King's Business - 1954-02




In M ex ico , a Language I» W ritten

see p age 12

This outstanding color film is offered by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. to churches and other groups on a free will offering basis. Also available are seven other great motion pictures: I Saw Petra Here is an unusual presentation of the dramatic story of restless Korea coupled with the great message of salvation and hope in Jesus Christ. Filmed during the closing days of the Korean conflict and the time of the truce signing at Panmunjom, the horrors of war and the wreckage left in its wake are vividly presented. The historic signing of the truce is a highlight of the film which is one of the most complete coverages available of the event. The picture also gives an accurate presentation of the hardships and needs of the restless Korean people. The courage of Korean soldiers and of Korean Christians is seen as together they struggle to find peace far their buffeted country. Schools, churches, orphanages and other avenues of service are shown as, amidst the war’s desolation, Christian missions in Korea continue.

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Sirs: Thank God for a Christian answer! One of our teen age girls at Sunday school asked her teacher about the facts of life, saying that she knew absolutely nothing but what she had read in the newspaper accounts of the Kinsey report. This is a shocking thing, since this sweet girl is a born again Christian. Her mother professes Christianity also but when the 'girl tried to read a book on the facts of life her mother found it and punished her severely. When questioned she only laughed at her and told the girl’s stepfather the entire conversa­ tion. San Bernardino, Calif. Mrs. R. D. Hilder Sirs: I have never believed in evolution and it would be a desecration to the ape to say that this man in question is a progeny of the ape. I would rather say he is the “vestigial re­ mains” of Satan who was introduced to mankind in the Garden of Eden where he played fast and loose with God’s sacred ordinance and all the mothers of mankind have suffered since. [Kinsey] is not conscious of the sacred love of motherhood. I am I an old woman-—well into my four score years. I hope to live to see this book discredited among all decent readers. Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. Charles Gland INSPIRATION Sirs: I would like to tell you that I enoy K.B. very much. It is clear, scriptural, Christian and attractively gotten up. Thanks for much inspira­ tion and many sermon illustrations. The Rev. Percy B. Dolling Salisbury Center, N.Y. The Methodist Church FROM JAPAN Sirs: King’s Business is eagerly read by the missionaries and servicemen who attend our English speaking service at Hotel Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan Lt. Carl Blackler, U SN R DECEMBER COVER Sirs: Your Christmas cover is the best I have ever seen—it seems to say something that others do not. Many are merely surface thoughts of Christ- mas-—this goes beyond. Even the col­ oring has its message—the gold over against the black. Only God could do anything about sin. And He did it by letting His Son leave all the gold of heaven for the blackness of earth. Christine N. Johnson Ozark, Ark. Ozark Bible Institute

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Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Vol. 45, No. 2


Established 1910

ARTICLES CHRIST'S PROGRAM FOR THE FUTURE— John W. Walvoord ......... 8 THE BROTHERHOOD OF CHRIST— P. W. Philpott ........................... 10 HOW OUR MISSIONARIES LIVE IN MEXICO— Photo Story ........... 12 FEATURES READER REACTION .................................................................................... 4 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK .................................................... ............... 7 WORLD NEWSGRAMS— James O. Henry .............................................. 18 WORDS FROM THE WORD— Charles L. Feinberg .............................. 19 CHURCH OF THE MONTH— Park St. Church, Boston, Mass. ......... 20 OUT OF THE LAB— Donald S. Robertson .............................................. 21 BOOK REVIEWS— Donald G. Davis ........................................................ 22 FINEST OF THE WHEAT— Glenn F. O'Neal .......................................... 24 PHILOSOPHY IN LIFE— Paul M. Aijian .............................................. 25 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS— Martha S. Hooker ................................ 26 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ............................................................... 28 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING— Gerald B. Stanton .............................. 29 TALKING IT OVER— A psychologist answers— Clyde Narramore .... 30 THE SCOPE OF MISSIONS— Oran H. Smith .......................................... 31 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ........................................................................... 34 IN CHRIST IS LIFE—How Can a Man Be Just with God? .............. 35 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF—Althea S. Miller ............................ 49 ADVERTISERS' INDEX ................................................................................ 50 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED— Margaret Jacobsen ............. 38 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS— Chester J. Padgett ................................... 39 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS— Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .... 42 OBJECT LESSONS— Elmer L. Wilder ........................................................ 48 COVER For the first time in history the Tlapaneco Indians of Southern M e x­ ico have their language written. After 15 years of painstaking work, translator H. V. Lemley has finished the Gospel of John, Epistles of John and an Old Testament story book. Pictured on the cover with Lemley is a Tlapaneco youth, 17-year-old Ceto. For the story of trans­ lation & printing in Mexico see pages 1 2-17.— Photo by Lloyd Hamill.

