Biola Broadcaster - 1968-04

A P R I L , 1 9 6 8 With March Radio Features

CONQUEST of a LEADER byStuart Briscoe STUDIES in I JOHN by Lloyd T. Anderson

byStuart Briscoe


by Dr. Dick Hillis

April, 1968 / Volume 8 / Number 4




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Dr. J. Richard Chase (left) Aca­ demic Vice President of Biola, talks to students attending Biola College who were presidents of their high school student bodies. From left to right are Larry Van- over, Libbey, Montana; James Reavis, Orange, Calif.; Allen Carden, La Mirada, Calif.; Earl Duncan, Norwalk, Calif.; Nor­ man Thiesen, Reedley, Calif.; Steve Hovda, Phoenix, Arizona; Todd Lewis, La Mirada, Calif.

CALL OF A LEADER ........ 3 CATASTROPHE OF A LEADER ...................... 5 CONFESSION OF A LEADER — Stuart Briscoe 7 CONQUEST OF A LEADER .. 9 COMM AN D OF A LEADER ..11 M ISSIONS IN VIET N AM — Dick Hillis ...................13 PANEL D ISCU SSION S........15 MENU FOR THE M IN D— AI Sanders ...................19 PARABLES A N D PEARLS ....25 STUDIES IN I JOHN— Lloyd T. Anderson ........ 29

Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, Cal. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, Calif. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638.

t h e b i o l a h o u r

CALIFORNIA Arroy Grande-San Luis Obispo KOAG 1280

Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara IÇOXR 910 Redding-Red Bluff 1400 San Bernardino-Riverside KQMS

8:00 A.M. MTWTF

8:00 A.M. MTWTF

10:00 A.M. MTWTF

Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY

1570 9:30 A.M. MTWTF 590 7:30 A.M. Sun. 1080 8:30 A.M.Sun. 8:30 A.M.Sun.


550 4:00 P.M. Sun. 1050 9:30 A.M. MTWTF

KWSO Burbank KB BO

Santa Cruz KSCO

7:00 A.M. Sun.


99.1 (FM)


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San Diego

930 8:00 A.M. MTWTF


KBBW 102.9 (FM)

8:00 9:30

1130 8:30 A.M. MTWTF

910 4:00 P.M. Sun. 860 8:00 a.m. MTWTF 1100 8:30 A.M. MTWTF


1570 8:00 A.M. MTWTF

San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria KCOY

8:30 A.M. MTWTF

107.5 (FM)

1460 9:00 A.M. MTWTF


1440 10:30 P.M. Sun.

Los Angeles-Long Beach

11:00 A.M. MTWTF

Turlock KCEY



1390 10:30 A.M. MTWTF

1390 9:30 P.M. MTWTF


Stuart Briscoe Torchbearers? Fellowship England


O NE OF THE GREATEST NEEDS of the church today is adequate lead­ ership. We need to look into our own hearts to see if we are allowing- our lives to be the kind in this area which God would desire. One of the greatest examples for leadership was God’s man, David. Let us think of him in comparison with our own lives. Throughout the narrative of David’s life, he is linked with other people. At first it is with Samuel, as he was originally called to he a lead­ er. Israel, apart from God, had de­ cided they wanted a king. While Saul started off well, things soon began to disintegrate. At the end he was prov­ en in his own house to be totally un­ satisfactory to God and to the people. The Lord told Samuel He had some­ one better. While the old prophet didn’t realize it, David was that man. Jesse was told to parade his sons for the selection, beginning with the eld­ est. Samuel was very impressed. But they went on down the list until all seven of his sons had appeared and been rejected. Samuel asked Jesse, “Do you have any more sons?” This was when he seemed to remember David, who, after all, just looked after sheep. God had told his ser­ vant, “Don’t look on his countenance or on the height of his stature.” The secret is always that God doesn’t see as man sees. The Lord looks on the heart. There are so many extremes today that we must turn from them and follow the principles which the Lord has ordained. Young men are growing their hair long. Young la­ dies are wearing their skirts shorter and shorter. We look at the extremes of people’s lives. Sometimes, although I deplore both short skirts and long hair, un­

derneath the facade are young peo­ ple who are truly seeking souls. How many of us have been confronted with people whose exteriors repelled us? We know them on the inside, as it were. It was David’s heart which impressed the Lord. Here was the raw material from which He would make a leader. David told us a lot about his own heart (Psm. 24:3, 4). Here he points out, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that clean hands and a pure heart are vital requisites if one is to be used for the Lord. Do you know anyone like this? It’s the thoughts and the intentions of our heart which God says are only evil continually. People may look one way on the outside and be different in­ side. The Bible says God hasn’t found a just man upon the face of the earth. All have sinned and fallen short of His glory. What is God go­ ing to do? Must His cause disinte­ grate for this reason? Will He cease to work? Of course not, for the Lord desires to cleanse hearts and make them pure. The first thing we need to bear in mind is that if we are ever going to make an impact for God, then it is absolutely imperative that we get our hearts washed clean. Of course, before we can be cleansed from all unrighteousness, we have to believe that we are unrighteous. We have to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, through His death and resur­ rection, is able to give us complete pardon. S a lv a tio n is by grace through faith. Would you say that you have the kind of heart God needs? What about your internal at­ titude toward the Lord? In Psalm 26:2, David petitions, “Examine me, 0 Lord, and prove me; try my reins 3

God will fill and flood you with His life, power and presence. A cleansed heart becomes an occupied heart, and an occupied heart becomes a usable heart. Would you like to find out if you are the sort of person the Lord can use? Look then to your heart.

