King's Business - 1946-02



(8). The blood must be applied (12:7). Intellectual assent to the prop­ osition concerning the shed blood was not sufficient. Blood in the basin did not save. God ¿aid, “The blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye arel and when I see the blood upon the houses I will pass over you” (12:13). -Christ shed His blood for the sins of the world, but only as individuals appropriate this provision are they saved. The appro­ priation is "by faith” (Heb. 11:28; cf. Rom. 5:1; John 3:18). “The blood made them safe; the Word made them sure” (Dr. R. A. Torrey). b. By power, Chapter 13. The student should read through this chapter and note every reference to the Lord’s power in bringing Israel out of Egypt. It was not God’s plan for this blood-redeemed people to re­ main in bondage. Neither is it His plan for us who have been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ to be in bondage to sin (Rom. 6:14; 8:2). B. CHAPTERS 14-18— Israel’s Jour­ ney from the Red Sea to Sinai. Concerning the experiences recorded here, the inspired Word tells us that they happened unto Israel “as types” (1 Cor. 10:11, Margin). Just as Israel, redeemed by blood and power, had many requirements on their journeys, so the redeemed Chris­ tian has many needs during his pil­ grimage. There was a need for guid­ ance, supplied by the cloud (13:20, 22; cf. John 8:12). The experience at the Red Sea speaks of deliverance, too. As then, so now, “ God is unto us a God of deliverance?” (Psa. 68:20, R. V. ). No matter how great the difficulty, or how seemingly hope­ less the solution, God is ever equal to the emergency. The joyful song of Exodus 15 could not have been sung but for the severe trial and deliverance of Israel. Chap­ ter 14. 1. Marah (15:22-25) shows how God sweetens the bitter cup of those who yield to Him and trust Him. 2. Elim (15:27) speaks to us of re­ freshing. Note that they “encamped there” not at Marah. “He tests us at Marah, and refreshes us at Elim.” 3. Manna (Chapter 16) is a wonder­ ful type of Christ, the Bread of Life (John 6). We must feed upon Him daily, the first thing in the morning (16:21). 4. Rephidim (Chapter 17). The Rock was a type of Christ (1 Cor. 10:4), while the Water speaks to us of the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39). As to the supply, the Rock was the only source (Deut. 8:15). It was an u n l i k e l y source. One would scarcely expect “water out of a rook of flint," but the

d. The golden candlestick had a twofold typical significance: (1) A type of Christ as the Light of the world (John 8:12). Jesus said, ' “I am the light.” The candlestick was the only light in the holy place. (2) A type of the Church: that is, of true believers (Rev. 1:11, 12, 20; cf. Matt. 5:14-16). e. The golden incense altar. The burning of the incense was an act of worship, and speaks to us of com­ munion with God in worship and prayer (30:6, 36; Psa. 141:2; Rev. 5:8, R. V.). f. The ark of the covenant and its mercy seat. This may fie considered the focal point of the tabernacle. It represents the, throne of God which was founded upon righteousness, and yet was a throne of grace, a mercy seat. It could be both of these be­ cause of the blood sprinkled upon it (Psa. 89:147 R. V.; Heb. 4:16). Here propitiation was made (Rom. 3:25; 1 John 2:1, 2). .“Propitiation always means something that causes, or en­ ables, one to act mercifully or for­ givingly. God requires the propitiation by reason of His justice, and He pro­ vides it by reason of His mercy. He is at once the One who propitiates and the One who is propitiated. “What His justice demanded, His love provided” (W. H. Griffith Thomas). g. The' veil. It is stated that the way into the holy place had been manifest (Heb. 9:6-8). When Jesus was crucified, “the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the b o t t o m ” (Matt. 27:51). Thus, through His sacrifice, the way to God “now stands open always and for all men” (Heb. 10:19-22).

supply was abundant and perpetual (Psa. 78: 15, 16, 20; 105:41). What the Rock was to Israel, Christ is now to the believing soul (John 4:13, 14). C. Chapters 19-40 —Israel at Sinai. The time spent at Sinai was of great importance to Israel. Three things of note occurred: 1. Israel was formed into a Nation. Before this time, the people were an unwieldy group, without organiza­ tion or apparent purpose. 2. The law was given. It was not, however, given as a way of salvation (Rom. 3:19, 20; Gal. 2:16). Its two­ fold purpose was to reveal sin (Rom. 3:20) and to lead men to Christ for justification (Gal. 3:24). 3. The tabernacle was built. Lack of space prevents an adequate treat­ ment of this important subject. Many fine books are available for such a thorough study which the student is urged to acquire. We make mention of the six articles of furniture and their typical significance: a. The brazen altar which speaks to us of the Cross of Christ, for it was here that the blood was shed and thus a way was provided by which sinners might approach God and wor­ ship Him (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Heb. 10:19). b. The laver speaks to us of regener­ ation (Tit. 3:5, R. V. Margin) and of sanctification (Eph. 5:26, R. V. Mar­ gin). ■c. The table of shewbread speaks to us of representation before the Lord. “Every sabbath day he shall set it in order before Jehovah continually; it is on the behalf of the children of Israel” (Lev. 24:8, R. V.). The loaves speak of Christ in whom the believer now has a perfect standing before God (Eph. 2:6, R. V.). Just as all the tribes of Israel had equal representa­ tion, so ^J1 believers have an equal standing In Christ.

NONE OTHER LAMB None other Lamb, none other Name, None other Hope in Heaven or earth or sea, None other Hiding-place from guilt and shame, None beside Thee . My faith burns low, my hope burns low Only my heart's desire cries out in me By the deep thunder o f its want and woe Cries out to Thee, Lord, Thou art Life tho’ I be dead, Love's Fire Thou art, however cold l be: Nor Heaven have l, nor place to lay my head, Nor home, but Thee. Christina Georgina Rossetti.

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