Biola Broadcaster - 1968-04

God will fill and flood you with His life, power and presence. A cleansed heart becomes an occupied heart, and an occupied heart becomes a usable heart. Would you like to find out if you are the sort of person the Lord can use? Look then to your heart.

and my heart.” In other words, we want God to test our hearts to see if we are really genuine. Sometimes people are half-hearted. It is easy to become divided in our affections and interests. God wants a heart which proves itself to be ut­ terly undivided and absolutely de­ voted to Him. Have you ever asked God to examine, prove, and try you ? This is absolutely necessary. Will your profession stand the test of genuineness? Only then can we ex­ pect to have God really start moving in our lives. It’s the heart which God examines first. The third thing is David’s confi­ dence, “Though an host should en­ camp against me, my heart shall not fear” (Psa. 27:3). That’s a won­ derful expression. Israel’s leader knew what it was to have an army surround him, and to be hopelessly outnumbered. The situation was oft­ en utterly hopeless. He knew that the Lord was adequate and he trusted Him implicitly. Do you have a peace­ ful heart as David did? You’ll never make an impact upon others until you are so utterly available to Him and so thoroughly dependent upon Him that you have this assured con­ fidence. The wonderful promise of God is that He will strengthen and uphold us no matter the circum­ stances of life. In these days we need some stout-hearted men and women who know what it is to have the power of God released in their lives. Get out a concordance, go through the Psalms and find out what David tells us about his heart. It is a most rewarding study. Samuel recognized finally the full potential and possibilities of this young man. He knew David’s heart was right. This is why God called him. God commanded, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he.” Samuel took the horn of oil and in the midst of his brethren, the Spirit of the Lord came upon David “from that day forward.” When your heart is right, 4

Mr. Al Sanders (left), vice president of Public Relations for Biola, chats with Mr. Steve Ter­ rell, drama instructor for the school. This year's drama team will present the ministry of God's Word In this distinctive fashion to churches throughout Southern California. The group has also been invited by Dr. Dick Hillis of Overseas Crusades to tour the Philippine Islands this sum er. Visitors to the Biola Campus have the opportu­ nity of meeting with staff and faculty mem­ bers. Standing is Mr. Sven Jensen of Overseas Ambassadors, a program sponsored by Overseas Crusades,directed by Dr. Dick Hillis. At the right is Mr. Ron Hater, executive secretary of Biola's Alumni Department. To the left is Dr. RobertL.Thomas of Talbot Theological Seminary.

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