King's Business - 1954-02

Baldwin, Connsonata, Hammond, Minshall, and Wurlitzer instruments are, treated in a chapter each, pro­ fusely illustrated with pictures, charts, and diagrams. The author also discusses organ attachments, dis­ continued electronic organs, and for­ eign organs. The chapter entitled “Selecting an Electronic Organ” will be a boon to church committees charged with choosing an instrument. The glossary of terms is a valuable feature of the work. 213 pages; cloth; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111.; $5.00. Jun ior Story Ta lks By Marion Gerard Gosselink From a pastor of the Reformed Church comes this book of stories for Juniors, for use in Sunday school, young people’s societies, church serv­ ices or the home circle. Each of the 40 stories is based upon a Scripture text and is linked to Bible truth—- stories are drawn from all periods of history. Special days and the seasons of the year come in for their own stories. 128 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass.; $2.00. trayal of the results of drinking and the Christian's attitude toward the liquor traffic. C O M M U N IST P R O P A G A N D A IN CH U RCH ES A N D SCH OO LS by Claude Bunzel. 15 pages; paper; American Council of Christian Churches of California; 15c. Documented pamphlet pre­ pared in support of the House Committee in­ vestigation of clergymen suspected of Commu­ nist connections or pro-Communist sympathies. G IN G ER A N D THE G LA C IER EXPRESS by Dorothy Grunbock Johnston. 104 pages; boards; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, III.; $1.00. An­ other Ginger book for junior girls— this time she is at Mt. Rainier National Park. D O ING A T TH E B A N G LES' HOUSE by Aunt Theresa Worman. 64 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; 50c. Homey stories for children about life in a comfortable Christian home. THE EX A C T T IM E OF R U SSIA 'S FIN A L M A R C H by Charles I. Seigelman. 32 pages; pa­ per; Louisville Messianic Witness to Israel, Lou­ isville, Ky. A discussion of Ezekiel 38 and 39 and the invasion of the King of the North. M A R B LE H E A D by Bill Brinkley. 96 pages; paper with plastic binder; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J. Cartoon story of a young man's search for peace and how he found it in the Cross. H E A V E N L Y PRAISES, compiled by Edwin Gru­ ber and the Moody Press Staff.- 146 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; 45c. Collec­ tion of old hymns and Gospel songs with newer choruses and solos. FRO M LA W Y E R TO PREA C H ER by Hyman J. Appelman. 45 pages; paper; Zondervan Pub­ lishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; 50c. Chal­ lenging life story of Evangelist Appelman told by himself— gooa gift for Jewish friends. BEYO N D C IV IL IZ A T IO N by S. Muller. 62 pages; cloth with plastic binder; Brown Gold Publications, Chico, Calif.; $1.35. Letters writ­ ten by missionary of New Tribes Mission in South America— illustrated by full-page im­ pressionistic cuts. POISON P ED D LIN G O N A M E R IC A 'S BOULE­ V A R D 'S by Bernard Brunsting. 30 pages; paper; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, III.; 35c. Docu­ mented sermon on narcotic situation preached in Bethel Reformed Church, Bellflower, Calif., May 31, 1953. HOW TO P IC K A W IFE FOR C H R IST IA N FELLOW S by William W. Orr. 32 pages; paper; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, III.; 25c. Prac­ tical counsel on many phases or selecting a life partner. H OW TO GET A H U SB A N D FOR C H R IST IA N G IRLS by William W. Orr. 32 pages; paper; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, III.; 25c. Serious Christian girls will appreciate most of the ad­ vice contained in this booklet.

with many realistic glimpses into Chinese life as it was lived before the communization of China. Miss Tsai’s father was a high government official. The story moves from China to San Francisco, honoring the Sav­ iour all the way. This would be an excellent book to put into the hands of friends of Chinese ancestry. 160 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.50. The Dispensations of the Ages By W. S. Hottel This carefully written book on the purpose of God in the dispensations into which human history is divided will clarify God’s Word for the read­ er as he learns to rightly divide the Word of truth. The book may be used for individual or class study. 106 pages; paper; Union Gospel Press, Cleveland, O. E lectron ic Organs By Robert L. Eby This remarkable book combines a history of electronic organs and de­ tailed descriptions of the several makes, together with directions for their care and maintenance. Allen, Book Brevities BIBLE PR ED IC TIO N S OF W O R LD EVENTS BEFORE A R M A G ED D O N by Edward S. Ballenger. 158 pages; paper; Edward S. Ballenger, River­ side, Calif., 60c. Inclined toward the historical- continuous interpretation of Revelation— makes much of prophecies against the Roman Catholic Church. M Y T EST IM O N Y by Eleanor Fairchild. 16 pages; paper; Mrs. Bertha Fairchild, 536 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. The life story in brief of a graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles who died while a missionary in Italy. R EA D Y S A N D A L S edited by Anne Hazelton. 78 pages; paper; China Inland Mission, London, England. This is The Story of 1952 of the China Inland Mission and the triumphs in an­ swer to prayer in the midst of change— great change! HOW TO BE A C H A L K A R T IST by George Sweeting. 63 pages; paper; Zondervan Publish­ ing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. Practical directions for drawing and flighting, teaching and preaching pictures. S A Y IN G M Y P R A YER S by Marian« Madison. 32 pages; paper; Metropolitan Church Associa­ tion; 40c. Suggestive prayers for small chil­ dren— illustrated by great masterpieces in full color. FIFTY ESSEN TIAL T H EM ES FOR C H R IST IA N O C C A SIO N S by Keith L. Brooks. 54 pages; pa­ per; American Prophetic League, Inc., Los An­ geles, Calif.; 50c. 50 provocative outlines for practical messages by earnest speakers. C R EA TIO N STU DIES by Keith L. Brooks. 32 pages; American Prophetic League, Los An­ geles, Calif.; 35c. A question and answer course on Genesis 1 and 2 with examination of recent scientific pronouncements. G IN N Y 'S SPEC IA L FR IEN D by Rita Puttcamp. 126 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; 35c. The story of a woman news-correspond­ ent's daughter. T R A IN IN G YO U R C H ILD FOR C H R IST by Edith M. Gunderson. 64 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, 1,11.; 60c. Practical and work­ able suggestions for training ' children in the Christian family. STU DEN TS! EVO LU TIO N , FACT OR TH EO RY? by Cora A. Reno. 125 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; 35c. Documented discus­ sion of the theory of biological evolution for young people. THE BEST BOOK OF A L L by Mary Starck Kerr. 54 pages; paper; American Book Insti­ tute, Los Angeles, Calif.; 50c. Chapters on various phases of Bible study and translation. A C H R IST IA N LOOKS A T LIQ U O R by Ber­ nard Brusting. 48 pages; paper; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, III.; 50c. Down to earth por-