and my heart.” In other words, we want God to test our hearts to see if we are really genuine. Sometimes people are half-hearted. It is easy to become divided in our affections and interests. God wants a heart which proves itself to be ut­ terly undivided and absolutely de­ voted to Him. Have you ever asked God to examine, prove, and try you ? This is absolutely necessary. Will your profession stand the test of genuineness? Only then can we ex­ pect to have God really start moving in our lives. It’s the heart which God examines first. The third thing is David’s confi­ dence, “Though an host should en­ camp against me, my heart shall not fear” (Psa. 27:3). That’s a won­ derful expression. Israel’s leader knew what it was to have an army surround him, and to be hopelessly outnumbered. The situation was oft­ en utterly hopeless. He knew that the Lord was adequate and he trusted Him implicitly. Do you have a peace­ ful heart as David did? You’ll never make an impact upon others until you are so utterly available to Him and so thoroughly dependent upon Him that you have this assured con­ fidence. The wonderful promise of God is that He will strengthen and uphold us no matter the circum­ stances of life. In these days we need some stout-hearted men and women who know what it is to have the power of God released in their lives. Get out a concordance, go through the Psalms and find out what David tells us about his heart. It is a most rewarding study. Samuel recognized finally the full potential and possibilities of this young man. He knew David’s heart was right. This is why God called him. God commanded, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he.” Samuel took the horn of oil and in the midst of his brethren, the Spirit of the Lord came upon David “from that day forward.” When your heart is right, 4

Mr. Al Sanders (left), vice president of Public Relations for Biola, chats with Mr. Steve Ter­ rell, drama instructor for the school. This year's drama team will present the ministry of God's Word In this distinctive fashion to churches throughout Southern California. The group has also been invited by Dr. Dick Hillis of Overseas Crusades to tour the Philippine Islands this sum er. Visitors to the Biola Campus have the opportu­ nity of meeting with staff and faculty mem­ bers. Standing is Mr. Sven Jensen of Overseas Ambassadors, a program sponsored by Overseas Crusades,directed by Dr. Dick Hillis. At the right is Mr. Ron Hater, executive secretary of Biola's Alumni Department. To the left is Dr. RobertL.Thomas of Talbot Theological Seminary.

by Stuart Briscoe Torchbearers’ Fellowship England


I T IS IMPORTANT FOR US to be mind­ ful of all of the aspects' of a lead­ er’s life. Certainly mere externali­ ties are far from enough. Basically, God uses men and women whose hearts are right. If we really want His best, we must follow His prin­ ciples. Keep in mind, however, when God works in our hearts, He never eradicates the possibility of sin. This is closely illustrated in the life of David. In the familiar story of David and Bethsheba, we see the catastrophe of a leader. Here we can see the untold possibilities of sin within the heart of a man who has come to know the Lord. A Christian can live dominat­ ed by sin and exist in absolute de­ feat. In this terrible incident (II Samuel 11), David was utterly lazy. Instead of going out to battle him­ self, he sent another in his stead. This is one of the grave sins of the church today through spiritual lazi­ ness. We should be very much in the battle. There are many men who seem to be quite content in sending women out to the mission field. They don’t have the slightest intention of going themselves. So, at the time when kings should have been at the front lines, David was shirking his responsibility. The Scripture tells us, “It came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed,” (v. 2). Look at what time he got up. As far as I know, there is only one kind of per­ son who stays in bed all day, apart, of course, from those who are sick and ill. These are those who stay up all night. They are involved in things that they don’t want exposed to the light of day. It is a sad thing to think that it is possible to be a Christian

and be engaged in things of this world. The Bible teaches that it is possible for things to be going on in the hidden recesses of our own minds that we wouldn’t want anyone else to know about. This is what was happening to David. This is why he had to catch up on his sleep during the day. Paul’s letter to the Ephe­ sians reminds us in no uncertain terms that we are to walk in the light. We are being saved from the darkness that ruins and mars so many people’s lives. When David got up in the evening, he went to walk on the roof of his palace. That was perfectly legiti­ mate. From the roof, he saw a woman washing herself. That was probably unavoidable. So often we refer to David’s sin while ignoring Beth- sheba’s sin. Keep in mind that she was exposing herself wantonly. I think I know why. Her husband was away at war. She realized that the king wasn’t. She was aware of her attractiveness and that the king had an eye for pretty girls. She willing­ ly and intentionally let herself be seen before him. David couldn’t help seeing, but when he lusted for her beauty, he was heading downward. Be careful that you’re not being tempted and succumbing to sin. God has told us that He will never allow anyone to be tempted more than he is able to stand. He always makes a way of escape if we are relying on Him. David’s way of getting out of this pit of destruction was his two feet, a neck that turned, and steps down off the roof to the quietness of his own room. Since he was in a spir­ itual state of apathy and laziness, walking in darkness, he became en­ snared with utter wantonness. Poor

cut deeply into David’s heart! Uriah slept on the steps of the king’s pal­ ace that night. David was so desper­ ate and deceitful that he tried to get Uriah drunk, thinking then he could make him go down to his wife. Uriah drunk, however, was better than David sober. He wouldn’t go. So, in the end, David realized he had to get rid of Uriah. He planned to have him exterminated. This clearly reveals the capacity for sin in the heart of a man whom God has called and chos­ en. Unless we recognize this sin, we can never come to the point of claim­ ing victory. Each one of us doubtless knows something of the catastrophe of laziness, wantonness, selfishness, and deceitfulness in our own lives. We need to have a deeper conscious­ ness of our propensity and capacity to commit sin. There must be such an understanding of our own sin, de­ feat, and failure that will bring us to the point of really abandoning our­ selves to God. Instead of being a leader, are you being led along by Satan? Your profession can be abso­ lutely ruined because of sin. This can be a leader’s catastrophe. Think about these things and allow the Lord to prepare your heart for His blessings.