chancellor LO UIS T. TALBO T

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editorial board Paul M. Aijian • Charles L. Feinberg M artha S. Hooker Glenn F. O 'N eal • Donald S. Robertson Gerald B. Stanton

Donald G. Davis • James O. Henry M argaret Jacobsen Chester J, Padgett • Oran H. Smith

Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided far in the Act of February. 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L, and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November i 3, 1938. Printed in U.S.A, by Church Press, Glendale, California.' ADDRESS: The K in g's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

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The colorful Scripture Press Cradle Roll Course today is being hailed as a church and Sunday School builder. Pastors and superintendents from many denominations claim the All-Bible Cradle Roll Course serves as a unique tool in reach­ ing their communities for Christ. The course is designed to reach the par­ ents through the child, who may be enrolled at any time from birth to two years. The plan calls for a monthly Mother’s meeting featuring an interesting Bible study and perhaps a brief talk on child training, also visits every other month to the home by a Cradle Roll worker. Baby’s Guide Packet provides 12-four-page leaflets to parents giving helpful tips on the guidance and training of the baby, with definite spiritual emphasis. Also included in the packet are first- and second-year birthday, cards, enrollment and promotion certificates, and an attractive binder for the 12 illustra­ ted leaflets. Easy-to-follow steps in organizing a Cradle Roll Department are given in the 16-page Baby’s Guide Manual, which covers every phase of this ministry to new parents. Queen Victoria Taught Sunday School Each Week Queen Victoria, who employed great meas­ ures for purity of her empire, believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. When asked the reason for the prosperity of Britain, the Queen replied, "Sirs, the Bible!” At one time a captain of a slave ship brought Queen Victoria a little slave girl as a gift. The Queen accepted the child as a soul instead of as a slave. She gave the .little girl freedom and saw to it that she received a Christian education and later honored her by inviting her to herwedding to PrinceAlbert. Despite her royalty she had a greater con­ cern than that of her nation. Queen Victoria was always concerned for lost humanity. It wasn’t below her dignity to personally seek