His kingdom. The attitude of the Jehovah’s Witnesses to government is also dealt with fully. An excellent bibliography concludes this useful handbook. 125 pages; cloth; Biblical Truth Publishing Society, Inc., New York; also Van Kampen Press, Whea­ ton, 111.; $1.75. Immortal Tidings in Immortal Hands By Arthur James Moore Bishop Moore is one of the proph­ etic, evangelical voices in American Methodism, for many years a mis­ sionary bishop. Apart from the au­ thor’s tendeAcy toward over-optimism as to the winning of the world to Christ by the church, the heart is refreshed by his exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ and the redemptive message which we preach on His behalf. 128 pages; cloth; Abingdon- Cokesbury Press, New York; $1.75. Queen of the B a rk Chamber By Christiana Tsai This is not a Christian novel-4rit is the story of a Chinese girl’s life from childhood through her conversion. The narrative is charmingly told, TH E T R A P LIN E T H IEF A T SU G AR CREEK by Paul Hutchens. 103 pages, boards; Van Kampen Press. Wheaton, III.; $1.00. Another of the Sugar Creek books so much loved by the "in-between" children. THE LIGH TH O U SE K ID S A N D TH E OYSTER P IR A T ES by Lionel A. Hunt. 92 pages; cloth; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, III.; $1.00. A different sort of Christian story for younger teen-agers with setting on the Canadian Pa­ cific coast. W H Y I BEC A M E A PRO TESTA N T by Luis Padrosa. 125 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chi­ cago, III.; 35c. An amazing little book by the founder of the Loyola Institute in Spain — thrilling to read! M O L L Y A N N 'S M ESSAG E by Edith M. Gun­ derson. 128 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chi­ cago. III.; 35c. A simple story of childhood's problems and ‘hopes and how the Saviour loves children. BIBLE Q U IZZES O N THE LIFE OF JESUS C H R IST by F. Herbert Moehlmann. 64 pages; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; 50c. Excellent quizzes by a retired United States Army Chaplain. TH E H O LY BIBLE. No. 1200c.; 1170 pages; cloth; Harper & Brothers, New York, $2.50. A remarkable Bible for the price— clear type, colored illustrations, excellent helps, and unus­ ually good maps. A splendid presentation Bible. THE T REASU RE OF THE GOSPEL by F. Town- ley Lordl 109 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $1.50. Sermons by the presi­ dent of the Baptist World Alliance and pastor of Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, London, England. TH E STO RIES OF T H O M A S by Oswald J. Smith. 39 pages; paper; The Peoples Press, Toronto, Canada; 50c. The story of Jesus' life ministry, death, and resurrection as told by Thomas the Apostle in his own words. TH E TO NGUE— A N G EL OR D EM O N by Georae Sweeting. 28 pages; paper; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids. Mich.; 25c. An ex­ position of James 3— the power, peril, and perversity of the tongue. An excellent booklet. SO M EB O D Y ELSE'S G IRL A N D OTHER STO R­ IES by Hazel Goddard. 126 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; 75c. Christian stories for teen-agers — carry salvation and consecration themes. "A C T 'E M OUT ST O R IE S" FOR C H ILD R EN by Harry C. Trover. 93 pages; paper> Zonder­ van Publishing House. Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.00. Character playlets for junior age chil­ dren— some suitable for holiday seasons. JESUS LIG H TS TH E SA B B A T H L A M P by James S. Tippett. 25 pages; boards; Abingdon- Cokesbury Press, New York; $1.00. Conversa­ tion in Jesus' home for beginners or younger— Joseph is mentioned as Jesus' father.

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