University of Illinois: Diversity and Inclusion Overview

Ways to Engage

The Business Academy The purpose of the Business Academy is to develop a stronger community and support system with special emphasis placed on underrepresented students and first generation students. This support helps to eliminate probation/drop students altogether and increase the retention rate and graduation rate of underrepresented business students. Access and Achievement Program AAP is the College of LAS’ student academic service program for students affiliated with the Educational Opportunities Program and/or the President’s Award Program. AAP offers solid academic support, promotes leadership and self-advocacy, and identifies opportunities for outreach, research, and scholarship. AAP’s goal is to prepare students for academic success, graduation, and a life of impact.

ChicTech ChicTech (pronounced “sheek-tek”) is a grass-roots initiative to generate interest in computer science among Illinois middle school and high school girls. It is a collaborative effort between the computer science department, UIUC alumni, and the volunteers in ChicTech, as well as a joint endeavor between UIUC and other colleges within the state of Illinois. The all-volunteer ChicTech team travels to Illinois high schools explaining and demystifying the field. They give girls a glimpse of life as a student in CS and explore the exciting and challenging career options open to graduates. The group sponsors competitions and events such as monthly Tech Junket workshops, ChicTech Retreat Weekend and other outreach initiatives. ChicTech has received support from the National Science Foundation and several companies. Cross-Cultural Retreat Held at the Lake Williamson retreat center near Springfield, the OIIR Cross Cultural Leadership Retreat features workshops, team building activities, and opportunities to network with other student leaders and staff. Transportation, lodging, and food are provided.

Departmental Campus Visit Program The Departmental Campus Visit Program is one of several initiatives to broaden participation at Illinois by supporting the efforts of departments to increase their number of underrepresented graduate students.

FUSE FUSE is a safe space for questioning and queer people of color (QPOC) to come destress and discuss different topics centered around intersectional identities. FUSE collaborates with other organizations and also hosts social and educational events.

Dewson Fellowship for Underrepresented Students

Enactus Enactus is a community of student, academic, and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world. The estate of Nelyon J. (Mrs. John Reynolds) Dewson provided funds to establish the John Reynolds Dewson Fellowships for students from groups traditionally underrepresented in graduate study. Dewson Fellowships are awarded to underrepresented minority graduate students who are facing serious, unanticipated funding problems that jeopardize completion of a degree program. Awards will be made based on evaluation of student’s need, academic potential, impact of the fellowship on degree completion, and availability of funds.

G.A.M.E.S (Girls Adventures in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science) Camp G.A.M.E.S is an annual week long camp, designed to give academically talented middle school aged girls an opportunity to explore exciting engineering and scientific fields through demonstrations, classroom presentations, hands-on activities, and contacts with women in these technical fields.



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