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theeditor’s desk


T h e B l i n d S p o t

T here are three phases in the life of all Christian workers, and particu­ larly in the life of missionaries and ministers. The first phase is the pre-college age, when the prospective missionary or minister is a youngster. The church spends much time and money in providing a Christian Education program designed to train the child in the way that he should go. Splendid recreational facilities are built; wherever possible a director of young people’s work is provided and every effort is made to attract the child and the high school young person into the life of the local church. Upon completion of high school training, the young person is sent off to college or an institution of higher learning in order to be specially trained for his life’s work. This constitutes the second phase of his ministry. The third phase is made up of actual service which that individual renders in the years following his formal training. In the third phase of the Christian worker’s life, the church likewise spends a great deal of time and money. Much is made, in conservative circles, of giving to foreign missionary work. Appeals are constantly made in behalf of missionaries who are out on the field or who are desirous of getting onto the field. The church of Jesus Christ is deeply concerned about the pre-college life of its young people and it is deeply interested in the missionary life of those young people who have been called of the Lord to go into foreign missionary service. But there is too frequently a rather indifferent, if not actually antagonistic, attitude shown whenever a request comes to the local church for aid in the preparation of these young people for missionary service. It is the second phase, or central phase, of an individual’s life that constitutes the “blind spot” in Christian giving. The number of churches, contributing directly to The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, for instance, is appallingly few. The Bible Institute is endeavoring in every possible way to provide adequate training for the young people who attend this school, so that they will be thoroughly pre­ pared apd equipped to do outstanding work for our Lord Jesus Christ wherever He may call them to go. But training costs are high. Secular institutions of higher learning, and including most of the Christian liberal arts colleges, estimate that it costs anywhere from $1,200 to $2,000 a year to provide training for each student. This includes expensive labor­ atory equipment for science courses, the upkeep of large and beautiful campuses and many other types of expense which the Bible Institute of Los Angeles does not have. It is therefore possible for the Bible Institute to provide training at an appreciably less cost than is required in most schools of higher learning. There is a great need for God’s people every­ where to become awakened to this “blind spot” in Christian giving. The expenses involved in getting children and high school young people safely through the first phase of their lives, from a spiritual stand­ point, is extremely important. And of course funds must be provided for missionaries who are already on the field. But, new recruits are in constant demand; they must be trained. It is imperative therefore that God’s people recognize this responsibility in order that adequate pro­ vision may be made for the whole program of Christian service. The prayers of Christians everywhere are earnestly requested in behalf of Christian institutions of higher learning, and if possible these prayers should be backed up by financial support in order that schools, such as the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, might continue to function without handicap.

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F E B R U A R Y 1 9 5 4

Christ’s program

The blessed hope of our Tord ,s second coming constitutes un

impelling chullenge. The task is large and the dags are few.


T he whole world is in a state of fearful expectation. The advent of the atomic bomb with kindred dev­ astating weapons has brought the world face to face with the possibil­ ity of the doom of present civilization. It is a matter of common discussion and much literature whether the world’s population faces annihilation and, if not, whether the destructive forces let loose by war will not in any event destroy civilization to the extent that it will lose its present character. To a Christian who ac­ cepts the Bible as the Word of God

such questions are not merely aca­ demic, but rather point to the Bibli­ cal question of whether we are ap­ proaching the end of the present age. The Biblical Picture of the Future Students of the Bible have long studied the Biblical pattern of future events. For those who interpret the Bible literally, this has yielded a definite program for the future. Ac­ cording to the Scriptures the Lord Jesus Christ will return to meet His church in the air. Following this event, while the church is in heaven, a world government will come into being. In its early stages the political leader of this government will enter into a covenant with Israel providing for Israel’s protection and liberty in their native land of Palestine (Dan. 9:27). As the world government be­ comes stronger and comes to the peak of its power, absolute control is exer­ cised over the press, business and re­ ligion as well as the political sov­ ereignty of the states in the world government (Rev.. 13:7, 8, 16, 17). The political head will be a dictator of tremendous power who will deify himself (Rev. 13:8). All will be re­ quired to worship him and Jews and Christians who resist this order will be put to death in great numbers (Rev. 7:9-17; 13:7, 8, 15). Simultaneous with these events will be a series of great catastrophic judgments which God will pour out on the earth which will destroy most of the earth’s population (Rev. 6-19). The political movement of the time will culminate in a tremendous world war with Palestine as its .vor­

tex. As the world’s armies converge on Israel’s ancient land the Lord will return from heaven with the church and the holy angels, judge the world in righteousness, and destroy all the wicked. Such a sequence of events has nev­ er occurred in the history of the world and will be easily recognizable when it takes place. As the coming of the Lord for His church precedes the fulfillment of these prophecies, we need not look for their fulfillment now. The significance of world events in the light of these prophecies is that we can see in our day prepara­ tion on a colossal scale for just such a period. The trends of our day to­ ward the fulfillment of prophecy sound a clarion call to attention. The march of these stirring events is about to begin. Three Lines of Evidence The Apostle Paul writing by inspir­ ation furnishes a divinely authorized division of the peoples of the earth when he refers to the Jews, Gentiles, and the church of God (1 Cor. 10:32). Here is distinguished the purpose of God in these three categories, con­ cerning each of which the Scriptures speak much in detail. During this age the Jews are in dispersion, perse­ cuted, blinded, wandering. This is in fulfillment of many prophecies of the Old and New Testament (cf. Deut. 28:58-68; Rom. 11). For the Geritiles this is the time of power and bless­ ing. To Gentiles the gospel is freely offered. To Gentiles is given political power and wealth. It is still the, times of the Gentiles begun in 600 THE K IN G 'S BU SINESS