David must have been going through the most excruciating conflict in his heart. He had switched off the Spirit of God. He sent for the woman. She sinned, too, for she could have told the king in no uncertain terms that she would have nothing to do with him due to her love for her wonder­ ful husband Uriah. She came to the king’s palace like a fly to the spider’s web. The awful deed of adultery was committed. One sin always leads to another. Here was David, a man after God’s own heart, having within him the capacity to sin, being overtaken with laziness, wantonness, and now with utter selfishness. Uriah was a fabu­ lous soldier. David doubtless knew that he should have been there him­ self in the front lines. Selfishness is a terrible thing. It takes many forms. It is a rampant sin among all too many Christians today. While you .may not steal another man’s wife, it can do even more evil things in the mind. All other considerations for people are simply thrown to one side. This is one tragedy in the Christian church today. David never lost his capacity to sin while also having the capacity to overcome. The mo­ ment he was anointed by Samuel, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. Once David committed this terri­ ble act, it was obvious that there would be a child. Now, something else very terrible happens. This is de­ ceitfulness. How could David account for the fact that Bethsheba had been seen in his palace and that now she was going to have a baby ? It wouldn’t be too difficult to put two and two together. Immediately the king sent for Uriah. Deceitfully he asked him how the battle was going. Uriah reported, asking permission to return. David wanted him to be seen with his wife Bethsheba. Yet, he was such a soldier that he refused to forsake his duty. He knew his place was out in the front lines with his comrades. How that must have 6

Making a decision as to their choice of beverage, students in the cafeteria line of Biota's Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona Bible Colege, are Isabelle Austin of Portage, Penn., and Carla Gillespie of Eagar, Ariz. Miss Austin’s parents are missionaries in Okinawa serving with the Far East Broadcasting Company. 1/... P o ' Tjj ■

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by Stuart Briscoe Torchbearers’ Fellowship England

CONFESSION OF A LEADER I N THE LIFE OF D avid , we find his relationships with people. With­ out question, God is looking for men and women who can take positions of real leadership, readily available to the Lord as He works out His divine purposes in their lives. The basic requirement is a heart that is right with Him. We believe that the catastrophe of a leader is recounted for us in the sin of David and Beth- sheba so that as believers we may be reminded of the awful propensity to sin which is still within us. David’s sin began with and devel­ oped into wantonness, selfishness and deceitfulness. Each of us needs to check on his heart’s condition before the Lord to make certain that we aren’t hiding things. We cannot pre­ tend one thing and live another. Our lives must be wide open to the Lord so that He can do exactly as He wishes with us. It is important to note that God didn’t leave His servant at the mo­ ment he fell into this heinous sin. Nathan was sent to rebuke David as is related in II Samuel 12. Read and study that for yourself. Nathan told him a story about the two men. One was very rich and the other very poor. The one who was wealthy was blessed with an abundance of flocks and herds, while the other had only one little ewe lamb. Instead of tak­ ing one of his own, the affluent man stole this one treasured possession of the poor man. The Bible says, “And David’s anger was greatly kindled against the man; and he said to Na­ than, As the Lord liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die.” Here we can see the awful hy­ pocrisy of David’s heart. He was willing to kill a man for stealing a lamb, but he overlooked the fact that

he had taken another man’s wife, and had her husband killed in order to cover his sins. You know it is possi­ ble for us utterly to condemn things people in the world do while condon­ ing and rationalizing sins in our own hearts, which often can be as bad or even worse. God won’t let David get away with it. Listen to Nathan’s powerful words: “Thou art the man!” The prophet fearlessly de­ clared, “God wants you to know that He sees your heart. He knows that while you put on a big show of being offended by this man, simulating righteous anger, you know deep down in your heart that you are the man who has done something in­ finitely worse.” We now see David at his lowest point. He openly confesses, “I have sinned against the Lord.” Right here he was ready to write the 51st Psalm. What a wonderful portion of Scripture to study! The only way there can be real victory in our lives is if we confess our sins and come to the Lord for forgiveness and cleansing. David said, “Oh God, have mercy upon me according to thy lov­ ing kindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot ou t my transgressions.” David reached the same point to which all of us must come: a willingness to admit before God what we really are. Have you ever done this? While we may be sorry for what we have done, yet we are dilatory in confessing this and truly being repentant. Just be­ cause a person is sorry he gets caught or has been found out is not the same as a true humility of heart; that is but a fear of the conse­ quences. The Lord wants us to come before Him as Paul did on that won­ derful occasion saying, “Oh God, 7

