Biola Broadcaster - 1968-04

tian who should be trustworthy and dependable is failing in this re­ spect. May God write these simple les­ sons upon our hearts raiding up many who will be nothing less than Davids in their lives. Will you honor the God who loved you, who made you, who planned for you, and who sent His Son to die for you? Will you be a David, a leader for the Lord?

David’s followers obviously trusted him. We know how many strange and even crazy situations into which they had been led. It wasn’t unusual to fight against tremendous odds. His men seemed to feel, “If it’s good enough for David, it’s good enough for us. He knows what he’s doing. We can trust him implicitly.” This is what it means to be a leader in these days. Most people trust and de­ pend on the wrong people. The Chris­

Mr. Deward Lowrey (center), member of the Biola Stewardship Department, looks over the program development for the school with Mr. John Isaac (left). Director of Stewardship, and Mr. Ai Sanders, Vice President of Public Re­ lations. Stewardship Representatives are trained to assist Christians in matters pertaining to wills, agreements, estate planning, and other phases of Christian stewardship. Always a good place for fellowship and dis­ cussion of ideas is the dining table. Pictured above are some of the students attending Biola's Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona Bible Colege.

Biola students enjoy the opportunity of musical fellowship. Fromleftto right are Diann Johnson, a senior from Oroville, Calif.; Pat Hurst of Walnut Creek,Calif.,a junior, Don Hildebrand of Dalas, Ore., a junior, FranBald­ win, a senior from La Mirada, Todd Lewis, a freshman from La Mirada, and Sharon Weath­ ers, a junior from Salem, Ore. Mr. Vernon Doerksen (left). Public Relations Director for Biola's Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona Bible Colege, and instructor in the Missions Department of the school, points out an important area of outreach on a world map to Rick Potter, a freshman student fromPhoenix.


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