why any one would prefer to go to hell. Why would anyone prefer the devil to our Lord? Things in this life are so tran sient and fickle when compared with the permanent and wonderful pre ciousness belonging to those who love the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has said, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” There are really many kinds of death. There is phys ical death when an individual dies. Spiritual death refers to one who has never accepted the Saviour. But eter nal death has to do with this one who, in life, rejects the Saviour. Through out eternity he is forever separated from God. One time I was riding along with an undertaker at the head of a funeral procession. I said to the driver, “What do you suppose that verse means, ‘Let the dead bury their dead.’ ” The mor tician looked quickly at me and said, “Why, that’s not in the Bible, Dr. Wilson.” I had a hard time convinc ing him it was until I opened my Bible to the, statement which appears in Matthew and again in Luke. He was now very interested. “What does that mean?” he wanted to know. “If Jesus said it, I guess it must be true. But I can’t see any sense to it.” Then I told him, “You see, you’re dead to God, just like this woman in the back of the hearse is dead to her family. The family is doing a lot for her, but she doesn’t care for them at all. They tell her they love her, but she makes no response. They call
b y D r . W a lt e r L . W ils o n
her, but she doesn’t answer. They command her, but she doesn’t obey. They lavish their love on her, but she doesn’t give anything back. For all practical purposes she is utterly ignor ing her family. That’s the way it is with God.” He thought for a moment, then quizically asked, “Say, did someone tell you about me up at church?” (He thought I knew some real “dirt” about him.) I assured him no one had told me anything about him. As the tears began to come, he told me, “I ’ve had a lot of funerals lately. I sat up until 2 o’clock this morning trying to find out how to be a Chris tian. I knew they would have my fu neral someday. But I couldn’t under stand what I read.” What a joy for me to open the Bible again and to read to him while he was driving the hearse very slowly. It was a muddy road, and we had to go quite a long way. It was a privilege to read about the Saviour and how He came to bear our griefs and to carry our sorrows. He took our sins away and blotted out our iniqui ties, making us children of God. He wants to give us a robe of righteous ness which is the garment of salva tion. The Lord Jesus does 33 things for us when we trust Him with our soul, heart and life. Christ will make you fit for heaven and give you the free gift of eternal life. “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” This dear fellow slightly bowed his head over the wheel and said, “Lord Jesus, I never knew you came to save me. I’m going to trust you right now” That man is a deacon now in the Baptist church in that town.-The Lord isn’t pleased with the death of the wicked. That is why He has sent along His Gospel to keep us from dying. Why is it that people don’t consider 9
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