there is no good thing in me.” Have you ever come to the end of yourself and from the depths of your soul cried out, “Oh wretched man that I am” ? Only when we come to the end of ourselves can we come genuinely to the beginning of God. Only when we come to the point of admitting the fact that in us dwells no good thing will we be remotely interested in God’s cutting loose in our lives. Dr. Donald Grey Bamhouse spoke in England one time when I was just a boy. He started his message by say­ ing the way up is down and the way down is up. Now I understand what he meant. Peter tells us basically that if we exalt ourselves, God will abase us, while, if we are prepared to humb le ourselves under the mighty hand of God. He will give grace and will exalt us in due time. The Saviour underlined this princi­ ple, .“Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit” (John 12:24). The prob­ lem is we don’t want to die to what we are or admit our problems. It may mean that we would have to repent of what we are. Have you ever admitted to God what you are and have said, “Oh God, I am not only sick of what I have done, but also I am increasingly sick of what I am; do something with me” ? In Psalm 51 the first nine verses relate to cleansing while in verse ten David asks that God do something new within him. He wanted the Lord to change his attitudes, his appetites, and even his aptitudes. He desired God to get such a grip on his life that it would be nothing less than a divine revolution. This is what we need in these days, too. This comes when we repent of what we are, hun­ gering and thirsting after God’s righteousness, and settling for noth­ ing less. When David said, “Take not thy Holy Spirit from me,” he knew exactly what had happened to his predecessor, Saul. Saul knew his 8

days were over. He had lost his pow­ er and ability. No Christian living in, these days needs to fear that God will take His Holy Spirit from him. This is the earnest of your re­ demption, your down payment. David wanted to have the Lord confirm the possibilities of His life through him. There is no limit to what God will do with people who are willing to confess, “Oh God, I ’m sorry for what I’ve done and I’m sick of what I am. Confirm in me who you really are.” Have you ever had an experience such as Divid had with Samuel when he knew the call of God? Maybe you have had a similar sort of experi­ ence as David had with Bethsheba when you see catastrophe. Are you being confronted with the awful sin­ fulness of your own unrighteous­ ness? Have you had an experience like David’s with Nathan? When God speaks to you and says, “You’re the man!” don’t blame your church or grumble about other Christians. You are the one in the wrong. There is absolutely no reason why the ex­ perience of David recounted in the 51st Psalm should not be yours right now if you’ll take time to face up to God’s demands and requirements of God in your life. Think about it. En­ ter into the joy of this powerful re- lationship. 111 M ¡L p^iw Rf * I | A growing ministry is being experienced in all facets of Biola's Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona Bible Colege. Pictured here is Mrs. Electa Oltrogge (right), librarian, and Helen Little, from Navajo land in Oraibi, Arizona.

by Stuart Briscoe Torchbearers’ Fellowship England


P erha ps no story has caught the imagination and interest of Sun­ day school children as has the thrill­ ing account of David and Goliath. This portion of Scripture should remind us that there are mighty possibilities and tremendous conquests in every Christian life. Either you are a vic­ tim or a victor of your circumstances. You are either defeated or triumph­ ant. We are intended to be “more than conquerors” through Him who loves us. The whole tone of Scrip­ ture is that a defeated Christian life is totally unsatisfactory. Too many seem to feel that defeat is the ordi­ nary thing. David was a youngster at the •time of his encounter with the giant. He hadn’t been happy when denied the chance to go into battle with his older brothers. He was told to look after the sheep. Who wanted such a menial task in the light of the con­ flict? One day his father instructed him to take his brothers some re­ freshment. When he arrived at the battlefield, as a young teenager he was most interested to see what was going on. Goliath was over nine feet tall. He stood on a mountain over­ looking the camp of Israel. He taunt­ ed the people, “Come on, send some­ one up to fight me!” This intrigued the shepherd boy. He was surprised that no one answered the challenge. His brother didn’t appreciate being asked why they didn’t go. David soon discovered that the awful truth was that all of the soldiers were afraid. David blithely volunteered, “Well, I’ll go!” Although those around him laughed at the shepherd boy they soon yielded to his adamant stand, and he was taken to see the king. Did you ever wonder why Saul hadn’t gone? He was evidently head

and shoulders taller than anyone else. Doesn’t it seem logical that if a giant challenges someone, another giant should naturally take the chal­ lenge? Saul should have gone. No doubt he was embarrassed to have a teenage shepherd offer to fight Go­ liath. Yet there was something about the lad which caused the monarch to give in. David was given Saul’s ar­ mor to put on. If this wasn’t so tragic, it would be absolutely hila­ rious. David, a stripling of a teen­ ager, and Saul, bigger than the big­ gest man! Think of the size his ar­ mor must have been. Had it been put on David, he would have disap­ peared from sight. This is the sort of thing we tend to do in our day. If we come across someone who is enthusiastic and willing to have a go at a problem, we pass rules for the way he is to act and react. Some­ times we put our armor on others and they aren’t able to bear it. We thereby choke their enthusiasm. We put them in an “evangelical straight- jacket.” David got his sling and five smooth stones. Goliath no doubt was amazed at the scene. In answer to the giant’s shouting, David answered quite casually. He told Goliath con­ fidently, “I’ve been in battle before. I killed a lion and a bear. Now I ’m coming to get you.” His foe was far from impressed. Insulted, he thun­ dered, “Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves ? I’ll give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field.” The testimony of God’s man was: “I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand.” It is interesting to note that the 9

this be if you are afraid of leaving the camp called the church? If you bemoan your fate, problems and dif­ ficulties, how can you overcome? You are only “more than a conquer­ or” when you move out into a situa­ tion which calls for victory in the Lord Jesus Christ. We need earnest Christian soldiers who go out in the strength of the Lord with the risen Christ within them because they are sold out to Him. They go to places where the battle is the thickest, where the fight is the strongest, where the heat is the hottest. They go rejoicing in all that the Lord is and expecting Him to work. Some people look at Goliath like the sol­ diers and say, “He’s too big to hit.” When David looked at the giant he declared “He’s too big to miss.” Do you reckon with the Lord that you are strong in His power, moving out into action instead of cowering in a camp? Are you expecting Him to work? If so, you will not be disap­ pointed by circumstances. This is your responsibility and privilege. This is God’s kind of Christianity.

