King's Business - 1946-02

February, 1946


me, and more also, If ought but death part thee and me” (Ruth 1:16, 17). Together Naomi and Ruth moved toward the land of “REWARD.” We will move the shoes further away from the land, of “RUIN” and closer to the land of “REWARD.” Ruth was. greatly rewarded for the decision she made, for she became the great­ grandmother of David, who was one of Christ’s ancestors. God rewards those today who accept Christ, and turn their feet away from the land of “RUIN.”

Let your Sunday School know the life* changing impact of this proved and popular Lesson Series. Presents the whole Bible... closely graded. Lessons are not dated •••no waste because useable another year with new class» GOSPEL LIGHT S E M E S ^ J a S l j j


Fourth Week A R a r e R o c k

1443- A North Vino St.. Hollywood 28, Calif, consecutive years. Popular, practical, economical. Big compendium with sample lessons Fret. Write today for your copy, GOSPEL LIGHT PRESS Presents the whole Gospel o f Christ and covers tht entire Bible with a complete course o f study from Beginners through Adults. Curriculum for 15

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m - ^ S p a n is h C h r i s t i a n M i s s io n What. j l A P R A TIN G F E L L O W S H IP OP B E L IE V E R S KORftTHC M IN IS TR Y IN SPAIN**! Hev. Zacarias P. Carles, B.A., L.Th., S.C.T. Founder and Director North American Headquarters 3 Hillsboro Ave.—Toronto 5, Canada • This evangelical and Undenominational faith work is calling upon the whole Church of Christ to give the whole Gospel to the twenty-six million neglected and superstitious people of SPAIN—country blessed by the Pope, ruled by the Priest, exploited by the Roman Church. • A new pamphlet “Is Spain a Christian Country?" is now available free of charge. Ask for it. • Your prayers and gifts will be greatly appreciated. • Write for any information, illustrated lectures on Spain, arid literature on the Mission. • A copy of our monthly Prayer Letter will be sent free to you upon request. Cries From War Torn Europe We are receiving heart breaking letters from our Missionaries in Europe. They are pleading with us to send them financial help immediately. Missionaries from Poland write the following: ■ “ As we write this letter to you, our eyes are filled with tear» because we are now in dire need. W e plead with you and other Christian friends to help us. Do not turn us downl All that we had was destroyed during the war, and now we are left Vithout shoes, clothing and food.’' A Christian Mother in Russia paid the price of two cows for one Russian Bible, so that her son could have a Bible before the Nazis deported him to Germany. Other pleas are coming from Belgium, France, Sweden, Iran, China, and South America. The doors are opening, and great opportunities lie before us. W e must invade these fields with the gospel, as soon as the Lord provides the means. W e must continue to support the Russian Bible Institutes In Toronto, Canada and in Argentina, South America. Money can now be sent direct to Soviet Russia for Missionary work. Cries for New Testaments, and gospel literature are con­ stantly coming to us from all these fields. A Russian Mission Home is greatly needed in Chicago. , Will you pray for these urgent needs, and if the Holy Spirit Is speaking to you, send your gifts and make checks payable to the RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Peter Deyneka, General Director 64 W est Randolph Street, Dept. K B , Chicago, 1, Illinois O rd er n ew b o o k , * ‘J'W IC E H O R S R U S S IA N ,” life s to r y o f P eter D e y n e k a , 131 p a g es , * cloth b o u n d , $ 1 .23, p a p er co v e r , 7 3c, Illustrated Russian Gospel News Sent Free on Request Peter Deyneka

Object: A rock. (Use a crayon and write “1 Sam. 7:12” on it. Bring it to the .class in a paper sack.) Lesson: You will be surprised when you see what is in this sack. “It is just an ordinary rock/’ I hear someone say. Yes, it is an ordinary rock, but I brought it with me to remind us of a very important, rock mentioned in the Bible. There is a Bible reference printed on the side of this rock. It is 1 Samuel. 7:12. Let us turn j o this verse in our Bibles and read it. “Then •Samuel took a stone, and set it be­ tween Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” For many years, because of sin, the ark of the Lord had been out of Is­ rael’s possession. Samuel called on the people to repent of their sin, and when they did, God gave them a great victory over their enemies, the Philis­ tines. After the- victory, In order that Is­ rael might never forget the help God had been to them, Samuel set up the Ebenezer stone, which meant, “Hith­ erto hath the Lord helped us.” . We wonder if the stone might not have been a reminder to the enemy, as well as to Israel, for we read, “So the Philistines were subdued, and They. came no more into the coast of Israel: and the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel” (1 Sam. 7:13). There are many times in the lives of Christians similar to the experi­ ence about which we have been think­ ing. When. Christians in an hour of need, forsake their sins, and call upon God, He gives them deliverance, and thev can say with Samuel, “Hitherto hatn the Lord helped us.”

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