KOMPO EVOLVING STRUCTURES: COMPOSITES, EUROCODES AND THE FUTURE OF CONSTRUCTION KOMPO on MuoviPlast-lehden vakiopalsta, jossa käsitellään monipuolisesti muovikomposiittien sovelluksia ja mahdollisuuksia.
The Eurocodes underwent revisions from 2010, resulting in the sec- ond generation published in 2023, notably including the CEN/TS 19101: Design of Fiber-Polymer Composite Structures. This technical specifi- cation, evolving into a Eurocode after a two to three-year trial period, focusses on designing various civil engineering structures using com- posites, ensuring safety, serviceability, and durability. It encompasses a wide array of composite structures, including pro- file and sandwich panels, joints like bolted, bonded, and hybrid connec- tions, and extends its applicability to diverse structural systems across 34 CEN countries. Despite being in a testing phase, it is already avail- able for purchase and evaluation across the EU, undergoing thorough validation before achieving official Eurocode status. Why is this significant? The establishment of a dedicated composite Eurocode introduces a standardized framework for designing composite structures, equip- ping engineers with streamlined guidelines, and elevating composite materials as credible options. Such recognition inspires designers to explore composite possibili- ties across applications. Anticipated outcomes include increased mar- ket penetration. Despite composites representing only one per cent of the €192 bn market in hardware and building materials, amounting to €2.16 bn, the Eurocode’s implementation is set to stimulate growth by instilling confidence among professionals. To meet the demands of the technical specification, the establish- ment of robust quality assurance processes is needed. The EC has authorized TC250 WG4, the workgroup authoring the TS 19101, to develop an execution standard for fiber-reinforced polymer structures. This ensures that products meet the required standards of safety, ser- viceability, and durability. Consequently, the formalization of these design standards is set to enhance the credibility of composites as a viable option for structural applications.
From its inception, the construction industry has been a canvas of evolution, driven by innovation. With over 30 years of dedicated service in the composites industry, Professor Eric Moussiaux, vice president of technology at Exel Composites, explores the impact of the new Eurocode for composites on the changing landscape of construction and engineering. What are Eurocodes? The Eurocodes represent a comprehensive set of standards for the design and construction of buildings and civil engineering works. Conceived in 1975 by the Commission of the European Community, it aimed to unify design and construction practices across Europe while eliminating technical trade articles. The Eurocodes evolved through meticulous development, official- ly endorsed in 1989 by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), comprising ten parts tailored for traditional materials like steel, concrete and masonry. However, the industry’s evolution in material science and technol- ogy highlights the need for a dedicated Eurocode specifically tailored to fiber-polymer composites, signifying a growing acceptance of novel materials in the market.
24 MUOVIPLAST 1/2024
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