University of Illinois: Diversity and Inclusion Overview

Ways to Engage

ChicTech ChicTech (pronounced “sheek-tek”) is a grass-roots initiative to generate interest in computer science among Illinois middle school and high school girls. It is a collaborative effort between the computer science department, UIUC alumni, and the volunteers in ChicTech, as well as a joint endeavor between UIUC and other colleges within the state of Illinois. The all-volunteer ChicTech team travels to Illinois high schools explaining and demystifying the field. They give girls a glimpse of life as a student in CS and explore the exciting and challenging career options open to graduates. The group sponsors competitions and events such as monthly Tech Junket workshops, ChicTech Retreat Weekend and other outreach initiatives. ChicTech has received support from the National Science Foundation and several companies.

Alpha Omega Epsilon Alpha Omega Epsilon is a professional and social sorority. It is dedicated to creating friendships, while also providing resources for its sisters and alumnae to develop and excel professionally.

Morrill Engineering Program (MEP) Morrill Engineering Program (MEP) was developed to attract and retain qualified students from underrepresented groups in engineering including African American, Native American, Latina/o, Women of all ethnicities, people with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged individuals. department to welcome prospective women graduate students; welcoming new women graduate students to the department at an annual retreat; and meeting informally with women seminar speakers to learn more about the experiences of successful women in academia and industry. G.A.M.E.S (Girls Adventures in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science) Camp G.A.M.E.S is an annual week long camp, designed to give academically talented middle school aged girls an opportunity to explore exciting engineering and scientific fields through demonstrations, classroom presentations, hands-on activities, and contacts with women in these technical fields. MechSE Graduate Women Graduate Women is a recognized student organization comprised of female graduate students in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at UIUC. Members engage with each other and with the department in ways such as: helping the

Phi Sigma Rho Phi Sigma Rho is a social sorority for women in engineering and other technical studies.

Society of Women in Business (SWB) The Society of Women in Business is devoted to empowering diverse women in growing professionally and achieving success through professional development workshops, mentoring events, and community outreach. Sigma Alpha Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority that promotes scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship among its members. Founded in 1978, Sigma Alpha has become a national organization of more than 50 chapters and more than 2,200 members have been initiated. Sigma Alpha is an affiliate of American Agri-Women.

American Medical Women’s Association

The American Medical Women’s Association is a national organization open to any woman interested in or part of the medical field. The members of the AMWA national branch at UIUC are required to become members of the national organization. This membership provides numerous benefits, including but not limited to physician mentorship opportunities. Association for Women in Mathematics at UIUC (AWM) Association for Women in Mathematics encourages women and girls to pursue and have active careers in the mathematical sciences.



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