King's Business - 1946-02

February, 1946

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Encouraging Words ■''The King's Business has entered into five homes since I took over this pastorate several months ago. All of these new sub­ scribers are teachers in our growing Sun­ day school.** Albert C. W all Port O rchard, W n. Blackboard Illustrations “ I like your magazine a lot. I use the Object Lessons in my class. I hope those timely illustrations [Blackboard Illustra­ tions] will reappear with the dropping of paper restrictions." R. M. Andrew s K resgeville, Pa. Firestone Mill Corp. Subscribes “ It is a pleasure to recommend your ex­ cellent magazine. The Firestone Mill Cor­ poration of our city is giving fifteen sub­ scriptions to my Community Bible Class, at their Community Club House." M rs. R . H . M cD ill Gastonia, N. C. From the Navy “ I would like to tell you how much I enjoyed your magazine last year. It helped me to prepare the lessons foj* my Bible Class, and it gave me a chance to witness for my Lord. Our magazines on the ship get torn up in a few days. Then the fellows want something to read. This is where I slip in the King's Business. They enjoy it, and ask for my next copy when . it comes." W illiam J. Anton, F 1/c F .P .O ., San Francisco, Calif. A Sample Copy's Ministry “ Some years ago I received a sample copy of the King's Business, the August, 1937 issue. I have treasured it all this time, and just now am subscribing for the magazine." M rs. J. B. Gillespie A rp, Tex. .. Month-by-Month Bible Reading “ I think that your monthly Bible reading plan is a good one. I want to follow the plan m onth-by-month." S. F. Aicholz Chico, Calif. Bible Outlines Wanted “ Am glad to see the King's Business again. I agree with our brother from North English, la.; I, too, would like to see some original Bible Outlines in the magazine. They are very helpful and stimulating." John M. Jordan Alyona* la. Good Advertising “ I would like to comment on the excel­ lent quality of the devotional material pub­ lished in your magazine. Because I have received so many blessings- from the King's Business articles, I keep a few back issues with the current number in my living room all the time for a silent testimony. So I was delighted when I returned home one eve­ ning last week, to find a friend reading the December issue; she said she would like a subscription." M rs. H. Hudson Los Angeles, Calif. Timely Items for "Teeners" “ I wish to express my appreciation for the many helpful suggestions for young people published in the King's Business. There is such a dearth of material for work with the ‘teen-age’ groups that we are grateful for each timely item. W e keep a file of them for future reference." M rs. Eugene Poole Santa Monica, C alif,

Christ at Dawn “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place and there prayed." Mark 1:35 SaUmoHÌ A/ewedt Oil Painting! The great spiritual awakening which is every­ where apparent has inspired the famous Christian artist Warner Sallman to produce a new portrayal of the Christ. (It is now presented for the first time.)

The title “Christ at Dawn” is significant. Jesus the divine Son of God conies to the Father for strength and guidance. Here alone, in the quiet of the early morning hours, Jesus sets the example of prayer. Followers of Jesus, burdened with the cares of a troubled world, may do as He did—renew their strength at the fountain of prayer. This new oil painting portrays the Master in a beautiful landscape. The grandeur of a mountainside, a peaceful village in the valley, the golden glow of a morning sunrise, form a beautiful setting for the Christ whose only altar was God’s great nature. In this new painting you will recognize the same expressive features so universally admired in the original “Head of Christ.’* Beautifully Lithographed Prints in Six Colors KB 4—2%x3y^r, dozen _______50c KB 15—4x5, each_______ „ 10c KB 25—5x7, each ____________ 20c KB 55—8x10, each K R IftS— 11 v l i , M ch 50c $1.00 KB’ 155—16x20, each $1.50

De Luxe and popular priced framed pictures available soon.

All Sallman Paintings o f the Christ Now Available in the Famous "SuHiltUt*" Krystal Plaques

These lovely plaques are very popular. “Hy-Glo” crystal-clear plastie surface protects the picture. Nonbreakable. Washable. Size 6x8—$1.15; size 4x6—60c; size 2%x37/s—30c. WARNE R P R E S S P R ODU C T S O R D E R FR O M Y O U R CH U R C H P U B LISH ER S O R R ELIG IO U S SU P PLY D EA LER

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