King's Business - 1936-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

-January, 1936

band, Mrs. Norton serves not only as a missionary and overseer o f the work, but also—through her writings—as a helper to many o f the Lord’s tested children whom she has never seen, In each chapter o f the present volume there appear evi­ dences of the all-wise counsels of God as He leads His children through humanly insurmountable difficulties and obstacles. The question in the title and first chapter of the book is definitely, and positively answered in the affirmative throughout the thirty-one chapters o f the book, in the recital o f the experiences- through which Mr. and Mrs. Norton were called to pass in recent years. Each chapter is based upon some verse or verses o f Scripture. In its stimulus to faith in God, this book of Christian experiences offers encourage­ ment and comfort to those in sorrow or distress. 155 pages. Bible Institute Col- portage Ass’n. Cloth. Price $1.00. Having the gift of Bible exposition and the willingness to devote himself to the exercise of that gift, Dr. Gray has been used of God through many years to bring spiritual enrichment to a vast company of the Lord’s people. The present volume of fourteen messages is like most o f his writings—expository in its character, force­ ful in its diction, broad in its scope. The book is among the last, if not the final vol­ ume, to be written by this great exegete. There are three main divisions : Old Testa­ ment;, Themes, New Testament Themes, apd Times and Seasons. The subjects are doétrinal, devotional, historical, prophetic ^illustrating the versatility of the writer and thé even balance he sought to main­ tain in all things. For the layman and preacher alike, this book will provide in­ struction and suggestion that are priceless. 153 pages. Revell Co. Qoth. Price $1.50. Brought together in a cloth-bound vol­ ume, the issues o f the Believer’s Maga­ zine for 1934 are o f interest and value for ¡consecutive reading, as well as for refer­ ence purposes. The magazine began to be published in 1890. It is edited by William Hoste. Its pages are devoted to the publi­ cation of devotional, doctrinal, and dis- pensational papers. Most o f the writers are British, and the high caliber of their con­ tributions has led to the magazine’s being known as “a monthly journal of Scripture exposition for all the children o f God.” 336 pages. John Ritchie, Ltd. Qoth. Price $ 1 . 00 . Lu-Cheng-Chieh: The Man Who Prayed By H il m a P almberg This inspiring narrative by a missionary of the Scandinavian Alliance is the story o f the blessing which came to a missionary family and a Chinese church through the Lord’s grace in the life of a Chinese Chris­ tian who was outstanding for his burning love for Christ. Lu-Cheng-Chieh’s stead­ fast bearing o f the responsibility of the church in war and in famine, oftentimes in the absence of the foreign workers, is told with simple directness and concrete­ ness o f detail that hold the reader’s inter­ est throughout the book. 73 pages. Paper. Mrs. H. Palmberg, 154 N. Michigan Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Price 45 cents. The Teaching and Preaching That Counts B y J a m e s M. G ray The Believer’s Magazine Volume X X X V , 1934

FAMILY CIRCLE [Continued from page 38]