THE AUTHOR Dr. John F. Walvoord is president of Dal­ las Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas. 8

B.C. and the time of the fullness of the Gentiles begun at Pentecost. It is also the time of the formation of the church of God of both Jew and Gentile. In this age God is calling out a people for His name. An ex­ amination of these three lines of rev­ elation will unfold a marvelous move­ ment of God in our day. The evi­ dence points to the conclusion that the present age is fast running its course. The State of the Church The Scriptures speak not only of the church as the body of Christ but also as a sphere of profession includ­ ing many who are not actually saved. In this sphere of profession the Scrip­ tures predict a fearful apostasy and turning away from the truth during the present age. According to First Timothy 4:1, “Some shall depart from the faith,” and the characteristics of these as defined in this passage are easily found in the world. Peter pre­ dicts the coming of false prophets “who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them” (2 Pet. 2:1). One of rthe most obvious heresies of our day within the professing church is the denial that the sacrifice and: shed blood of Christ “bought” us and con­ stituted an actual redemption. Lib­ erals object to such hymns as “Jesus Paid It All,” as outmoded theology and contrary to their doctrine that God loves everybody. No point will bring withering scorn among liberals like the Biblical teaching on the blood of Christ. These prophecies of false teachers have all been fulfilled in our day. Peter concludes his extended sec­ tion (2 Pet. 2:1-3:18) on apostasy with a prediction that unbelievers will scoff at the doctrine of the sec­ ond coming: “Knowing this first, that there shall- come in the last days scof­ fers, walking after their own lusts. And saying, Where is the promise of His coming? for since the fathers fell F E B R U A R Y 1 9 5 4

asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the crea­ tion” (2 Pet. 3:3, 4). One of the most obvious facts of modern Christianity is that liberals do not preach the second coming of Christ. The great mass ■of church­ going, professing Christians are igno­ rant of the simple elements of the doctrine of the second coming because they have been robbed of it by an unbelieving leadership. The doctrine of the second coming of Christ and its accompanying teaching of judg­ ment upon sin is not palatable to modern rejectors of the truth of God. The precise form of opposition an­ ticipated in the Bible nineteen hun­ dred years ago is found in contempo­ rary theology as never before in the history of the age. An examination of these and many other prophecies concerning the course of the church in the world will impress one with the fact that every prophecy concerning the church in the world has been fulfilled except the resurrection and translation of the true church, which closes the age, and the divine judgment on the apos­ tate church which occurs later in the great tribulation. As far as the church is concerned, the trends of prophecy point to the imminency of the con­ summation, the glad moment when Christ will come for His own, the dead being raised and the living translated into His glorious presence. The State of the World The state of thé world like the state of the church' is in the climactic stage. The frantic scramble to find a solution to the problem of the atomic bomb, the obvious disaster which faces much of civilization in the event of another world war, the dis­ integration of moral standards among nations, the impending clash of races and ideologies, and the growth of crime and cruelty combine to pose a problem of formidable proportions. These factors in their general char­

