King's Business - 1919-09



the fulfillment of its predictions, espe­ cially by watching for the fulfillment of its wonderfully precious predictions that the day is hastening on when our Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven and take the reins of government and set straight all the things that man by his government has made wrong. Conclusion. Young men and young women of the graduating class of 1919, let these words that I have spoken to you today sink deep into your hearts. Never for­ get them. You have finished your course at the Bible Institute, day after tomor­ row you will receive your diplomas, but you have not' finished your education, and you are just beginning your life work. For two years I have faced you morning after morning in the lecture room. I was interested in you the first time that you appeared in the lecture room, and as I looked over the new faces, I wondered what would be your history here at the Institute, and what would be your history when you left the Institute, and now you are leaving. This is the largest class that has ever left the Institute at any one time, and among you are some of the most gifted men and gifted women who have ever been within these walls, and some of you who have been the most obscure and seemed the least gifted, the God who delights to use the weak things to confound the mighty will very likely use beyond some whom we have re­ garded as the most talented. Some of you have already arranged to go to the four corners of the earth to preach that Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who has brought' such unutterable blessing into your own lives. . You go forth with the interest, love and prayers of the Fac­ ulty. I have a deeper personal interest in you than most of you, probably any of you, realize. My hopes for you are high. If you will lay to heart the mes­ sage which I have given you today, and

carry out in your daily conduct what I have said today, our highest hopes will be more than realized.

COMFORT OF SPIRITUALISM Writing to. the editor of an exchange,. Mr. D. Fraser says: “Some days ago I stood by the grave of a loved one re­ cently buried. With power and sweet­ est comfort the words of our blessed Redeemer came to me: ‘I am the resur­ rection and the life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.’ I thought of the body we had laid in that grave as that sown in cor­ ruption which shall rise in incorruption; that sown in weakness which shall rise in power, etc., and the message, sent direct from heaven to my soul, bore with it a sense of comfort and peace which nothing short of God’s Word could afford. “Will any Spiritualist point out to me wherein the inane recorded messages sent from supposed" spirits in the other world can even faintly compare with the glorious message I- have already quoted—my Saviour’s own assurance of resurrection and, immortality? I feel it is sacrilege to ask anyone who dabbles in Spiritualism to compare the results of his or her trafficking with the powers of darkness with the influence of God’s precious Word of Truth; but sadly enough the occasion for so doing has arisen in the Christian land of ours!” HERETIC EARTHQUAKE A circular announcing a grand bazaar for the rebuilding of the Catholic Church at Bayamon, Porto Rico, after describing the various attractions— masses, balls and much else—declares that the destruction of the church was due to an heretic earthquake at the end of last year.

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