King's Business - 1954-02

F U T U R E continued and pave the way for world peace. Such a movement of ininds and na­ tions is the foreshadowing of the ac­ ceptance of the world government of the tribulation time and the bowing of the knee to the world dictator of that day as the unifying personality. In the world today we can see, then, a portent of the gathering storm. The military might of Russia and the Orient is already a reality. The rise of atheism and of world government are already upon us. Nev-> er in the history of the world has there been such a converging of more ominous tokens that the climax is not far distant. For the Christian this is a divine sign that the day of deliv­ erance is at hand. The State of Israel From the time of Abraham the I state of Israel has been an important barometer of the movements of God upon the pages of human history. The comparatively dormant state of Israel during so many centuries, with no noticeable progress in the fulfill­ ment of her destiny, stands in con­ trast to the twentieth century. In the plan of God the Jew has been pre­ served through the captivities of the | Old Testament and the dispersion of I the New. Persecuted and hounded in most I nations of the world, subject in our generation to the most awful po­ groms of her entire history, Israel today is a people being formed anew as a component of political society. Before World War I, less than fifty thousand Jews lived in their ancient land of Palestine. Before World War II there were spasmodic attempts to repopulate Palestine. Since World War II there has been a swelling tide of immigrants. Returning at the rate of more than a hundred thou­ sand per year, the present report is that 1,600,000 Jews are now living in Palestine. Never since the time of Moses has there bedn such a move­ ment back to the land of their fath­ ers. Not only have the numbers swelled, but a political state of Israel has been formed and recognized by the nations of the world who are friendly to the Jew. For long years students of prophecy have predicted the return of the Jew | to Palestine. Before World War I this interpretation was rejected by some who abruptly pointed to the opposi­ tion of the Turks to such a scheme. After World War I and even World War II opposition persisted to their return, but legally or illegally the movement continued. As all students of prophecy know, the precise world conditions imme- | >diately after the coming of the Lord

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