acter foreshadow unmistakably the apocalyptic events predicted for the tribulation. In the world at large the rise of Russia as a great military power is a pointed fact. The prophecy of Ezek­ iel 38-39 has long been associated with Russia and the passage states expressly that the military invasion which sweeps upon Palestine comes from the north (Ezek. 38:15, 16). While, this event is not dated in Scrip­ ture it seems to be related to the events which close the age and it may well be that the Lord will come for His church before the invasion takes place. In our day as never before in history such an invasion is a prob­ ability. The strategic position of Pal­ estine astride the route from Europe to Asia, the tremendous oil reserves in that portion of the world, and the astronomical value of mineral depos­ its in Palestine make it a unique prize. The rise of Russia certainly fits into the larger picture of the close of the age with amazing precision. Coupled with Russia in our time is the incompatible military strength of the Orient. According to the Scrip­ tures one of the major elements in the final great battle which culminates in the return of the Lord to establish His kingdom on earth is the invasion from the East. A great army of two hundred million are pictured in Rev­ elation 9:16 as related to the release of the angels bound in the River Euphrates to the east. According to Revelation 16:12 the way of the kings of the east, the leaders of the great Oriental army, is prepared by the drying up of that river. The converg­ ence of this tremendous army upon Palestine is a preparation for Arma­ geddon. The kings of the whole earth are “gathered” for “the battle of that great day of God Almighty” (Rev. 16:14). Never before in the history of the world has such an invasion been a greater probability. The prob- continued on page 35 9

The Brotherhood of Christ B y P . W . P h i l p o t t

There is a marvelous oneness between Christ and the believer

l i ne of the great and glorious truths 11 of divine revelation is the fact of v the vital, eternal union that ex­ ists between Christ and His Church. This truth is so important and blessed that the Holy Spirit has taken the most exquisite figure of human affec­ tion to describe the bond that binds His heart to the hearts of those whom He calls His own. It is not the love of a comrade, or the love of a brother, or even the more sacred love of a mother. But it is that love which links two hearts in an exclusive un­ ion that is all their own and into which none other dare intrude. It is the love of the husband and the wife, of the bride and the bridegroom. Even that beautiful figure fails to set forth this union in all its perfec­ tion; hence several other metaphors are used. For instance, in John’s Gos­ pel we read of the shepherd and the sheep. Christ is the shepherd and we are the sheep. In the fifteenth chap­ ter we have the figure of the vine and the branches. He is the vine and we are the branches. In the epistles we have the figure of a building. The foundation is Christ and we are the material that makes up the whole. Then we have the figure of the hu­ man body. He is the head and we are the members of that body, “mem­ bers . . . of his flesh, and of his bones.” But the most sublime metaphor is that of the husband and the wife. The Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Corinthians, speaking of the mar­ riage bond, says when the twain are joined they are “One flesh, but he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” You may separate the sheep from the shepherd; you may cut away the branches from the vine; you may sever a member from the body; you may tear away the material from the cornerstone and the foundation; you may divorce the wife or the husband; THE AU THO R Dr. P. W. Philpott celebrated his 70th anniversary of gospel ministry on January 10. Dr. Philpott, widely-traveled evange­ list, conference speaker and writer, is an assistant pastor of the People's Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

but there is no line of cleavage in one’s spirit. Oh, what a sanctifying and satisfying truth! I have come to think that all real Christians are equally secure no mat­ ter what they believe, whether Cal­ vinists or Arminians. But all Chris­ tians are not equally happy, and it is because this great truth has never gripped them. There is a tradition that comes down to us from the days of the Passover in Egypt, of two He­ brew maidens who, on the night that the death angel was passing through the land, were behind the closed door that had been sprinkled with the blood of the lamb. One was seated at the table feasting on the roasted lamb while the other was walking the floor in anguish of mind and agony of heart. She kept wondering if the death angel had passed by. Her sis­ ter said, “It makes no difference whether he has passed by or not. The blood is on the door and God has said, ‘When I see the blood, I will pass over you.’ ” You see, both were safe, but they were not equally sure. It matters a great deal whether we believe the Word of God or not—it makes a difference in our happiness. In the first chapters of this won­ derful Epistle to the Hebrews the writer, suggests several blessed aspects of this glorious union. Christ One With Us in Our Humanity Christ is one with us in our hu­ manity. “Forasmuch,” we read in the fourteenth verse of the second chap­ ter, “as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself like­ wise took part of the same.” And in verse sixteen: “For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the' seed of Abraham.” In the first chapter the emphasis is upon the deity of the Lord Jesus. He is “heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; who being the brightness of his glory, and the ex­ press image of his person, and up­ holding all things' by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.” Here He is very God of very God. But in the second chapter He is very

