A Note from the Chancellor
Illinois: Fast facts
“ We must fundamentally recognize that diversity is not simply a problem to be addressed. Instead, we must embrace it as the most powerful tool for creativity and innovation that we can ever possess. Our ability to embrace, encourage and adapt to the accelerating diversity of cultures, ideas and
The Class of 2023 is the most diverse class in our history, with 23.2% coming from underrepresented backgrounds, with increases in African American students and Latinx students, and a higher percentage of first-generation students at 24.7% . The 949 international students are globally diverse, hailing from 40 countries, more than in previous years. *Source: https://impact. strategicplan.illinois.edu/ class-of-2023-sets-records- for-enrollment-diversity- excellence/
identities is essential for any personal, institutional and societal progress. Our differences should fuel our creative spirit and lead us to consider new perspectives and possibilities. They should lead us to knowledge we would never find within the confines of who we are today nor within the narrow worldviews we construct individually. When we create a community that welcomes every new voice and considers every new viewpoint as a catalyst for innovation, we suddenly find the potential for things we’ve never dreamed about doing, trying or achieving . ”
Robert J. Jones, Chancellor
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