Minorities in Health Sciences Minorities in Health Sciences is here to provide guidance and academic support to students pursuing a health-related field. It assists health major students by providing opportunities and activities that will enhance their qualifications and increase competitiveness in the application process for graduate and health schools. Minorities in Health Sciences works to create an environment where each of its members can feel welcome and achieve their academic and professional goals through volunteering opportunities, socials, workshops, guest speakers, student panels, and leadership opportunities.
Trans of Color Trans of Color (TOC) is a safe space for trans people of color (TPOC) to socialize and find a community on campus. TOC is a place for TPOC to socialize and discuss topics concerning their shared TPOC identities with a focus on intersectionality. Meetings are meant to be fun, affirming, and low pressure. The Society for Underrepresented Physics Students (SUPS) SUPS is a community whose goal is to empower underrepresented minority students in physics, and educate all students about racial, religious, gender, and sexuality biases in physics and at large. National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) NSBE is a student organization dedicated to helping improve the recruitment and retention of black engineering students. NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers, who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.
Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students The Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students is committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority pre- medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent and socially conscious physicians. Minority Business Students Association (MBSA) The Minority Business Students Organization aims to provide diverse minded business students with both academic and career orientation. It serves as an RSO that addresses the specific concerns and interests of students who are either majoring or planning to major in business by offering various types of corporate presentations, career workshops, and other professional events. MBSA co- sponsors and volunteers for many Gies College of Business events, such as the Spring Career Fair and Business Career Services workshops. Morrill Engineering Program (MEP) Morrill Engineering Program (MEP) was developed to attract and retain qualified students from underrepresented groups in engineering including African American, Native American, Latina/o, Women of all ethnicities, people with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged individuals.
National Association of Black Accountants The University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign’s NABA chapter has been on campus for over a decade. It offers members the opportunity to develop their professional skills through resume writing, professional
dress, interviewing workshops, and professional etiquette workshops.
National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) NOBCChE is a non-profit professional organization dedicated to assisting black and other minority students and professionals in fully realizing their potential in academic, professional, and entrepreneurial pursuits in chemistry, chemical engineering, and allied fields. National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS) The National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS) is dedicated to racial and cultural pluralism in the architecture profession. NOMAS is an academic, professional, and service organization that seeks to provide the collective voice of minority architecture students within the school by building a sense of community based on shared experiences unique to minority students.
Minority Association of Future Educators (MAFE) MAFE’s mission is to provide a support network for underrepresented students seeking to become professional educators and to address the educational needs of children, with an emphasis on children from underrepresented groups.
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