King's Business - 1936-01

January, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

DoYouMake theseMistakes inENGLISH? Sherwin Cody’s remarkable in­ vention has enabled more than 90,000 people to correct their mistakes in English. Only 15 minutes a day required to im­ prove your speech and writing.


'D evotional "Readings



Demas have come to life in the man who will forfeit all spiritual blessing and hope and assurance for the substances,, much or little, that make up the pottage of this present wicked world. — W il l ia m M . R u n y a n . FEBRUARY 4 The School of Persevering Prayer “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint” (Lk. 18:1). Do believe that there is a great blessing in the delayed answer to prayer . . . Be not impatient or discouraged if the answer does not come. “ Continue in prayer.” “Pray without ceasing.” You will find it an unspeakable blessing to do so. You will ask whether your prayer is really in ac­ cordance with the will o f God, and the Word of God. You will inquire if it is in the right spirit and in the name of Christ. Keep on praying; you will learn that the delay in the answer to prayer is one o f the most precious meaniipf grace that God can bestow on you. You will learn, too, that those who have persevered often and long before God, in pleading His promises, are those who have had the greatest power with God in prayer.— A n d r e w M u r r a y . FEBRUARY 5 The Saviour in Heaven “ W e see Jesus" (Heb. 2:9). Yes, I see Him—but not as He hung On His cross, ’twixt the earth and the sky; ■When the deep glooms of midnight were flung • O’er the city that doomed Him to die. I behold Him—but not as He lay ■ Close immured in the house o f the dead, While the grave triumphed over her prey, And the earth wept her dews ’round His head. There high above all shines His seat, And His scepter the universe sways;. Not a seraph but bows at His feet, Not a harp but is' tuned to His praise. Condescendingly sometimes to me He Himself full of mercy reveals; Yet how faint is the vision I see 1 For the flesh half His glory conceals. But ere long, to His presence conveyed, All His glories my eye shall explore; And no veil intervene with its shade ’Tween my soul and the .God I adore. ’ — S c o t t is h C h r is t ia n H e r a ld . FEBRUARY 6 No Sudden Fall "Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” (1 Cor. 10:12). There is really no such thing as a sudden fall. Oh, the last step is only the last of a series of steps! I believe _there are always many steps before a child of God reaches the verge of the precipice. I be­ lieve, further, that even when the edge of the precipice is reached, very few per­ sons jump over. Most o f them slide down, slowly at first—and it is so easy, so gentle,

FEBRUARY 1 Kept by Christ

“ The Lord is thy keeper” (Psa. 121:5). As a man does not make himself spirit­ ually alive, so neither can he keep himself so. He can feed on spiritual food, and so preserve his spiritual strength; he can walk in the commandments of the Lord, and so enjoy rest and peace, but still the inner life is dependent upon the Spirit as much for its after existence as for its first begetting. No man himself, even when j converted, hath any power, except as that power is daily, constantly, and perpetually infused into him by the Spirit. The mo­ tive-power o f action to a believing man lies hard by the realization that God, for Christ’s sake, hath forgiven his iniquities. :; — C h a r l e s H a d d o n S p u r g e o n .

M A N Y persons say, “ D id y o u h e a r from him tod a y ?” T h ey should say, “ H ave you heard from him to­ d a y ?” Som e spell “ cal­ endar” “ c a l e n d e r ” or “ calander.” Still others say “ betw een you and I ” instead o f “ betw een you and m e.” It is astonish­ in g how often “ w ho” is used fo r “ w hom ,” and how frequently the sim ­ plest w ords are m ispro- n o u n c e d . F e w k n o w w hether to spell certain

Oh, to be “kept for Jesus” ! Kept by the power o f G od; Kept from the world unspotted, Treading where Jesus trod. Oh, to be “kept for Jesus” ! Serving as He shall choose; “ Kept” for the Master’s pleasure, “ Kept” for the Master’s use.


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^ n e r w i n l^ o a y t n w ords w ith one or tw o “ c ’s” or “ m ’s” o r * r s, or w ith “ ie” or “ ei.” M ost persons use on ly com m on w ords— colorless, flat, ordinary. T h eir speech and their letters are lifeless, m onotonous, hum drum . E v ery tim e they talk or w rite they show them selves lacking in the essential points o f English. Wonderful New Invention F o r m any years M r. C ody studied the problem o f creating instinctive habits o f using good English. A fte r countless experim ents he finally invented a sim ple m ethod by w hich you can acquire a better com m and o f the E nglish language in only 15 m inutes a day. N ow you can stop m aking the m istakes w hich have been hurting you. M r. Co

— E d it h E. C h e r r y .

FEBRUARY 2 Identity with Christ

“ Take my yoke upon you, and learn of m e; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matt. 11:29). No progress can be made by you and me in the thing that lies ahead of us, apart from obedience to God’s will. Obedience to God’s, 'will surely indicates a surrender o f my will. To take up the yoke of Christ —what does it mean? To take up the yoke is the secret o f all joy and liberty, but it means an identity of will with Christ. It means a union and fellowship with Christ in the everyday walk and conversa­ tion. It means nothing less. Oh, let us grasp it as a fact, let us hold it as a truth, a -precious truth, that outside that perfect, beloved will of God, . . . there can be no peace, no joy, no rest, no power; and it is only in the utter obedience of spirit and soul to the will of God that complete, abiding, restful calm in Christ can be found.— G eorge W . G ib b . FEBRUARY 3 Aware of Satan’s Attractions “Satan himself is transformed into an angel o f light" (2 Cor. 11:14). Satan’s enticements, all of them, are written in the future tense. He displays to the one on whom he is training his assault the alluring pictures o f delight that will follow upon .certain decisions he wishes made. The shame, the disgrace, the sense o f perfidy and demerit that must pile up in the very soul of the traitor and deserter are never pictured by Satan. His box of paints holds only vivid and glow­ ing colors—grays and drabs are not there . . . Esau and his mess of pottage lived again in Demas [2 Tim. 4:10] and his estimate of this present age. And Esau and

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