Biola Broadcaster - 1968-04

is the age of puberty and immense physiological adjustments. The child will not often understand herself, let alone you, her parents. Perhaps she has had thoughts which are alarm­ ing her and which she is ashamed to mention. You will need to exercise every ounce of patience available now and in the next few years ahead. Try to be loving and attentive rather than overbearing and nagging. Make it a matter of earnest prayer, seek­ ing the Lord’s wisdom and guidance which alone are sufficient for this need. Q. Pomona, Calif. “I John 5:U states: ‘For whatsoever is born of God.’ This puzzles me. I figure it repre­ sents humanity but wouldn’t it be more logical for it to be ‘whosoever’? The what seems to refer to an inani­ mate object.” A. This may be a point in our Eng­ lish grammar. This might be a bet­ ter substitution which some people make in their reading of it. This passage does not represent humanity. It is only those who have placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In some of the modern, less literal translations, no doubt the word may be substituted. Another example is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.” We would say, “who strengthen­ e d me.” The King James (author­ ized) Version is written in Eliza­ bethan English. Pronouns have un­ dergone a change since then. Q. Connell, Wash.— “Most people men­ tioned in the Bible had only one name. When did folks start having middle, last, and family names?” A, Last names began when people became more conscious of trades and arts. These were designations given to them because of thier occupations. In Scandinavian countries, “son” or “sen” are added to the surname, rep­ resenting the offspring of individ- 17

Revelation five, we are told that when we stand before the throne of God, and see the Lord Jesus Christ, these will seem as nothing compared to all that He has done for us. We will cast these at His feet and sing, “Worthy alone is the Lamb who was slain.” Q, Oakland, Calif. — “Was Jesus re­ ferring to actual miracles done in His name when He spoke of many who would say in that day, ‘Have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name have cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works’? Could such works be done by any who are not born again? Jesus said He would declare to them 'I never knew you.’ ” A. Yes, He did have reference to actual miracles done in His name (Matt. 7:22, 23). In God’s permis­ sive will, He allows some to preach in His name, who are merely profes­ sors and not real possessors of eter­ nal life. Remember there were cer­ tain miracles wrought back in Egypt by false magicians of Pharaoh. In coming days (II Thess. 2) we read of those deeds done seemingly super- naturally by the wicked one. This is an imperative reason for us to watch out and to be always on our guard. There is a realm above nature which is not of God. This is why we are told to try the spirits to see if they be of God. As the time of Christ’s return approaches, we will see even more of these lying wonders. Q. Chico, Calif. — “What should we do about our daughter who is 12 years old and has recently been avoiding us? It seems that she would need our guidance, don’t you think?” A. Certainly she does. Your loving help is perhaps more necessary now than ever before. This is a crucial time in her life when her body as well as her emotions, are undergoing some very significant changes. This

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