where she serves : “We are praying that a revival similar to that in the Kikuyu tribe may be started among our Masai and other tribes. These Masai are very slow to receive the gospel, and most o f the re­ sults that we see are from a government school which is located about -six miles away.' A few weeks ago, there were nine­ teen of these boys who were baptized by Mr. Shaffer. We are praying that these boys may stand true and be the leaders in the future. . . . The hospital building is of dried mud with a grass thatched roof. A short time ago, we had a native that had been mauled by a lion. Just before leaving the station, we had one o f the chief’s daughters. She was a Christian, and we believe that it was only through answered prayer that her condition is improved.” Robert and Mrs. Chrisman (Esther En- der, ’27), Ubon, Siam (Christian and Mis­ sionary Alliance), are having active days and have been privileged to see spiritual fruitage in the past year. O f the over­ ruling o f difficulties on an itineration tour, Mr. Chrisman writes : “ It was a bad piece o f road indeed, but, just a few days before, several trucks loaded with Buddhists passed over it on their way to a noted shrine. I f Buddha’s truck could make the grade, surely one bearing God’s messen­ gers could, too. A fter such arguing, we won. We made it through the pitch dark­ ness and the rain, and because we did, sev­ eral large villages hidden away in the jungle were reached for thé first time. God honored the effort with many sales o f Gospels and with large crowds at our open-air meetings.” At Ubon, further op­ portunities opened: “W e were forced out o f our old house three months ago. God had something better in store for us—not a better house ; it is far worse—but a bet­ ter location. Now we are next door to the post office. Crowds pass our door, and the latchstring is always on the outside. Fre­ quently our invitation which hangs over the gate is accepted, and we have the privi­ lege o f talking of Jesus to some weary traveler.” ■ - Bom To Stanley T. ( ’22) and Mrs. Evans, a son, Evan Lloyd, October 31, Basin, W ya To H. H. and Mrs. Wise (Martha Wal­ ters, ’25), a son, John Herbert, July 11, Taft, Calif. _ _ _ _ _ _ Panorama of the Bible The purpose o f the New Chronological Panorama of the Bible, designed by Lewis H. Jamison, is to give a comprehensive grasp o f the entire Bible, and to show chronologically the close correlation which exists between its several parts. This result is accomplished by a multicolor scheme, by the various sizes o f type used, and the careful grouping of the subject matter. This Panorama has been beautifully litho­ graphed on fine map cloth in nine colors. The colors have been chosen in accordance with their Biblical significance. The author has given an orthodox and evenly balanced exposition o f the various outstanding teachings o f the W ord of God, so that the reader may see at a glance the time and place of each event. _The Panorama is published in two sizes : 17x34 inches, and 4x8 feet. The price of the smaller size is $1.75 each; the larger, $40.00. Persons who sell 100 copies of the small chart at $1.75 each will receive one of the 4x8 Panoramas free. Address Prof. Lewis H. Jamison, 751 Olive Avenue, Long Beach, Calif.

“Billy” and“Maw” Sunday “Billy” Sunday’s Spiritual Biography is the title of the message preached by Rev. H. A. Ironside, D.D., at the funeral service for Mr. Sunday. This message will appear in the JANUARY ISSUE MOODY INsifrUTE MONTHLY Another feature of the January Issue will be three special articles on Christian Perfection entitled: “ PERFECTION/' “ PATH TO PERFECTION/' “ CONCERNING PERFECTION.'' Supply your friends with- this January Issue. Every young persdn should read it! SPECIAL OFFER — 8 MONTHS FOR $1.00 Copies of the James M. Gray Memorial Number for November, and the beautiful Christmas Num­ ber for December are still available. Extra copies of either number, 20c each Address your order to MOODY MONTHLY, 157 Institute Place, Chicago Some of the'pjizzles’ contained in the book are offered-in another form for groups play. The title o f this series is It’s in thé- B i b l e Each set consists of six pads o f ten work sheets which may be used simul- tanëouly by ten players. The pads are neatly bound and are backed up by a pulp board on which is printed the ‘diagramed answers. It’s in the Bible is available in two series: No. l-^ ‘‘New Testament” ; and No. 2—"Old Testament.” W . A. Wilde Co. Price SO cents each. 1 Allowing the Sword of the Spirit to make plain the distinction between God’s revealed plan o f salvation and the many “other gospels” offered to men today, the author shows from the Word the necessity and the manner of receiving life eternal in the crucified Son of God. Study of this evangelist’s use o f illustrations and o f his handling o f Scripture will prove fruitful to Christian workers who long to warn the indifferent, the legalistic, and the deluded who are basing their hope of salvation on false foundations. The use o f direct ad­ dress makes the book suitable for the un­ saved reader also. Throughout the mes­ sage there rings the conviction o f the eternal lostness o f the unbeliever, and o f the _ absolutely free pardon offered in Christ. 128 pages. Marshall, Morgan, & Scott, Ltd. Cloth. Price $1.00. Is He Not Able? B y E dith F . N orton Among modern missionaries who are devoted to the sacred task o f evangeliza­ tion, few individuals have been held in higher esteem than the late Ralph C. Nor­ ton and his wife, whose lives and labors were freely given to the Lord for His use among the Belgian people. Continuing on the. field since the Home-going o f her hus- and answers, to the puzzles are found in the back ofjthe book. Over 50 pages. W. A. Wilde Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Salvation of God B y O sw ald J. S m it h

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