King's Business - 1936-01

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


January, 1936

in the quiet power of His Holy. Spirit, would chisel us into shape, into the very form and image of Jesus Christ our Lord after we have been born from above!' —A. C, D ix o n . III. T h e I nner D ifference “Father, what is the difference between a man who has received the Holy Spirit and one who has not?” asked a boy who had just attended a church service. “ It is the same,” said the father, “as the difference between two needles, one of which has received an electric shock, while the other has not.” He went on to say that the one has hidden virtues, which occasion will show ; the other has none. The elec­ tric shock has rendered the one needle a magnet, which daily balanced will enable man to find his way across the trackless ocean. As this needle, so may the soul be which has received the electric shock of the Holy Spirit—on the ocean of a sinful world it will point wanderers to the haven of everlasting rest.—G. B. F. H allock . The Last Time A Quaker had a quarrelsome neighbor, whose cow often broke into the Quaker’s well-cultivated garden. One morning, hav­ ing driven the cow from his premises to her owner’s house, he said to him, “Friend, I have driven thy cow home once more, and if I find her in my garden again:—” “ Suppose you do,” his neighbor angrily exclaimed, “what will you do?” “Why,” said the Quaker, “I’ll drive her home to thee again, friend.” The cow never again troubled the Quaker. B P ickering .

H E L P S fo r Treachers a n d Teachers

2. Woman’s strongest point is her heart, and Eve should have stood the test o f loyalty (v. 6). 3. The test in the garden included the lust o f the flesh, the lust of the eyesBand the pride o f life (v. 6; 1 John 2 :16). 4. Sin covers the face with shame, and leaves the soul naked before God; it also fills the heart with fear (vs. 7, 8). —The Illustrator. A Preacher’s Favorite Prayer Almighty God, Thou Helper of those who proclaim Thy Word, Help me to be patient in committees; true in statistics; honest in details; exact in finance. Defend me from the sin o f a roving mind; a lazy pen; a yawning mouth; and all thoughtless preparation. Keep me steadily at my desk; at my book ; at my message; at my work in my parish. Give me according to my ability, thoughts to think; deeds to d o ; lives to lift; souls to save. Be Thou the Horn of my salvation, and thus may I be able to preach deliverance to the captive; joy to the joyless; hope to the hopeless; salvation to the uttermost; in Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen. —Word and Work;

Paul, a Model Missionary E p h e sia n ^ 3 :8 1. His humilityH“less than the least of all saints.” 2. His qualifications—“grace given.” 3. His commission—“ should preach.” 4. His field—“among the Gentiles” (na­ tions). 5. His theme—“the unsearchable riches of Christ.”— The Pilot. The Failure in the Garden G enesis 2:15-17; 3:1-8 I. The Service (Gen. 2:15-17). 1. Man was created to serve (vs. 8, 15). T " ■ , : v; 2. His- sphere was clearly defined


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