Sheppard, Brett, Stewart, Hersch, Kinsey & Hill, P.A.

Can You Feel the Love? The Secret to Living a Longer, Healthier Life

The human brain is an incredibly powerful organ. It solves complex problems, recalls forgotten memories, and triggers a dizzying array of emotions. But its most incredible power is the effect it can have on the rest of the body. When it comes to love, well, our brains certainly love it, and our bodies reflect that. Less Stress Human beings thrive on a sense of connection and belonging, and studies have shown that love actually has positive effects on a person’s physical health as well as mental. The security and commitment felt in a loving relationship are shown to reduce stress by stunting the production of cortisol, the body’s stress-inducing hormone. Less stress means lower blood pressure, a healthier heart, and a lower risk of stroke, especially in men. Healthier Immune Systems Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University found that calm, happy people can fight common colds and the flu more easily than those who are anxious F o r t h e L o v e o f This month’s cover story features the intense and difficult lesson Sheppard Law Firm’s Craig Hersch learned in 2019. If there’s one thing Craig hopes readers take away, it’s the value of regularly monitoring your heart health. Traditional tests can provide patients and their physicians with an idea of the heart’s health, but there is one test Craig did not have prior to his surgery that he wishes he had done. The cardiac calcium scoring test is a powerful tool your physician can use to determine your threat level for heart attacks and disease. The test includes a 20–30 second scan, and according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the entire process can take up to just 15 minutes.

or depressed. The physical benefits of love even go as far as healing wounds quicker. Small injuries inflicted on a wide test group

at Ohio State University Medical Center healed nearly twice as fast on people who experienced consistent warmth and care than those who experienced hostility. In fact, the latter group needed almost a full additional day to achieve the same amount of healing as the first group. Longer, Happier Lives Being surrounded by love may even save your life. A statistic from the National Health Interview Survey states that single people face a 58% higher risk of mortality. Further bolstering that claim is the Harvard Health Blog, which claims happily married participants experience better health as they age when compared to peers in unhappy partnerships. In fact, the blog asserts, “People in stressful, unhappy marriages may be worse off than a single person who is surrounded by supportive and caring friends, family, and loved ones.” So, it seems the results are in: Loving someone is a healthy lifestyle choice. Even having a strong network of friends and family boosts your odds of living a long life by 50%. So, get out there and make the healthy choice for yourself and those around you by leading a life full of love.

The Cardiac Test That Could Save Your Life

arteries, clog the blood’s pathway, and make the heart work harder. The test measures plaque buildup in your arteries, and a score is then given based on your health risk. Your practitioner then helps you determine next steps based on your results.

Craig believes this test could have prevented his surgery or at least alerted him to possible signs of danger. He has been advocating for the test, especially for those with a history of heart disease in their family and regular symptoms of heart disease. Symptoms can vary betweenmen and women but often include shortness of breath, tight chest, jaw and armpain, fatigue, and nausea. For an old buddy of Craig’s, the test revealed that he needed life-saving changes.“One [friend] calledme fromAtlanta in tears [and said],‘I want to punch you, but I want to hug you. I want to punch you because youmade me so scared, but I want to hug you because I think you just savedmy life.’”

But it could be the most vital 15 minutes of your life.

Ideally, your arteries are clear, allowing your heart to pump oxygen-rich blood throughout your body without resistance. But plaque can build up in these

Learnmore about the cardiac calcium scoring test and other heart-health tests by calling your doctor. Don’t wait; schedule your test today.


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