combatants seemed to have quite a conversation before battle in those days. Maybe it would be a good idea for us. David knew from the human standpoint that he didn’t have the slightest possibility of winning. He also was convinced that God was more than adequate, for He had al­ ready proved Himself over and over again. David was strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Cow­ ering back at the camp were King Saul and his soldiers. You see, in the center of David’s weakness was the strength of Almighty God. This is the secret of all conquest and the victory which overcomes the world is your faith. Your faith must be cen­ tered in a God who is bigger than all your circumstances. I believe we have tremendous Go­ liaths all around us. Many Chris­ tians, instead of taking the leader­ ship and attacking these Goliaths, are spending all of their time cower­ ing in the camp. Instead of aggres­ sively being on the job, they are thoroughly beaten before they start. “More than conquerors?” How can

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (left), president of Biola Schools and Colleges, Inc., receives a check for $800.00 from the Sears-Roebuck Foundation. Mr. Allen F. Ho p, local representa­ tive,presented the gift which is a part of the 46 participating colleges and universities in California sharing grants of more than $66,000.

Opportunity for Christian ministry in music is paramount in all of the Biola schools includ­ ing our Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona Bible Colege. Pictured above is Judith Parkhill of Canoga Park, California. Her father, the Rev. Claude Parkhill, is pastor of Christ Community Church and is a graduate of Biola.


by Stuart Briscoe Torchbearers’ Fellowship England


stances. They may be deeply in debt, thoroughly discontented, and down­ right discouraged. How much of an influence are you having on their lives ? David’s mighty men loved him. One day, while he longed for a cool drink from the well by the gate of Bethlehem three of his men over­ heard his soliloquy. Without saying a word, they fought their way through the enemy camp to the very center of Saul’s garrison. There they filled a bottle full of water for their leader. It was a real “commando” at­ tack. You can imagine David’s sur­ prise when he heard of their feat. He could see the marks of battle fa­ tigue written on their faces. He knew what they had gone through. They did this because they loved him. Even so, today Christians ought to be a people who have such an impact in their community that others love them for who and what they are. A Christian has something absolutely tremendous to offer this world. David’s faithful men not only loved him, but also they obeyed him. One day David told his men that the Philistines were on their way to for­ age a field of lentils. He wanted them to do something about it. Shammah went down to stand in the midst of the field to defend it. Who’s interested in a field of lentils? All that’s good for is to make soup. The soldier defended the field be­ cause his captain told him so. He did so in obedience. People will never obey unless they first of all respect their leader. Do you realize that you have to earn respect if you are going to be a leader? Learning to respect you, they will learn to respect your God. 11

I T IS WONDERFUL TO REALIZE how the Lord delights to work in the life of one who is willing to be used in spir­ itual leadership. Are you aware that the Lord has a special place for you? This is one main reason for study­ ing the parallels in David’s life. The Lord gave His servant real power with men. His band was really great. Be sure to spend time reading II Samuel 23 which illustrates this in a very fascinating manner. David had been in exile and was now in the cave of Adullam. I Samuel 22:2 tells us of whom this strange group consisted, “Everyone that was in ■ distress, and everyone that was in debt, and everyone that was discon­ tented, gathered themselves unto him.” If Saul saw a strong valiant man, he simply took him (I Sam. 14:52). Having been utterly reject­ ed, David had no choice as to the cali­ ber of manpower. I believe that when a man is chosen by God, although he is rejected by some, he has an at­ traction about him which is really a divine compelling. He will draw men and women with needs. Sometimes God’s greatest work is done through those who aren’t always physically attractive. When the miracle comes, it is then more pronounced. Ask your own heart, “Am I prepared to be so available to God that I’m ready to go to those utterly unat­ tractive? Is my quality of life such that it automatically draws others who have a need?” Do others recog­ nize a quality of existence in you that is attributable only to God? It is not something of yourself at all. I believe this is the sort of leaders the Lord wants. Use a sheet of paper and write on it all those whom you know to have distressing circum-

tian who should be trustworthy and dependable is failing in this re­ spect. May God write these simple les­ sons upon our hearts raiding up many who will be nothing less than Davids in their lives. Will you honor the God who loved you, who made you, who planned for you, and who sent His Son to die for you? Will you be a David, a leader for the Lord?

David’s followers obviously trusted him. We know how many strange and even crazy situations into which they had been led. It wasn’t unusual to fight against tremendous odds. His men seemed to feel, “If it’s good enough for David, it’s good enough for us. He knows what he’s doing. We can trust him implicitly.” This is what it means to be a leader in these days. Most people trust and de­ pend on the wrong people. The Chris­

Mr. Deward Lowrey (center), member of the Biola Stewardship Department, looks over the program development for the school with Mr. John Isaac (left). Director of Stewardship, and Mr. Ai Sanders, Vice President of Public Re­ lations. Stewardship Representatives are trained to assist Christians in matters pertaining to wills, agreements, estate planning, and other phases of Christian stewardship. Always a good place for fellowship and dis­ cussion of ideas is the dining table. Pictured above are some of the students attending Biola's Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona Bible Colege.

