
from all walks of life. Do you know the one thing that separates a successful entrepreneur, from one who probably will not achieve what they want? A positive attitude. When I meet with a positive business owner, I can feel their excitement about their business, and I always think “This person is going places”. This is the type of person I love working with. When I meet with a business owner who is a downer, and only focuses on the negative, I have a hard time getting excited and seeing the pos- sibilities, no matter how interesting their business is. This is because I know they will not accomplish amazing things with a negative outlook. Unfortunately, many fantastic, prom- ising businesses fail, because the owner lets all the negative things get them down. When a business owner has this type of attitude, there isn’t much I can do for them. They need to be able to “visualize success” (yes that sounds cheesy). Do you know anyone who is positive about everything 100% of the time? That sounds pretty annoying, actually. I don’t know if there are any people like that in real life. The important thing is to focus on the positive MOST of the time. It’s easy to get tired as a business owner. A lot of us work alone, work long hours, and it’s just plain hard. It’s easy to lose optimism, so you need to remind yourself of the positive. An important role I play with my cus- tomers is helping them focus on the positive, and getting them re-excit- ed. I help them realize that with a bit of planning and support, they CAN achieve their dreams goals! They need to be excited about their business and what they can accomplish. LIFE ISN’T BLACK AND WHITE, NEITHER IS BUSINESS

HI. MY NAME IS DENISE ALISON AND I AM OBSESSED WITH HELPING ENTREPRENEURS GROW THEIR BUSINESS AND REACH THEIR POTENTIAL. Let’s face the obvious first: I’m not your typical business coach! Obvious reasons aside, I am a very creative, quirky person, who is not afraid to tell it like it is, and learn from my mistakes along the way! I am putting a new twist on an old idea. While business coaching and consulting used to mean driving all over the place to present work- shops and meet with customers (and charging them an arm and a leg to do so), I’m not interested in that model. (FYI, I live in rural Nova Scotia, so getting anywhere involves a long enough drive). Like most entrepreneurs, I am a risk taker. Stratigro offers all its programs virtually, so there is no need for me or you to travel. We also offer online workshops, free challenges, and tons of free content on our blog! I became a business coach and created Stratigro, because I saw so many entrepreneurs struggle when it comes to running their business, and saw that there was a need for business coaching that was practical, helpful, and FUN. I formerly ran my own market research company. I quickly realized that I loved the feeling of helping entrepreneurs grow their business; helping small business owners was my calling. I didn’t just decide this out of nowhere; I’ve been under the influence of entre- preneurs my entire life!  However, I knew that I didn’t want to go on this new adventure alone, so I called up the person I know who knew the most about business growth: my dad, Tim Alison, a lifelong entrepre- neur and long-time business coach I’ve helped hundreds of entrepre- neurs grow their business and, in some instances, put the fun back in their business! So, if you’re tired of spinning your wheels with strategies that just don’t work, from people who don’t get you or your business, I am here to help.




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