this be if you are afraid of leaving the camp called the church? If you bemoan your fate, problems and dif ficulties, how can you overcome? You are only “more than a conquer or” when you move out into a situa tion which calls for victory in the Lord Jesus Christ. We need earnest Christian soldiers who go out in the strength of the Lord with the risen Christ within them because they are sold out to Him. They go to places where the battle is the thickest, where the fight is the strongest, where the heat is the hottest. They go rejoicing in all that the Lord is and expecting Him to work. Some people look at Goliath like the sol diers and say, “He’s too big to hit.” When David looked at the giant he declared “He’s too big to miss.” Do you reckon with the Lord that you are strong in His power, moving out into action instead of cowering in a camp? Are you expecting Him to work? If so, you will not be disap pointed by circumstances. This is your responsibility and privilege. This is God’s kind of Christianity.
combatants seemed to have quite a conversation before battle in those days. Maybe it would be a good idea for us. David knew from the human standpoint that he didn’t have the slightest possibility of winning. He also was convinced that God was more than adequate, for He had al ready proved Himself over and over again. David was strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Cow ering back at the camp were King Saul and his soldiers. You see, in the center of David’s weakness was the strength of Almighty God. This is the secret of all conquest and the victory which overcomes the world is your faith. Your faith must be cen tered in a God who is bigger than all your circumstances. I believe we have tremendous Go liaths all around us. Many Chris tians, instead of taking the leader ship and attacking these Goliaths, are spending all of their time cower ing in the camp. Instead of aggres sively being on the job, they are thoroughly beaten before they start. “More than conquerors?” How can
Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (left), president of Biola Schools and Colleges, Inc., receives a check for $800.00 from the Sears-Roebuck Foundation. Mr. Allen F. Ho p, local representa tive,presented the gift which is a part of the 46 participating colleges and universities in California sharing grants of more than $66,000.
Opportunity for Christian ministry in music is paramount in all of the Biola schools includ ing our Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona Bible Colege. Pictured above is Judith Parkhill of Canoga Park, California. Her father, the Rev. Claude Parkhill, is pastor of Christ Community Church and is a graduate of Biola.
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