Biola students enjoy the opportunity of musical fellowship. Fromleftto right are Diann Johnson, a senior from Oroville, Calif.; Pat Hurst of Walnut Creek,Calif.,a junior, Don Hildebrand of Dalas, Ore., a junior, FranBald­ win, a senior from La Mirada, Todd Lewis, a freshman from La Mirada, and Sharon Weath­ ers, a junior from Salem, Ore. Mr. Vernon Doerksen (left). Public Relations Director for Biola's Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona Bible Colege, and instructor in the Missions Department of the school, points out an important area of outreach on a world map to Rick Potter, a freshman student fromPhoenix.


missions in...

by Dr. Dick HiUis, Director, Overseas Crusades

H aving had t h e opportunity of go­ ing to Viet Nam many times, it is a privilege to tell you about it. Over these yea rs , ca tac ly sm ic changes have taken place. South Viet Nam itself is a country of some 15 million people. There are 30 or more provinces, while the people them­ selves are divided racially. The larg­ est number are Vietnamese, another million Chinese, and then there are the tribal peoples. Estimates range from 60 to 150 tribes with the popu­ lation near one and a half million. The majority of Vietnamese are Buddhists. There is, however, a very strong Catholic following. The Chi­ nese are followers of Confucius. The tribal people are animists and wor­ ship all sorts of spirits, those in the rocks, the trees, the streams. With so many divisions, you can see why it is so difficult to rule the nation: three different racial groups and three different religions. Scripture enjoins us to pray for those in au­ thority. There is a tremendous need, not only in our own government, but also for other leaders. How we long to see peace come to this land! It is an area of suffering, sorrow and sin­ fulness. This land has known war for 27 years. It has been ravaged and plundered. As we consider the gravity of the times, let us be faithful in praying for the church of Jesus Christ, with its band of truly born-again Chris­ tians. In Hebrews 13 we are told to remember them that are in bonds as bound with them. These dear peo­ ple have experienced so much by way of trial and heartbreak. They have left everything because of the Com­ munist oppression. They have gone to another place to start all over

again. Can you imagine doing this? You pick up what you can, leaving your home, and perhaps that of your ancestors, knowing that you will probably never come back again. It is not good enough simply to be con­ cerned about Viet Nam because our beloved country is involved there. It is not good enough simply to be concerned because you have a son or a relative in that battle zone. The motivation behind our heart burden is the desperate need of lost and dying men, women and children in Viet Nam who are without Jesus Christ as Saviour. Paul said, “I owe something to all men.” There is something wrong in the Christian’s life if he doesn’t have an active con­ cern for all men in their desperate plight without the Lord. The spiritual growth of the evan­ gelical church in Viet Nam didn’t begin until 1911. You can see how relatively new the organized minis­ try really is. The moving force for God has been through the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomina­ tion. While other groups labor there now, of which we of Overseas Cru­ sades are privileged to be a part, the vision of C&MA directors is thrilling to contemplate. Among the Vietna­ mese people there are between 40 and 50 thousand who truly know and love the Lord Jesus Christ. The tribal people would have perhaps the same number. The church continues to grow despite the abnormal condi­ tions which exist. Today, there are less than 125 missionaries in Viet Nam. We should have no less than 500. My personal work has been with the Chinese. On Taiwan, or For­ mosa, there are 550 evangelical mis­ sionaries for 12 million people. Still 13

we are understaffed. Viet Nam has 125 missionaries for more than 15 millions of people. This is an urgent call for missionaries. This is why I enjoy being on the broadcast and joining up with Biola, a school which is definitely producing missionaries. Overseas Crusades has some of its finest graduates as missionaries and field directors. There are a number of things for which we can rejoice in Viet Nam today as far as the church is con­ cerned. As the war took its toll, the Christians started bringing “comfort kits” to the hospitals. The packages, of course, included helpful Gospel tracts. As the wounded read, they often asked the Christians on their next visit to bring something more to read. Gospels, Bibles and other materials followed, with the end re­ sult that a large number have found Christ as Saviour. The church has become active as never before. Chris­ tians who had never witnessed be­ fore found this new inexplicable joy of soul-winning. Today there is more witnessing going on in Viet Nam than at any other time in the church’s history. What a wonderful harvest amidst hardship! Truly, the Gospel is the power of God unto sal­ vation ! I would again plead with you to remember this church in prayer. Don’t forget the pastors and the mis­ sionaries. Then earnestly pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth la­ borers. Pray also for those within the Vietnamese church. Out of the 30,000 or more tribal Christians there should be many men and wom­ en who will set their lives aside to serve God by reaching other neglect­ ed tribes. Pray that the Vietnamese church itself might become a mis­ sionary church. May God richly bless you, and hasten the day of Christ’s joyous return as a result of our faithfulness in praying, giving and going to meet the needs of the op­ pressed peoples of Viet Nam. 14

PLAIN WORDS By nature man is far from God, And without Christ, who shed His blood, A stranger to God's wondrous grace, And one from whom God hide His face. At enmity with God is he, From coming wrath he is not free. His heart is foul, unclean within, And dead in trespasses and sin. He cannot see he is so blind, For sin hath darkened all his mind; He knows not of his awful doom. Nor thinks of all the coming gloom. In disobedience now he walks, Yet of "good works" he often talks, And cannot see why he should be Shut out from God eternally. Nor can his heart be so unclean, He thinks his goodness may be seen, He would not do a "wicked" thing, How then can he be full of sin? But— "all have sinned" our God doth say. Have turned from Him— gone their own way, And if their sin from Him they hide, On them His wrath will e'er abide. HOW MUCH? Out of this life I shall never take Things of silver and gold I make; All that I cherish and hoard away After I leave, on this earth must stay. Though I call it mine and boast its worth, I must give it up when I leave this earth. All that I gather, all that I keep, I must leave behind when I fall asleep. And I often wonder what I shall own In that other life, when I pass alone. Will the Great Judge say, when the task is through, That my spirit has gathered some riches, too? Or after all, at last, it be mine, to find That all I worked for, I left behind?

