Hispanic Organization of Urban Studies and the Environment (HOUSE) HOUSE is a Hispanic and Afro-Latinx involvement in the development of environmental professionals in the fields of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and the Arts, and acts as a support network that helps students with their day to day academic challenges and addresses ways that students can play a role as future professionals. FUSE FUSE is a safe space for questioning and queer people of color (QPOC) to come destress and discuss different topics centered around intersectional identities. FUSE collaborates with other organizations and also host social and educational events. I-STEM I-STEM is an interdisciplinary coalition which aims to foster accessible, effective STEM teaching and learning—from preschool through graduate education—at local, state, and national levels, thereby preparing a highly able citizenry and diverse STEM workforce to tackle pressing global challenges. Illinois Venture Capital Association IVCA Minority Scholarship Established by IVCA, a trade association representing the $100 billion venture capital and private equity community in Illinois, the IVCA Scholar Program was created in 2007 to encourage interest among minority students in a venture capital or private equity career.
Latino/a Computer Science Club The Latino/a Computer Science Club’s main objective is to create a special community within the Computer Science department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in order to retain, support and foster a close relationship among the underrepresented students. Latino/a Family Visit Day The goals of the Latino/a Family Visit Day program have been to: create a series of experiences and events for Latina/o families to increase their knowledge, comfort level, and understanding of college life for their students; integrate both the academic and co-curricular dimensions of campus life into the visit day; provide opportunities for the Latina/o parents to meet and build relationships with individuals on campus who are integral to their students’ success; encourage siblings to set their goals on higher education, learn more about college admissions, and cultivate their leadership skills; plan recreational activities for younger children so that they can relate to the place their older siblings go for exercise, recreation, and socializing; offer bilingual materials and presentations on culturally appropriate subjects. Latina/Latino Alumni Association The mission of the Latina/Latino Alumni Association is to establish, maintain and promote a network for the empowerment and advancement of Latina/Latino alumni, students, faculty and staff at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and beyond.
Latinx Resilience Network The Latinx Resilience Network provides support for Latinx students on campus, increases mental health wellness and awareness, and works as a space for students to share their campus climate experiences to build resilience. Leadership Development Trainings & Workshops The Asian American Cultural Center’s leadership initiatives are aimed at helping student leaders strengthen their leadership skills, connect students to resources, and better navigate the university system so that they can better lead their organizations and have increased success at their events.
LENS Diversity Certificate The LENS Diversity Certificate Program is a year-long cohort program that helps Illinois students build important skills and practice for engaging diversity on campus and beyond. LENS Diversity Certificate participants take courses, attend workshops and regular cohort meetings, and design their own action project. Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) MANRRS is a national society that welcomes membership of people of all racial and ethnic groups in agricultural and related sciences majors and programs. MANRRS attempts to provide networks to support professional development of minorities. It is a springboard for their entry into and advancement in careers where they otherwise could be lost in the sheer number and established connections of mainstream participants.
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