man of very man. In our day many are denying His deity. It is just as great an error to deny His humanity. There is a very popular religion that denies the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, that denies that God has been manifest in the flesh. John in his epistle tells us that we are to “try the spirits whether they be of God.” Here is one of the tests: “Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: and every spir­ it that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist.” The only way we can account for Jesus Christ is to believe the story of His incarnation as it is recorded in the Gospels. How can I account for this Man except by believing that the Babe lying in the manger is Imman­ uel, which, being interpreted, is “God with us”? That is the only way we can explain His matchless ministry, His wonderful teaching, His holy life, His marvelous miracles. We Are Made One With Him in Deity He has made it possible that we might be one with Him in deity. “He is not ashamed to call us breth­ ren.” It is a wonderful thing to be born of God. The new birth is real and vital. When we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and take Him as Saviour we “pass out of death into life” and “are made partakers of the divine nature.” “He hath redeemed us,” Paul tells us, “from the curse of the law” that we might receive the adoption of sonship. By His death on the cross He closed forever the door of hell for all who receive Him as Saviour. But that is not all. He died “the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.” We receive the spirit of adoption and “because we are sons,”' says Paul, “God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” I shall never forget that night when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. When I knelt down to pray that night I found myself intuitively calling God, my father. I wonder who taught me to do that? I had thought of God as the Almighty. I was afraid of God. The very name terrified me.



She backed down the hall into a little dining room and the children came and gathered around her. One little girl said, “Mamma, is daddy dead?” And then they all sobbed with the mother who replied, “Yes, they’ve killed him.” I couldn’t do a thing but weep with them. After a while the woman looked up and said, “Preacher, do you think God Almighty knows about all this? Does God,care?” , You may think that was a strange way for a Christian to speak; But, friends, have not our hearts, too, been wrung at times with that cry of an­ guish on dark nights and in bitter experiences through which we have paSsed? As I stood there almost dumb in the presence of such grief, I re­ membered that Jesus, our precious Saviour, passed through a night of great sorrow and that He cried out in anguish, /“My God, my God, why?” I am so glad that Jesus went through that experience, because I could then say to the little Scotch woman, “Yes, He knows. Don’t you remember in that dark hour when He was hang­ ing on the cross He said, ‘My God, why hast thou forsaken me?’ ” I have spent nearly all of my life among poor people. I have been go­ ing to deathbeds and homes of sor­ row and trying to say something that would comfort wounded hearts. I think I would have committed sui­ cide halfway back on the journey if I had not believed in the old Book. My baby son, my eighth son, was taken to the hospital one morning. I went there to see him and they put a white robe on me, for he was ill with diphtheria. When I went into the room the little fellow looked at me and said, “Daddy, why do you dress like, that when you come here?” I said, “Donnie, it is because the doctors .and the nurses do, and they won’t let me come in unless I put this robe on.” He said, “Daddy, am I going to die?” j His little feet were in the cold wa­ ters even then. They were slipping over the brink. I asked him, “Are you afraid to die?” And do you know what my little lamb said? “No, daddy, I’m not afraid to die. Jesus is with me.” God pity you, you school teacher, you professor, if you dare to steal that faith away from my child! “Jesus is with me.” That was the testimony of my baby. He could say with Da­ vid, “I will fear no evil, for thou art with -me.” Christ Himself meets every saint as he comes to the river’s brink, and He carries him safely over. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is th death of his saints.” END. 11