DISCUSSIONS with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland/Dr. Charles L. Felnberg the presence of God, the lake of fire, or hell. All three agree on the reality of heaven: reason, conscience, and revelation. Q. Denver, Colo. — “Where does the soul go after it expires, especially as regards the unbeliever? He doesn’t go to the lake of fire, does he? Yet Luke 16 indicates that there is a fire already.” A. In the New Testament, the Greek word hades means the abode of the dead. Gehenna is what we know as hell. Hades originally was divided into two parts: the abode of the righteous dead (sometimes called Paradise, and Abraham’s bosom), and the abode of the lost. Following the ascension of the Lord into glory, after His resurrection, the righteous dead were taken to Heaven with Him so that today, when a believer dies, his spirit immediately goes into heav­ en. The unrighteous dead still go to hades, awaiting the Great White Throne judgment, following which time they will be consigned eternally to the lake of fire. Luke 16:24 indi­ cates that there is fire already in hades. In this prison house torment is obviously known. No one knows to what that degree may be. Indeed, the finite mind can never begin to fathom it. Q. Walla Walla, Wash. — “In Luke 12:32 does this refer to a present kingdom or that during the millen­ nium?” 15

Q. Santa Barbara, Calif. — “How can you deal with a person who doesn’t believe in hell?” A. Those who would deny the Bible have long sought to be rid of this truth. Scripture c lea rly reveals, however, that the righteousness of God, showing His provision for sal­ vation, also clearly deals with hell. To approach this subject, begin with reason. This is in the often inade­ quate realm of natural theology. It is generally known, as well as being borne out by psychology, that men realize there must be something be­ yond the grave to right all the in­ equities and iniquities of life. A per­ son whose character h a s become stereotyped because of wandering away from the path of that which is right must make amends or be re­ compensed for this kind of life. An­ other approach would be from con­ science. Scripture indicates that God has put this into all men like a sacred monitor. If this individual knows he is going contrary to what is right, then he must realize that as in this life, so in the next, he can expect punishment. Finally, the best and highest proof that there is a hell is from revelation. Point out first of all that the Bible is all that it claims to be. From both internal and external evidence, the Word is a unique book. It definitely shows that there is a hell. Even the last book of the Bible just before the end in Revelation 20:10 we find described that place of eternal separation from

mind that man is a free moral agent. The Holy Spirit never forces Himself upon anyone. Someone has said that He is the only perfect gentleman. He never forces Himself into a position where He has been rejected or where He is not wanted. Prayer is the hand that moves the mighty arm of God. We are commanded to pray; it pleases God for us to ask. Q. Lafayette, Calif. — “7 would like help on Matthew 22:1U, ‘Many are called but few are chosen.’ Could you help me?” A. These few words have many im­ portant overtones. This is also given in Matthew 20:16. Scripture reveals that there is, first of all, a general call to salvation extended to every­ one. God is not willing that any should perish. Christ said, “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest.” In answering positively this call, those who have by faith received Christ, now possess eternal salvation. In the light of the masses, however, they are the few. We can leave the more difficult phases of this to the infinite mercy and love of God. Q. Myrtle Point, Ore. — “Can you tell me if there are degrees of sin? Also, are there degrees of rewards men­ tioned in the Bible? I f so, where?” A. In God’s sight, all sin is the same, and all have fallen short of His glory. There are both degrees of punish­ ment as well as rewards. Sin is any lack of conformity unto or trans­ gression of the law of God. In man’s sight, there are gradations of sin but to God all sin is sin. We find lists of man’s categorized wickedness in such passages as Galatians 5:19- 21. As for rewards, look at Luke 12:47. This indicates degrees of punishment and correspondingly in­ fers rewards. There are a number of different crowns mentioned in Scrip­ ture. These are rewards. Yet, in

A. In this wonderful portion of God’s Word, we find explicit warnings by our Lord concerning false doctrines. He then gives the parable of the rich fool who, although he had every­ thing to live with, had no eternal purpose to live for. He gave no thought for his spiritual life. God said that night His soul would be required of Him. We should learn that it is not our business to be overly occupied with a concern for the things of this world. These truths are far ahead of the materialistic philosophies pressing us on every side. The Saviour exhorts us not to be anxious or worried about such things, for after all, “It is your Fa­ ther’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” This finally represents the millennial kingdom. We are to be content with the things He has al­ ready given us. We can strive to alter our situation by godly activity and industry, but this is not to be our consuming and driving goal. God, in His marvelous grace, is going to give you the kingdom where you will have infinitely more than you could ever begin to expect or even imagine. Q. Everson, Wash. — “Can one per­ son’s prayers erase another person’s sin? Just what is the scope of in ­ tercessory prayer?” A. Only the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ can cleanse any man’s sin, through one’s personal faith and trust in the Saviour. It is all entirely on an individual basis. Each one must ask for forgiveness and cleans­ ing. The scope of intercessory prayer is something none of us will fully know this side of heaven. We are finite creatures and this matter is most definitely in the realm of the infinite. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ through the pow­ er of the Holy Spirit. We do know that God hears and answers prayers on behalf of others. We are exhorted to pray for one another. Keep in 16

