King's Business - 1936-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1936

man o f Gadara, who lived in the tombs, being bound by Satan’s power. It is wonderful to know that Jesus knew about this man’s being held in the power of Satan. He knows about every one over whom Satan is wielding his power, and Christ wants to free them. W e will let this large white magnet re­ mind us of Christ. It comes nearer and nearer to the nail which is held captive. The nail has not been able to move, as it is helpless in the power of the black mag­ net. Many people are held by the power of Satan, even though they have never been possessed by demons as had the man of Gadara. And now comes the tug o f war, but it is a short one. The powerful white magnet soon takes the nail from the grasp of the black magnet. When Christ found this poor captive man, He spoke one sentence which freed the man forever. Satan is powerful, but Christ is all powerful. “Greater is He that is for us than they that are against us,” and we may confidently say, as the psalmist did, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” “ Ye That Sow Beside All Waters” By N orman H. C amp Following the celebration o f its fortieth anniversary last November, the work of the Colportage Association, inaugurated by D. L. Moody in 1894, has continued during the past year with an appreciable increase. In addition to its sales, both retail and wholesale, the Association is constantly sending large quantities o f its life-giving literature—books, booklets, Scripture por­ tions and gospel tracts—to prisons, hos­ pitals, lumber camps, C.C.C. camps, fire sta­ tions, lodging houses, mountain and pio­ neer schools, Alaska, French Louisiana, Latin America, Philippine Islands, India, and other needy places for free distribu­ tion. These pieces o f printed matter totaled 3,735,620 copies during the past fiscal year. Since July 1, the Association has sent its literature to the teachers of 2,373 moun­ tain schools, upon their request, and many have expressed their great appreciation of it, saying the boys and girls were delighted to receive and read the books. To these schools no less than 68,934 copies o f the Horton edition o f the Gospel of John with helps have been sent, and a copy o f the Pocket Treasury offered to every boy or girl who will read the Gospel of John and memorize the nine verses listed under the section, “ God’s Plan for Saving Sin­ ners.” An additional prize of a New Testa­ ment is offered to every scholar who mem­ orizes at least twenty-seven verses listed in a tract, “ Four Things That God Wants You to Know.” A Use for Old Copies of the King’s Business From William O. R. Cross, representing the Mississippi River Gospel Mission, there comes an urgent call for Bibles, hymn books, back copies o f the K ing ’ s B usiness , and other sound Christian literature to be distributed among steamboat crews, light tenders, fishermen, loggers, and residents of isolated communities in the Mississippi River region. Mr. Cross’ territory covers 2,800 miles,; and he has been devoting himself to evangelism in this area for the past fourteen years. Supplies o f literature that are sent to him should be fully pre­ paid. Address William O. R. Cross, care o f Baptist Tabernacle, Paducah, Ky.

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American Bible Society, Bible House, Astor Place, New York ^ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet

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"A Gift That Lives.”

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