my feet. He met all life’s trials, and it helps me so to know that He knows and He cares. He is One With us in Death He is one with us in death. It is a very solemn fact that every one of us in just .a little while, some of us in a very little while, will come to a grave (unless the Lord appears in glory and takes us home by way of translation). Like those who have gone before us, we will stop at that grave. It is a solemn thought. But listen. He took part of our flesh “that through death he might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil.” Blessed be God! “And deliver them who through the fear of death were all their lifetime sub­ ject to bondage.” In the hour of be­ reavement Jesus is one with us. He spake of Lazarus, “his friend.” I some­ times think the world came nearer to understanding Him at that point than at any other. When He healed the leper He said, “This is the power of the most high God.” ' When He calmed the sea the people asked, “What manner of man is this that even the winds and the waves obey him?” But when He stood beside the grave and let His tears fall they said, “Behold, how he loved him.” Oh, yes, He knows all about it. He knows the anguish of heart that comes when we stand and look for the last time on the face of our beloved dead. During the first World War I had to go from time to time to the homes of a number of my parishioners and tell them that a son had been slain, or a father or a husband had died in battle. One morning early I had a phone call. A husband and father had been slain in battle. I knew that home. There was a little Scotch wife in it, with four or five baimies, and she was a good Christian woman. All the way to her home I kept asking God to give me some word to say to her. When she opened the door she looked suspicious at once. She said, “Preacher, why so early? ?. Is my hus­ band dead?” I said, “Yes, he’s dead.”

But lo, when I received His Son, I received the spirit of sonship too, and that spirit cried, “Abba, Father.” It is a great thing to be bom of Him “who saves and they who are saved are all of one [may I add the word spirit?^, for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren.” It was a marvelous thing when I called Him my Saviour. But it was a bigger and greater thing when it dawned upon me that He would call me brother. What an honor to trust Him, to follow Him, and believe I am go­ ing to be with Him in eternity! But to think that He owns me, with all my weaknesses and all my faults and failures, and is not ashamed to call me His brother! It seems too good to be true. But it is written in God’s Word, and I believe it. He is One With us in Everyday Experience He is one with us in the common experiences of our everyday life. Oh, that helps me so! “He was made per­ fect through suffering.” Because He “hath suffered being tempted, he -is able to succour them that are tempt­ ed.” He knew what it was to be hun­ gry. He knew what it was to be slandered. He knew how it felt to be blasphemed. He knew poverty. “He was rich, but for your sakes he became poor.” The foxes had holes and the birds of the air had nests, but “the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.” He knew what it was to be weary. He knew what it meant to have the people call Him a devil. He was “despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquaint­ ed with grief.” Oh, my sister, my brother, if you are passing through trouble of any kind, remember that you have standing in the presence of God a great High Priest making in­ tercession for you, who can “be touched with the feeling of our in­ firmities.” “He was tempted in all points like as we are, sin apart.” Isn’t that sweet and lovely? I’m glad He was a man. He went down the road over which I am walking. He stepped on the thorns that pierce

Yonr Prayer Request

111 of us have needs. And there is no need, no situation, no prob- il lem that God cannot deal with. He is able and He is willing. This we know on the absolute authority of His Word. Each morn­ ing the editorial staff of the King’s Business magazine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heart-cry of thou­ sands. Should you have a request we would count it a privilege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So.. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

F E B R U A R Y 1 9 5 4

how our missionaries live in

Photo Story by L loyd Ham ill

There’s a fascinating story

connected with our missionaries in

Mexico who are devoting their

lives to a long-range

plan of bringing the gospel to a

people who have never heard it once

■ exico, it has been said, is so close and JH V yet so far from the United States. It ™ seems close to the American tourists who visit Nogales and Juarez and Tijuana. But the heart of Mexico is a strange, far away land. It is a land of modem, skyscraper-studded cities, rumbling volcanoes, dense, tropical jungles, free-flowing oil wells, time­ worn pyramids and Indians that still worship the gods of their ancestors. It is a land of vast wealth and in­ credible poverty. It is a land with the world’s most fabulous university and a land teeming with men and women who will never have the opportunity to learn to read and write. It is a land rich in magnificent cathedrals and poor with the straggling masses who seek a way of life that has meaning. This is Mexico. The picture story on these pages is the story of how two missionary families live in the heart of Mexico. And it is the story of how the gospel of Jesus Christ is being put into the language of the Indian. 12

There are some five million Indians belonging to 50 tribes in Mexico. Few of them speak Spanish; many have never had their di­ alect written. These In­ dians are from the Tlapa- neco Tribe (see map p. 15).

