King's Business - 1936-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1936 .

dents and parables. 127 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price 50 cents. The Scriptures in Cross-Word Puzzles B y C harles S. B rown Here is a game book that is different. Each puzzle provides material for study­ ing a definite subject chosen from the Bible. Each puzzle carries a title and an appropriate Bible verse. Bible references are given as a help over the hard places, CLASSIFIED WANTED— To buy first class used Stereopticon— Slide model. C. Carl Lyon, Room 3, 536 South Hope St., Los Angeles, California. AGENTS WANTED— To sell the K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness in every community. Easy work. Sur­ prisingly liberal commission. Complete set of supplies furnished on request. Address: Circula­ tion Manager, King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, California. 3 POINT Sunday

Our LITERATURE T a b la i W H A T TO P U R C H A S E A T B I O L A B O O K R O O M

ciseness, sentiment, and depth o f message will value this artistic and reverent work. 53 pages. Vroman’s Book Store. 329 E. Colorado Street, Pasadena, Calif. Cloth. Price $2.00.

Addresses on the Song of Solomon B y H. A. I ronside With all the clarity and potency of the spoken word, these stenographically re­ ported messages come to the reverent reader as an urge to unbroken communion with the Lord. These studies in the Can­ ticles do not purport to be a minute ex­ position of the text. Rather, the eight chap­ ters of the book present a personal and forceful appeal for practical Christian living. The book is one that may be read again and again with the utmost pleasure and profit because its central theme is Christ, and because His beauty is mag­ nified. 137 pages. Loizeaux Bros. Cloth. Price $1.00. Some one has said that whatever William Runyan writes is poetry. As Editor o f the Moody Bible Institute, he shows in his prose composition a charm that is indes­ cribable, and his poems—many o f them published in the leading religious journals —have shed the brightness of Christian hope across many a dark sky. The Waiting Drummer is a collection of sixty-five choice poems, widely varied in subject, structure, and rythmic beauty. There is wit and gayety, sweet comfort, and bold challenge in the themes and their treatment. One does not usually wish to read a book of poems at a single sitting, yet so fascinating are these pages that one is impelled to read on and on. This is a book that will livefj for it is the heart utterance o f one to whom the Lord Jesus Christ is supremely real. 95 pages. Revell Co, Cloth. Price $1.00. The Waiting Drummer B y W illiam M. R u n ya n , Some readers will be surprised to learn that Job was not patient. Dr. Morgan challenges the commonly accepted view by saying, “He was anything but patient.” God showed patience, but Job manifested endurance. In the course o f that endurance, when gloom and despair pervade everything, flashes of hope appear in Job’s statements. They are momentary, however, and it is not long before the prevailing darkness swallows up the shafts of light. The plan of the book is to show how those isolated utterances of Job find their fullness in the Lord Jesus Christ. Treating this theme in a series of expositions, this volume presents clear and forceful implications for preSent- day living. The discussion should be a source o f comfort and inspiration to many who are weighted down with the burdens of the day. 136 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. The Answers of Jesus to Job B y G. C ampbell M organ

Miracles in a Doctor’s Life B y W alter L ew is W ilson

All who have read Dr. Wilson’s fasci­ nating little book, The Romance o f a Doctor’s Visits, will want this second volume, which deals with the same vital theme—soul-winning. So interestingly told are the stories o f actual dealings with men and women regarding their need of the Saviour, that the books will be read with profit, not only by Christians who long to win souls, but by unsaved persons as well. The author is a doctor o f medicine and a preacher o f the gospel whom God has greatly used. 121 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n. Paper. Price 20 cents. The Keswick Convention, 1935 Addresses of W. Graham Scroggie, A. Lindsay Glegg, W . W . Martin, Bishop Taylor Smith, and other Christian leaders -^messages of power that were delivered at the sixtieth annual Keswick Convention in England, in July, 1935, are preserved in this volume for the further meditation of the Lord’s people. “Keswick” has come to be a household word among Bible be­ lievers. It stands for the deepening of spiritual life, along the lines clearly taught in the Word. To read the messages o f­ fered in this book, or to hear them spoken, is to find within oneself a new desire to “walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleas­ ing.” 278 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.50; Still in his early twenties, the Ulsterman who wrote these books has been remark­ ably used o f God in the awakening of de­ sire for revival among the Lord’s people, not only in Great Britain, but in a score of other countries as well. Traveling thou­ sands of miles, and preaching wherever he goes, Mr. Orr proves conclusively that God still provides for all the needs of those whom He thrusts forth in His serv­ ice. Here is thrilling adventure of the highest order. The reading of these books will act as a tonic to sluggish faith. Ap­ proximately 128 pages each. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. Cloth. Price 50 cents each.. I Go A Fishing B y J oh n M c N eill Six choice sermons of the beloved Scot­ tish preacher are brought together in this book, for which Donald Davidson has written the foreword. The chapters bear evidence of the love of the author for the souls of lost men—a holy affection that characterized all o f his eventful'ministry. The studies gather around Scripture inci­ Can God? The Promise Is for You Prove Me Now B y J. E dw in O rr

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The Love of Abraham and Sarah B y D orothea H oaglin H ayden

In this beautiful gift book, the life story of Abraham is retold in language at once pictorial and poetic. The price o f the vol­ ume is not likely to attract those who buy their books by the pound. But those who are appreciative of choice language, con­

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