King's Business - 1954-02


Ed ited by Oran » . Smith

Chairman, Dept, of Missions, Biola Bible College

In New Guinea With Dr. Talbot

among them for thousands of years. A short while ago a group of na­ tives from a distant tribe came in to Goroka to trade. They stood around me and were pointing to my head with its scarcity of hair. The natives here have an abundance of hair, masses of it. As they pointed to the top of my head, I realized that they were wondering what had become of the rest of my head decoration. I pointed to a native woman standing by and then after pointing to my­ self I pointed over the mountains, indicating that I have a wife a long way away, and. then I put my two

his is a part of the world that I I never really knew existed. We ar­ rived in New Guinea a few days ago and were met at Lae by Dr. Tu­ dor of the Lutheran Mission. Lae is quite a township for a place like New Guinea. Dr. Tudor took us to see the administrator for the islands. He received us royally and told us that all posts inland had been notified of our visit and were instructed to give us all the help we would need. After spending a night at the Luth­ eran Mission, we took a cargo plane for the township, really a police post, just an hour’s flight from Lae. This is an island of mountains and val­ leys and some of the peaks are over 12,000 feet. As we looked down upon the razor-like ridges we noted sev­ eral small villages with round grass dwellings built on the sharp ridges for protection from other tribes. When the plane arrived at this post, Goroka, we were immediately surrounded by people whose main in­ terest is to see the plane come in three times a Week. Many had tusk­ like decorations through their noses and others had long wire-like quills sticking from various parts of the outside of their noses and cheeks. Most of them were naked with the exception of a very small apron around the middle. This apron seems to be made from fine strips of the banana plant. Cannibalism is practiced only 100 miles or less from Goroka. We are to be taken to a mission station, about 12 miles from here where we will see hundreds of native Christians and attendants in worship. This is a Lutheran Mission. It is very strong out here, is evangelical and is doing a good work. We have photographed so many heathen, it will be a joy to photograph some real Christians lift­ ed from the deepest depths of heathen darkness. The Australian patrols have pene­ trated many of these tribes, giving to the people some degree of govern­ ment and oversight. But still there are many hundreds of tribes un­ reached by either government or the missionaries and consequently these people are carrying on the same cruel and. bloody rites that have prevailed

fingers to different parts of my head as though I were getting hold of in­ dividual hairs and I kept on, giving a sudden jerk as though my wife had pulled the hairs out one by one. Thp natives just stared at each other and went into roars of laughter. But when I took my false teeth out and showed them my plate and then put them back into my mouth, they headed for the mountains and I have­ n’t seen them since. The natives are just like a lot of children. They all chew the betel nut which makes their teeth and gums, including their tongues, blood red. CONTINUED ►

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