King's Business - 1946-02

February, 1946

U S u -mon à

K u r v e n A l l o w e d


says Superintendent Charles Holcomb of the St* Paul’s Union Church«Sunday School, which averages an attendance of 350. All oyer America today other Sunday Schools are finding A lt BIBLE GRADED SERIES their first choice of Sunday School lesson material. Now, more than half a million boys and girls, men and women are being reached with the soul-saving gospel of Christ thru ABG S.* St. Paul's Union Church, like so many other churches, uses these lessons in all departments, including the Nursery, with outstanding success. This is the first in a series of messages about Sunday Schools which are using the A ll BIBLE GRADED SERIES thruout.

MORE FACTS, PLEASE! □ Nursery D Beg.

Yes, send me at once more details and samples of your ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES of Sunday School lessons for the depart­ ments checked □ Prl. □ Jr. □ Inter. □ Sr.

information ★ Give your Sunday School the Bible—the whole Bible—by using the ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES, Nursery thru Senior Departments. It's a series of departmeptally-graded, salvation-directed, Christian- life-building lessons that will do much to help you glorify God thru sound teaching methods. The coupon, properly filled out, will bring you a complete set of sample lessons. Send it in today, won't you?

Enclosed find 10c to cover cost of mailing samples.

Name . ■— St. & No. or R.F.D- Post Office & Zone__


Church Name & Location- My Church Position- P.S. Also send me your new 1946 Free “Book of Helps" Catalog. O DEPT. KBA-26 CHICAGO 10, ILL S H H f P ß f B

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