King's Business - 1919-09

T H E . K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S m whole Bible. Having discovered the strange construction on the plan of sevens, he set to work to produce a translation in the English which would accurately follow this plan. The New Testament edition of “ The Numerical Bible” can be procured of the Bible Numerics Company, New Haven, Conn.> and also a 200 page book by the same writer, entitled, “ The Structure of the Bible” . Not only is the verbal inspiration of the Bible demonstrated, but it is shown that many passages which critics had sought to eliminate from the Bible as having been an after-thought, and not in the original, are essential to the numerical plan which would be completely upset without them. Other books in which the same plan is set forth are “ The Numerical Structure of the Scriptures” by F. W. Grant and “ Bible Numerics” by Bullinger. Many short articles along this line have appeared in recent years in magazines and in tract form. One inquirer asks, “ Has the numerical plan ever been disproven?” A Bible scholar who is thoroughly familiar with the subject tells us that it has not been disproven and cannot be disproven. The matter has been called to the attention of many scholars and those who have taken the trouble to investigate know that the Bible has this strange construction from cover to cover. However, it is not an easy matter to get Greek and Hebrew scholars of the higher critic school to take up the subject as it involves a tremendous task. Mr. Panin himself is a scholar when it comes to Bible languages. He is a Harvard man and an intimate friend of Dr. Chas. W. Eliot, former president of that college. Dr. Eliot and other prominent rationalists were challenged to refute Mr. Panin, but merely made reply that they were not interested in these arithmetical doings. While life is too short for the ordinary Bible student to attempt to go into, details in following up this system, he can at least take a great deal of comfort in the discovery and can safely rest assured that it cannot be disproven^j—K. L. B. It seems a pity that a Gospel minister or evangelist with an opportunity of addressing an audience of hundreds of people, should utterly throw it away by getting off a noisy play to the galleries and an appeal to the popular applause. There are at the present time certain tendencies that are carrying away ministers (and some evangelists) all over the country. There is a great play on such expressions as “ the new church” , “ the new age”, “ the social gospel” , etc. We are being told that now that the world has been made safe for democracy, and John Barleycorn is dead and buried, it only remains for the church to smash the tobacco business, reform the movies and theatres, clean out the pool rooms (and possibly do away with the chewing gum habit) and Christ will be made King of Kings and Lord of Lords (prolonged applause). The Kaiser will soon be in the pit, tyranny will be a thing of the past, war is now impossible, and the desert will, soon be made to blossom as the rose (wild cheering).. The church of the new age is to devote itself to the cleaning up of society, the. educating of the ; j j i l ^k. os’ Wt P H A R A O H Is but a Noise, Jer. 46:17

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