is the age of puberty and immense physiological adjustments. The child will not often understand herself, let alone you, her parents. Perhaps she has had thoughts which are alarm­ ing her and which she is ashamed to mention. You will need to exercise every ounce of patience available now and in the next few years ahead. Try to be loving and attentive rather than overbearing and nagging. Make it a matter of earnest prayer, seek­ ing the Lord’s wisdom and guidance which alone are sufficient for this need. Q. Pomona, Calif. “I John 5:U states: ‘For whatsoever is born of God.’ This puzzles me. I figure it repre­ sents humanity but wouldn’t it be more logical for it to be ‘whosoever’? The what seems to refer to an inani­ mate object.” A. This may be a point in our Eng­ lish grammar. This might be a bet­ ter substitution which some people make in their reading of it. This passage does not represent humanity. It is only those who have placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In some of the modern, less literal translations, no doubt the word may be substituted. Another example is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.” We would say, “who strengthen­ e d me.” The King James (author­ ized) Version is written in Eliza­ bethan English. Pronouns have un­ dergone a change since then. Q. Connell, Wash.— “Most people men­ tioned in the Bible had only one name. When did folks start having middle, last, and family names?” A, Last names began when people became more conscious of trades and arts. These were designations given to them because of thier occupations. In Scandinavian countries, “son” or “sen” are added to the surname, rep­ resenting the offspring of individ- 17

Revelation five, we are told that when we stand before the throne of God, and see the Lord Jesus Christ, these will seem as nothing compared to all that He has done for us. We will cast these at His feet and sing, “Worthy alone is the Lamb who was slain.” Q, Oakland, Calif. — “Was Jesus re­ ferring to actual miracles done in His name when He spoke of many who would say in that day, ‘Have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name have cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works’? Could such works be done by any who are not born again? Jesus said He would declare to them 'I never knew you.’ ” A. Yes, He did have reference to actual miracles done in His name (Matt. 7:22, 23). In God’s permis­ sive will, He allows some to preach in His name, who are merely profes­ sors and not real possessors of eter­ nal life. Remember there were cer­ tain miracles wrought back in Egypt by false magicians of Pharaoh. In coming days (II Thess. 2) we read of those deeds done seemingly super- naturally by the wicked one. This is an imperative reason for us to watch out and to be always on our guard. There is a realm above nature which is not of God. This is why we are told to try the spirits to see if they be of God. As the time of Christ’s return approaches, we will see even more of these lying wonders. Q. Chico, Calif. — “What should we do about our daughter who is 12 years old and has recently been avoiding us? It seems that she would need our guidance, don’t you think?” A. Certainly she does. Your loving help is perhaps more necessary now than ever before. This is a crucial time in her life when her body as well as her emotions, are undergoing some very significant changes. This

there would be no problem. You are not in business with him. As far as a franchise is concerned, you will want to know a great deal about the firm with which you are considering doing business. This is from the fi­ nancial or economic background. As a spiritual principle, one would need to know the terms, the contract, the general depth of the association. Again, we need to make sure that we don’t draw a circle so closely around ourselves that we have no testimony or effectiveness for the Lord. Study carefully I Corinthians 5:9-11. If y o u s a y , “I’m not going to have anything to do with anybody who is morally tainted,” you will have such a narrow limit that it will require an FBI investigator to check out those with whom you can have any potential dealings. Paul says, “You get to this point and you may as well go out of the world.” Q. Everett, Wash. — “I f the Word of God indicates that things will be­ come increasingly difficult in the end times, shouldn’t we rather rejoice that the Lord is closing doors? I do believe that as He gives opportunity, strength and wisdom, we should do all in our power to press everyone possible into the fold.” A. Yes, in a sense, this is correct. The world says, “Cheer up, the best is yet to come.” The real Bible-be- lieving Christian says, “Cheer up, the worst is yet to come.” When the devjl has done his very worst, then we know that our redemption draw- eth nigh. While some doors are clos­ ing, many o t h e r s are opening wide. We need to enter these as soon as possible bringing the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Here at Biola, we look for the Lord to come at any moment, but we are planning as though He might not come for a generation. We must be busy doing His will and His busi­ ness. That is our sacred commission.

uals, like Johnson, Paulson, Carlsen, and the like. Other last names also came as a result of the localities and areas in which people lived. Q. Middletown, Ohio — “Was the new birth actually known in the Old Tes­ tament ?” A. Yes, it was known as well as ex­ perienced. There is little doubt but that Adam was bom again. Certainly this would be true of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Isaac, Jacob, David, and the list goes on and on. Remember, Abra­ ham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. We can’t expect the same wording as we would, say in John 3, but it is definitely there. Jesus expressed surprise that Nicodemus did not understand the new birth (John 3:10). Read Psalm 51. New birth is always the operation of the Spirit of God upon a sinner who is dead in trespasses and sins, giving to him new life in Christ and a new relationship to God. In the Gospels one comes nearer to Calvary. So there is stated there in more explicit terms. Q. Junction City, Ore. — “According to II Corinthians 6:1U, is it wrong for Christians to lease or to rent a busi­ ness building to unbelievers? Would this be considered as an unequal yoke? How about going into a fran­ chise business with an organization about whose owners one knows noth­ ing?” A. This passage ordinarily has to do with marriage relationships, as is indicated by the context. Yet it does have a definite bearing on all phases of our life. We must also re­ member that we cannot draw a line about ourselves and be strangled. If the building were rented to someone who carried on a business contrary to the Word of God, such as a saloon, then it would be wrong for you as a Christian to lease it. If the tenant carries on a legitimate business,


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