King's Business - 1936-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1936

Russia holding some meetings in the palace of a member o f the Russian nobility. Among those who attended the meetings was a Grand Duchess. She was a sincere evangelical Christian. Dr. Dolman was talking one day about a life devoted to “ExpositionChoruses” fromSan Diego— 40 Selection«— 16 1935 Copyrights 25c Postpaid Also While They Last “NewSingable Songs” 32— with “ Isn't It Grand To Be A Christian” 25c Postpaid Together 45c Published by HAROLD ALEXANDER K-Box 321 Los Angeles, Calif. FAVORITE GOSPEL SONGS Seventy - nine favorite s o n g s an d hym ns. Ideal for the Pastor holding his own revi­ val. Just the book for the Evangelist. ECONOMICAL BUT PRACTICAL

Christ, about separation and unworldliness, and when he finished, the Grand Duchess stepped forward and said, “ I do not agree with everything Pastor Dolman said.” “What did I say with which you do not agree, Your Imperial Highness?” asked Dr. Dolman. “You said it is wrong to go to the theater. I go to the theater, but I never go without first getting down on my knees and asking Christ to go with me. and He does.” Pastor Dolman said, “But, Your Im­ perial Highness, I did not say a word about the theater.” “I know ; but you meant that.” “ Your Imperial Highness,” said Dr. Dol­ man, “are you not turning things around? Who gave you or me authority to decide where we will go or what we will do, and then to ask the Lord to be with us in it? Instead o f getting down on your knees and saying, ‘Lord, I am going to the theater; come with me,’ why don’t you wait until He comes to you and says, ‘Grand Duchess, I am going to the theater, and I want you to go with Me ?’ ” She threw up her hands and was honest enough to say, “ Pastor Dolman, you have spoiled the theater for me. I cannot go again.”—H. A. I ronside , in Addresses on the Song o f Solomon. Jesus and the Fishermen L uke 5: 1-11, 27-32 Memory Verse: “We are laborers to­ gether with God” (1 Cor. 3 :9). Approach: In our story last week, we found the Lord Jesus going into the church in His home city o f Nazareth and

and talked to the people. He probably said about the same things that He had said to His neighbors and friends in the church at Nazareth, because His great message to the people was to tell o f God’s love for them in sending them a Saviour who was God’s very own Son. These people listened to Him, as did the fishermen who were near. When Jesus had finished, He told Simon Peter to go out into the deep waters and let down his nets. Now Simon Peter and his partners had fished all night and had caught nothing. And Simon Peter didn’t think that there were any fish in that part of the water; but because Jesus asked him to do it, he tried again. This time so many fish swam into the net that it broke, and the other fishermen had to leave their boats and help Peter. What made the difference? Yes, this time Jesus helped them. Shall we bow our heads and ask Jesus to help us ?

Sells for only 15c a copy postpaid or $7.50 per hun­ dred, delivery extra. Men­ tion this paper and send 10c for sample copy, post­ paid. Write for our FBEE music catalog.

Object Lesson A F ishing T rip

LILLENAS PUBLISHING COMPANY “ The Best in Gospel Music” Dept. 8 2923 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo.

Objects: A magnet, several nails, a box covered with black paper, and a box cov­ ered with white paper. Lesson: How many of you would enjoy going on a fishing trip with me? Yes, I see that most o f you like to fish. Did you ever stop to think that Jesus Christ was the best fisherman that ever lived? A c­ cording to the fifth chapter of Luke, He had the power to tell the old experienced fishermen the best time and place to fish. Not only did Christ teach men how to catch fish, but He also taught them how to fish for men with the gospel. He said: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” You will think that this is a strange fishing trip on which I am to take you. These two bright nails are the bait. There are several nails in this black box which I want to transfer to the white box. I am going to fish for the nails in the black box with these bright nails. Jesus spoke about fishing for men with men, and ac­ cordingly we shall fish for nails with nails. W e must remember that Christ said, “ Follow me.” We will let this large magnet remind us of Christ. W e will place one o f the bright nails on each o f the magnet’s points. If they are going to catch nails with nails, they must stay close to the magnet. See how easily the nails in the black box are caught and transferred to the white box. The bright nail by itself could not catch other nails. It must keep in touch with the magnet. Jesus Christ wants Christian boys and girls to be fishers for other boys and girls, taking them from a sinful life to a life of purity and service. If they are to be suc­ cessful fishers, they must keep close to Christ. Did you notice that there is a cross of red on the magnet? When trying to fish for others, never forget to tell them of the cross of Christ and its power to cleanse from sin.

telling the people that the Sa viou r, G o d ’ s S o n , had c o m e . B u t t h e friends and neigh­ bors of the Lord Jesus wouldn’t be­ lieve that He was this promised Sav­ iour. They became so angry at the thought that they cast Jesus out of the

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town and would have thrown Him over a cliff if God had not allowed Him to pass through their midst without being harmed. Lesson Story: This week, in our story, we find Jesus stopping at the shore of a lake to speak to a great crowd of people who were following Him. They pressed so close around Him that He stepped into Simon Peter’s sailing boat that was on the shore, and Peter pushed it out a little way from the land. Other fishermen were washing their nets near by. For a long time Jesus sat in the boat «'Visio*

In Memory of Our Beloved Friend—Dr. Torrey W H O LED TH E EDITO R O F "P R O P H E C Y M O N T H L Y " M A N Y Y EAR S A G O TO R EG A R D TH E BIBLE A S TH E IN F A LLIB LE RULE O F FAITH A N D PR A CT IC E W E M A K E T H IS S P E C IA L O F F E R TO K I N G 'S B U S IN E S S R E A D E R S : G O O D U N T IL M A R C H 1, 1734 O N L Y : C D C C W I T H Y E A R ' S S U B S C R I P T I O N " D D C ^ D U I C C ' Y " r i \ c c T O O U R m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e r R u r n c u f V a l u a b l e 20c Book: " I F G O D D I D N ' T , W H O D I D ? " An array of positive proofs of the divine inspiration of the Scriptures by Keith L. Brooks, Editor of "Prophecy." Send $1 with this ad and get 12 issues of "Prophecy" and this free book. Sample "Prnnhecv" FRFF. B R O O K S P U B L I S H E R S 2003 ADD ISON W AY LOS ANGELES, C ALIFORN IA

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