University of Illinois: Diversity and Inclusion Overview

Diversity Partners FOCUS Initiative for Underrepresented First-Generation Undergraduate Students

Program Goals The primary objective of the Diversity Partners FOCUS Initiative is to eliminate the gap in post-graduation outcomes and starting salaries between underrepresented students -first-generation college graduates and their peers. We intend to level the playing field by: Increasing awareness of and providing exposure to professional opportunities in a wide range of industries and job functions and teaching key career management competencies, such as professional networking, resume and cover letter writing, job search strategies, effective interviewing skills and professional brand building Fostering the development of critical career readiness competencies that are expected by employers and prepare college graduates for successful transition to the workplace, including professional communication, teamwork and leadership Cultivating a professional network through intentional interaction with mentors and advocates from partner organizations through workshops, networking events and corporate site visits Ensuring participants effectively compete for vital professional experiences, including internships and co-ops Empowering students to craft and confidently tell their story as it relates to their skills, experiences and professional goals and increasing confidence and career self-efficacy skills

The Diversity Partners FOCUS (Fostering Opportunity, Community, and Unwavering Support) Initiative seeks to mitigate the disparities in post-graduation outcomes for our UR-FG graduates as they launch their careers and professional lives. The initiative will support and prepare

our UR-FG students for post-graduation success by providing targeted academic, personal and professional development resources that expand awareness of career opportunities; focus on developing self- awareness, confidence, and career self-efficacy competencies; build a strong community of support through peer and industry professional engagement; develop an awareness of corporate culture and the skills required to succeed in this environment; and increase access to vital experiential learning opportunities, including leadership programs, undergraduate research, internships, and co-ops. The programming and resources delivered through the Diversity Partners FOCUS initiative will positively impact the career trajectory, earnings potential, and economic security of underrepresented students -first-generation students for years to come, allowing them to invest more into their generation of their family, further their education and have more disposable income to give back within their own communities. This program builds upon the success of the pilot program funded by Synchrony in 2019-20.



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