Perched on a thin mountain ridge over 7,000 ft. up is airstrip for the Tlapaneco Mission. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Lemley (next page) were first missionaries to work with tribe, labored nearly 15 years to reduce the dialect into writing. While Lemleys work independently, major­ ity of translation work in Mexico is being done by Wycliffe Bible Translators.

y 13


MEXICO continued

Lemley and some of his Tlapaneco converts. Lemley came to Mexico in 1938 with some Bible school training and $2 in cash. Tribesmen feared him and it was six weeks before anyone would study with him. Finally 19-year-old Eduardo agreed to help with the language, three years later he became the first convert.

One of the Tlapaneco converts who pitched in to build mission.

Mrs. Lemley and convert reading from the Gospel of St. John.

Eduardo (left) was Lemley's first native convert, now is minister to his own people.

The Tlapanecos are considered one of the oldest tribes in Mexico. For centuries sandled feet have cut this trail. None heard the gospel story before the Lemleys came. THE K ING 'S BUSINESS



After the translation comes printing. Lemley's work and that of many independent missionaries— and groups like Plymouth Brethren, Wycliffe, American Bible Society— is printed by Allan Farson in Cuernavaca. Farson grew up in Glendale, California where his father owns Church Press. With his brother Ken, Al spent most of his summers touring Mexico and while still in high school decided he was going there as missionary. After a few months at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Al took work with Wycliffe and was sent to the field in 1942. First worked as translator (he already spoke Spanish) but was told by Wycliffe's Cameron Townsend that there had been 300 man- years of translation work done but that there wasn't a printer on the field. With help of father and brother set up a good- sized modern plant some 50 miles south of Mexico City. Allan is shown here with type-setter Rios Garcia. Special characters and marks have been made for complicated dialects. M O R E ►

Mbañahui' 1 Iká Ahggá.

Capítulo 1 1 En el principio era el Verbo, y el Verbo era con Dios, y el Verbo era Dios. 2 Este era en el principio con Dios. 3 Todas las cosas I por él fueron hechas; l y sin él nada de lo [que es hecho, fué he­ cho. 4 En él estaba la vi­ tela. y la vida era la luz de los hombres. Y la luz en las tinieblas resplandece; Lmas las tinieblas no comprendieron.

1 Ri pu-gïnï Ahqgà xtà. îkà Ahqgâ xtà hma Diô. Ikà Ahqgà üahü1Diô. 2 Su'kwi xtà ri pu-gïnï hmà Diô. 3 Xôgi1ri riga, ikà ne'ni. Mi ra'kà'- le-nu nditàn tagümaxi'nu ri nigüma. 4 Ikà üahü' ri nda'ya; gà ri nda'ya üahü' ri àgün' su xàbu. 5 Ri àgu' aun ri mïkïna nàmbi'i; ndô ri mikïna nàijgwa ne'ijgô. This is from the Gospel of John, chapter one.

Farson's shop is well stocked with Amer­ ican-made presses and other equipment. F E B R U A R Y 1 9 5 4

Made of brick and tile the shop is fire and termite proof, is on paved street.

Of several million pieces printed yearly some are mailed directly by the printer.


MEXICO continued

side is a vast sea of lush green, highlighted with the flame-hues of the rambling bougain­ villea. And the evening air is heavy with the smell of night-blooming jasmine and the tune­ ful fiddling of night-roaming, tropical insects.

family wash on the ground. After this Cuerna­ vaca housewife scrubs her clothing she will bathe in the same murky stream. But amid the poverty there is incredible beauty. The country­

Modern conveniences like this telephone are scarce in Mexico; many laborers get less than a dollar a week. 16

Farsons entertain many fellow missionaries in their home; when there is a lull, they often turn to this player piano for amusement. TH E K IN G 'S BU SINESS

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